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Unofficial Patch 1.57ddh

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I have been playing RT2 on and off for a long time, but only just recently found this site. I hadn't necessarily noticed the errors that remain in the latest official patch, but as an engineer I like things to be correct when possible. Using data from the 'Modding RT2' and 'Historical RT2 Mod' threads, I started a few small projects. And a huge thanks to everyone who contributed on those threads, particularly JeffryFisher and jcco. JeffryFisher created his historically patched exe which corrected the data errors, but also made changes specific for his US History scenario, or for historical accuracy. I could not find anywhere that someone had corrected the errors without additional changes.  I therefore created this patch (replacement exe for RT2_PLAT.exe) to fix the errors without further changes. Since it builds on the official 1.56 patch, I called it 1.57ddh, with the ddh suffix to distinguish it from anyone else's 1.57. The version is changed internal to the file as well and the Main Menu properly reports 1.57ddh. Versions added for GoG.com platinum installations (1.57gog) and Gold CD installations (1.57gld). The content of the readme follows:


Read Me for RT2_PLAT.EXE version 1.57ddh

Corrected 'Auto Plant' input2 (tires) demand by moving the intended value from in2boost to in2demand.
Corrected 'Cannery' input2 (steel, aluminum) demand by moving the intended value from in2boost to in2demand. (x4).
Raised demand of 'Produce Farm' - Fertilizable from 0.5 to 1.0 so that fertilizer demand recovers.
Raised demand of 'Rubber Plantation' - Fertilizable from 0.5 to 1.0 so that fertilizer demand recovers.
Raised demand of 'Sugar Farm' - Fertilizable from 0.5 to 1.0 so that fertilizer demand recovers.
Corrected 'Munitions Factory' input2 (chemicals) demand by moving the intended value from in2boost to in2demand (x2).
Corrected 'Weapons Factory' input2 (rubber) demand by moving the intended value from in2boost to in2demand (x2), and raised rubber demand on entry 2 (x1) from 0.5 to 1.0 so that demand recovers.
Corrected urban demand for milk to match that of lumber and produce, so that demand recovers.
Updated version number to 1.57ddh.

Note: From my recent experience, guests can download from the download area, but cannot download files within forum posts. If you then create an account to question or comment on this, you'll notice that you can download from forum posts once you have an account.

RT2_PLAT 1.57ddh.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum

RT2_PLAT 1.57 GoG.zip for GoG.com installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum

RT2_Gold 1.57.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Gold

Edited by htp_rr
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Very cool! If you could also change the introduction dates on military factories, loads and cars, then they could appear in time to be used in the Civil War. Then players could use your patch in place of mine (doing without my other meddling).

If you look at my spreadsheets, the red values are things I changed.

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I added the zip file to the first post. The zip contains just a replacement exe to put in your RT2 Platinum directory and the readme file whose text is quoted in the first post.

Regarding jeffryfisher's suggestion on changing the military introduction dates, that was one of the things I specifically didn't want in my build for general play, but I can make one, to tentatively call 1.57civ.

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On 8/12/2018 at 10:54 AM, jeffryfisher said:

Very cool! If you could also change the introduction dates on military factories, loads and cars, then they could appear in time to be used in the Civil War. Then players could use your patch in place of mine (doing without my other meddling).

If you look at my spreadsheets, the red values are things I changed.

Posted to your thread.  https://forum.dune2k.com/topic/23879-historical-rt2-mod/

ps. Unless I missed an update, you never made a sheet for your modified building introduction dates, though I worked them out.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/9/2018 at 9:13 AM, htp_rr said:

I have been playing RT2 on and off for a long time, but only just recently found this site. I hadn't necessarily noticed the errors that remain in the latest official patch, but as an engineer I like things to be correct when possible. Using data from the 'Modding RT2' and 'Historical RT2 Mod' threads, I started a few small projects. And a huge thanks to everyone who contributed on those threads, particularly JeffryFisher and jcco. JeffryFisher created his historically patched exe which corrected the data errors, but also made changes specific for his US History scenario, or for historical accuracy. I could not find anywhere that someone had corrected the errors without additional changes.  I therefore created this patch (replacement exe for RT2_PLAT.exe) to fix the errors without further changes. Since it builds on the official 1.56 patch, I called it 1.57ddh, with the ddh suffix to distinguish it from anyone else's 1.57. The version is changed internal to the file as well and the Main Menu properly reports 1.57ddh. Versions added for GoG.com platinum installations (1.57gog) and Gold CD installations (1.57gld). The content of the readme follows:

Note: From my recent experience, guests can download from the download area, but cannot download files within forum posts. If you then create an account to question or comment on this, you'll notice that you can download from forum posts once you have an account.

RT2_PLAT 1.57ddh.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum

RT2_PLAT 1.57 GoG.zip for GoG.com installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Platinum

RT2_Gold 1.57.zip for standard CD installations of Railroad Tycoon II - Gold

I changed computers a while back and haven't visited this forum in quite some time. I stumbled upon a couple of emails that went to my spam folder and they brought me back.

