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mech warrior 4


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Well i remember in MW3 my friend creating an annihilator with I believe 6 ER PPC's and a whole lot of cooling and stuff.... it was realy impressive.. how he just kept firing and didn't overheat. My manouverable mech with fast lasers and homing rockets was able to dodge his blasts though and kill him :)

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well yes, the madcat can only carry 4, the daisy and the Annihilator are the 100 ton mechs. They are the only ones that can carry so many. But though the annihilator is lesser armored than the daishy it has more weight left to put cooling on..

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well just so everyone knows, any time I host a game there it is Under: DjCiD of EBFD

gotta show my fav game off ;D (plus that way its easy to find me). ;D I have MW4 and BK expansion

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When you play?

MW4 is very inspired by Dune. Just look at those palace in intro. Especially in story. Noble House Dresari (-> Atreides) was attacked by evil Steiners (-> Harkonnen) supported by remnants of Clan Wolf (-> Sardaukars). Only son of Duke (!!!) Dresari, Ian (-> Muad'Dib) survived and taken over control of people's (-> Fremen) rebellion against Steiner aggression.

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Clan Wolf was the most powerful Clan. Most IlKhans, highest leaders of whole Clan culture, were from Wolves, also bloodline of Clan founder Kerensky is part of it.

But in invasion was Clan factioned into two parts: one smaller joined invasion, second, led by IlKhan Ulric Kerensky stayed in its territory. Only Clan Wolf was against invasion on Grand Council in 3047 because of "lack of warriors" and "external threat".

Invasion was led by Clans Jade Falcons, Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats. They attacked Draconis Combine, part of Inner Sphere with worst relationship with other IS nations, but those helped Draconis and outnumbered Clans (MechWarrior II). After battle of Tukayid (3052, MechWarrior III) was granted cease-fire between Clans and IS states, according to Clan law to 3067.

Jade Falcons wanted to replace "failed" IlKhan Ulric and he refused. By Clan law, Clans Wolf and Jade Falcons fought in Trial of Refusal, where both Clans were decimated. Many Wolves after defeat fled to Inner Sphere under protection of Federated Commonwealth. But also, after-Trial Council voted for Lincoln Osis from Smoke Jaguars as new IlKhan, who ruled until his Clan was decimated by prince Victor Steiner-Davion's forces (MechCommander).

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As I know, MWs are based on world "Battletech", which was created as table-game by FASA Corporation in 80's. But in recent times I've seen that FASA is trying to popularize it. In I think 1995 was released 3rd part of Gray Death Legion novel by W.Keith. Very nice, it's about 30 years before MW4.

For more information about Battletech universe check out these sites:




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I ordered my new video card!. it's an Asus v 8640 GF4 ti4200 128 mb +tv out, SWEET! :)... sorry to keep ya waiting... but it's just that i work at days (vacation job:)) and hardly see any stores right now... but as soon as i go to the city again i will get MW4 and we can have some fun :)

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