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I want to know what you guys think of them. I mean if you have enough of them they can stop alot of minos and they are $100 cheaper. Also if you have about 5, its really fun to go harass enemy harvesters and carrials early in the game :)


I personally reckon they're only for support. Firstly, they're relatively too slow in speed, secondly, the have weak armour, and finally, they have a slow ROF.But they pack quite a powerful bunch against vehicles, but couldn't handle groups of infantries because of slow ROF. If well covered, they could be one of the best unit available.


I use Missile Tanks solely for support. First, I use them to take out dangerous units like Minos and Mongoose, while I use infantry or Assault Tanks as bait. Once the Missile Tanks get 2 chevrons, I keep them in the base for air defence ( I REALLY HATE losing self-repairing Missile Tanks). I disagree about the speed part though. Missile Tanks have weak armour, but they travel are only slower than Buzzsaws and Inkvine Catapults, which lets them run over infantry quite well. Watch out for deployed Kinjal Infantry though, they'll take out Missile Tanks easily.


WTF? MUCH slower than Buzzsaws? Okay so they are slower, but they can still move faster than an Assault tank, and about the same speed as a Flame Tank. If infantry is what you want to slaughter, then I suggest Inkvine Catapults, Buzzsaws, and Flame Tanks.


Assault tank is suppose to be faster than flame tanks and missile tanks for sure.Inkvines are only for long range killing, buzzsaws have weak armour, therefore killed by the infantries before they reach there, and flame tank will kill the enemy with the flame throwers much better than running over them.


That's why I wait until the Kindjal Infantry have undeployed before I run them over. Buzzsaws will almost always make it over infantry before being destroyed. I have found however, that CHEMICAL TROOPERS can be very surprisingly effective against Buzzsaws when the saws are not running over them (i.e. put the Chemical Troopers on infantry rock, not in guard mode).


No, Chemical troopers have their uses. They are cheap, and easily replaced, which makes them a good choice for early rushes/defence, but they do often need support. Not completely crap though. :O


Yes, then own light infantry. Very useful in infantry war. They self repair with 1 chevron as well, which makes them somewhat more cost effective than normal light infantry.


That's why when I play as the Ordos I always use large combinations of units together. Mortar infantry, AA troopers, and Chemical troopers on infantry rock are suprisingly effective against everything except Inkvine Catapults, Minotaureses, and Kobras. With a strong attack, you can expect them not to last long, but you can be sure that they'll destroy more enemy units than it cost to build them, meaning the enemy loses more money overall.


Mortars will kill the Sniper (unless the Sniper has a height advantage), due to their long range when the Sniper stands still after he shoots, and AA troopers should shoot the Flame Tank before it can do much. The fact that all of the infantry are on the infantry rock should give them more protection from attacks, and a slightly longer range. The snipers/flamers/flame tanks will have to march on the fortified position from the sands, which will leave them vulnerable to attack.


A sniper will easily dodge the mortars projectiles, and kill everyone of them one by one, the flamer has great armour and could withstand the chemicl troop's attack for a while, the flame tank has quite some strong armour and could withstand up to 2 salvos from 4 AA's.


A sniper will easily dodge the mortars projectiles, and kill everyone of them one by one,

Ever tried micromanaging a Sniper and killing off hordes of Mortars? If you are talking about a Fremen Warrior, then it will work because the Fremen Warrior is invisible and reloads faster than an Atreides Sniper. It also stands still for less time after it fires than a Sniper. But if you are using an Atreides Sniper, it will get killed 100% of the time when it stands still, if it takes about 2 mortar hits and has no chevrons.


The problem with the stupid Sniper is he stands still for a little while after he fires. During this time he usually gets 1 or 2 mortars, and then...

sniper gets first, mortar, sniper spins round and dies.


But the mortars shots takes a while to get there too.Or there's some micromanagements available: get the sniper in mortar's range, let the mortar's shoot, dodge the shots, order the sniper to attack, get the heck out of mortar's range, when reloaded repeat until all mortars are killed, and the rest of the group would be yours with no problem. It would pobably get up to 2 or even 3 chevron after destroying your combo! ;D I'll rule your camping combo!!


That is theoretically impossible! I know because I HAVE TRIED it. (No offence intended.) Even if the sniper shoots the mortar right after the mortar has fired and the first shot doesn't get the sniper at all, the other mortars will still fire at the sniper due to their varying ranges and distances, so you will have a constant shower of mortars coming your way. This means to get out unscathed, you would have to run your ass off without standing and shooting. To stand and shoot under fire from mortars is plain suicide. Trust me, I know.

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