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Lol, sorry, Apollyon. As far as units go...hmmm...the Futar was supposed to have a hawk strike weapon, just a slow reload short range area effect weapon like its scream ( it was made with the 'voice' genetically programmed by the Tlieaxu descendants). However, you can't get rank by making people run away, you actually have to kill, so thats the reason I wanted it to have that weapon. Besides the Futar is supposed to be very fast, so it could always run down the now delirious infantry. You might hook up the Hawk weapon so that it only attacks infantry, instead of vehicles, to balance it.

A Particle Beam, a new bullet, is going to be the most powerful weapon on the game. It is like a laser, ISLaser=True (part of the balance issue), with the speed of -1, and a moderate range. I would like to see this weapon with a splat (i.e. selfignition inkvine fluid or deathhand radiation, only though a couple tiles wide at most, about the same size as a tank) to demonstrate just how destructive it really is. Figure a range between that of the Mino and the Kobra deployed. This will be the main weapon of the Demolisher and the Hammership.

Make two novel turrets, your choice, with veterancy for two subhouses, its not extremely important for which ones. Maybe a siege turret, with a trajectory round to bombard an enemy from a distance, maybe your leech cannon, maybe...your choice.

Design me a better grunt, i.e. make the normal infantry man actually important. If you thought the normal grunt was bad enough, what until you have predators like the futar running around. I don't care how. Perhaps give them a second weapon and tack on M203 grenade launcher type weapon to their assault rifles. Hell, give them AA, Iraqi style, shooting wildly overhead. Maybe have them wildly better armored in the infantry rock. Just something that will be worth building and keeping in the game, at the bottom of the food chain. Just nudge the bottom a little closer to the top is all.

Is the face dancer trick applicable to vehicles? Could a unit, say an orni change into an APC and then back into the transitional mode and back through the cycle again?

Let's explore the Mobile Wind Trap some more. Instead of morphing into a standard windtrap, let's use an Advanced wind trap and allow that to build better turrets, maybe three new ones, one for each Great house. Conserve your Bullets, modify the range and damage on the unit body, if you have to add a special ability, do so, but try for economy.

Speaking of which, is it possible to alter the turrets directly from the unit body? Maybe, its a new path to explore.

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I'm extremely confused :-what am i doing? ???too much for my small brain to hold :)and yea about the orni thing i dont reckon its possible cos surely ud need advfremen=true?and if u had that it would override orni=true

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Lol, went from underwork to overwork? I'm sorting through the tech tree right now, finding what buildings I want to use and trying to put them where I need them. If any or hopefully all of those sound good to you, just let me know which ones you want to do. I'm doing the accountant bit right now, trying to balance the books. The whole concept of the mod centers around the tech tree, and that's the largest single job, so it is important to knock it out right away. After all, what good are the units going to be if there is no place for them. After the tech tree, I need to balance out the bullets and turrets. So the chance for modding even a single unit is slim in the next week or two. As far as I'm concerned, any of the mod's units are yours to work on as you see fit, I can point you in the direction I'm looking, but where you go from there is up to you. I only have maybe eight of the thirty odd new units that I'll need set in stone, about five of them ready to go, the other three, I'll need a bit of time and luck on.

Anybody got any ideas for units?

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how about the rail trooper he fires a concentrated particle burst that rips thru multiple targets in one shot.Far more effective against infantry than tanks due to the small circumference of the particle burstand because the bullet speed is very fast it will do this in an instantand it has a long range much like the sniper rifle

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Awesome, I like it alot. Also, excellent job on the other units. Very nice. I need at least four air units as well. I wanted to have them specialized for ground support (ala AC-130 style), antiarmor ( Apache style), and an air superiority fighter (F-22 style), and an extra, general fighter, but the ball is in your court. Do what you will. Perhaps a wild weasel type of aircraft, specialized against structures, to knock out anitair turrets. Maybe a stealth fighter, but that may be way too high powered. I also need a few new vehicles, basic combat oriented. There must be some niche that needs to be filled in each force that can be better exploited. Maybe a HK MRLS (multiple Rocket Launcher System) that fires dumb rockets at a trajectory, worthless against targeting a nimble opponent, but excellent at area denial and suppression. Maybe a Main Battle Tank that is actually king of the battlefield, ala M1 Abrahms. Etc. Use your imagination.

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With the new viewer we can at least alter the size and dimensions of some of the units at present. By altering the textures, we could basically simulate a completely new model. I'm deeply impressed with the new viewer, it took Adrian a great deal of time AND effort to make it. If he reads this, thank you.

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Whoa, slow down fellas, I didn't disappear so much as take a bathroom break. Working on a website where I'll post more information, such as the Rule's text, so people can try out and test the units. I have no hope in being able to do that myself for at least two more months...long story...so any help I could get would be worthwhile.

I've been able to sort the wheat from the chaff in most of the bullet and turret areas, its much more streamlined now. I will probably be able to include something like 23 all 'new' units, and most of the original ones, modified, with a minimum of fuss. I've taken the liberty in streamlining the Infantry though. The scouts and engineers and light infantry are GONE. In their place are elite commandos, capable of doing all three jobs. That should make more room at the top and also make things much more interesting.

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And so, going over the basics. Remember this is all notional, now, I cannot test much of this out right now at all. 23 new units breaks down to 10 additional for the Subhouses; 1 additional new unit if the Subhouse is present with a Superhouse, another additional if it instead has a Rogue House. So that's ten units. The next ten are from the Super and Rogue Houses (3 Super, 2 Rogue), or two for each of the five additional Houses. 3 are going to be from captured technology trees, the most powerful vehicles in the game. Two additional Turrets need to be implemented. I may give the Atreides another Orni. The Saboteur will be different, more commando-like, less suicidal, so the EITS can be used more tactically as a show of force. I am eyeing some of the other units for extinction as well, such as the buzzsaw and the trike.

I'm also thinking about a few things, such as chemical warfare, perhaps biowarfare as well.

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In any case, if you are interested in testing the units, and capable of troubleshooting as well, email me and I'll let you know the address. Since it pretty much lays out everything there, I don't want to spoil the whole thing for everyone by including it here. Besides its in construction right now anyways and has limited content as of yet.

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do we wan to keep details of this mod secret so it comes as more of a surprise when we release it?

well anyway, I attempted to introduce the marksmen firing range thingy but I cannot find a way to get it to work in the way we want as u cannot get XP from killing/shooting your own units.

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well kingpin is really the leader of this mod but as he dusnt seem to be able to post very often I will endeavour to answer your questions

I'd imagine that as this mod has many new and possibly difficult features and ideas it may be a while before a release date is properly set (that and kingpin dusnt seem able to devote so much time)

as for size it will probably be quite large, due to original XBFs and textures.

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