This is terrific - thank you so much! For all these years I've lived with these famous demand glitches, and I figured they were the way it would always be. I applied this update this morning and am already seeing the difference in tire demand at my auto plants. 

Not to get greedy here, but the same demand glitch exists with autos at port cities. Once you deliver the first load of autos, demand stays at 0. Any chance you could address that one as well? Whether you can or not, many thanks!

I wish I knew how how to do this myself. I did a lot of basic programming 30+ years ago, but have no idea how to get into these files.



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There's a port demand fix thread around here somewhere, but I think the tech involves hex-editing of a saved game just after it starts.

There may be a partial workaround too: IIRC, the top trade at a port has demand recovery, and the other three are nerfed. If you edit a map, you can put the trade most needed recovery (a sale for sure) in the top slot.

Good to see you back  :)

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6 hours ago, jeffryfisher said:

There's a port demand fix thread around here somewhere, but I think the tech involves hex-editing of a saved game just after it starts.

There may be a partial workaround too: IIRC, the top trade at a port has demand recovery, and the other three are nerfed. If you edit a map, you can put the trade most needed recovery (a sale for sure) in the top slot.

Good to see you back  :)

Thanks, Jeffry. I did see the Fix Your Ports thread - read it 3 or 4 times - and each time was more convinced that it was over my head. A man has to know his limitations. 😉

Looked at your workaround as that is something I've done and can definitely handle. But the map I'm playing is Heartland and it's top port trade is autos....and they've always gone to zero after the first delivery. Could it be the other way around? The second tier trade is goods and they recover. But I surmised that was probably due to the separate city demand. 

On a different note, has anyone heard from Gwizz lately? His profile says his last visit was April 2017. His profile also says his birth date is 01/01/1918 - could that be? I hope he's doing ok.

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I too was worried about Gwizz. Din't know he was on that recently. I'd guess he was born in the 40s but lied about the date (why would a game board deserve the truth?).

Thanks for the report on which port slot recovers -- that's useful. Act on it if the autos are your cash source.

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2 hours ago, jeffryfisher said:

I too was worried about Gwizz. Din't know he was on that recently. I'd guess he was born in the 40s but lied about the date (why would a game board deserve the truth?).

Thanks for the report on which port slot recovers -- that's useful. Act on it if the autos are your cash source.

Yeah, I figured him for about my age or maybe just a bit older.....which would put him born in the 40s. But that was just a guess.  I sent him a message yesterday - no reply yet.

I looked again at the port demand situation and found that what I said previously needs qualification. Autos are the top demanded cargo, but above them in the editor is the supplied rubber. It occurred to me that, in the scenario you suggested, perhaps it would make a difference if I were to slide the rubber supply to the bottom of the list, moving the demanded autos to the top slot in the editor. I'll play around with that tomorrow and report back with the result.



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Ok, this morning I went into the editor as previously outlined, moved auto demand to the top, goods demand second, and rubber supply third. Started a new Heartland game and WOW! what a difference. Auto demand started at 7! in Gary, with its port. Small ported cities have always started with 4. Without a port, it would have no auto demand.  So as play proceeded, demand dropped as expected after delivering autos, then recovered to 8 in my brief test. Fantastic!

So.........it would seem that putting autos in the top spot in the editor does, indeed, make a big difference UNLESS the difference observed was due to changes made in the 157ddh patch. That possibility just occurred to me as this was the first game I've started from scratch after applying that update. I guess I would have to test again with a new game with the port data reset to default in order to know for sure whether it was the port change I made or that the patch was more effective than previously understood. I will do that at some point when I get around to it.

But for now at least, the credit goes to you, Jeffry, thank you!



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Update - started a new game with the 1.57ddh patch in place, but with no modification to the default port supply/demand setting. Upon the first delivery of autos to Toledo with its port, demand went to zero and stayed there - did not recover. Like it always used to be. Goods demand also went to zero on first delivery, but then recovered....slowly. That's not exactly as I remember it, but my memory could easily be off on that point. Goods demand going immediately to zero didn't seem quite right, but at least it was starting to recover. First to 1, then to 2. I didn't continue to play long after that to see how far it would go., as the main purpose was to test the port mod effect on autos.  

So my test removed any doubt about the effect of rearranging the port supply/demand positions as I previously outlined. Again, Jeffry, thank you for that tip.

The summation of these changes in the patch and now in the port mod will increase revenue and make game goals easier to achieve. That's wonderful, but will almost necessitate an asterisk with new record games when compared against the harder, pre-patch game records.



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Apologies for not getting back here sooner. I downloaded 1.57ddh and installed it in my game prolly soon after it was created and on this site for DL. But I never got around to playing the game again until just recently. Everything seems to work fine, by that I mean the game plays just fine as this updated version. I don't play scenarios often enough that require a good usage of ports, but it is nice to know I have the update when I may need it. Thanks again to all.

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  • 6 months later...
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  • 4 months later...

Note to anyone else reading this:

Steam will "helpfully" overwrite the patched file with the original exe in its zeal to keep the installation up to date.  To avoid this fate, you need to set the "Updates" settings in the game's Steam properties to "Only update this game when I launch it" and "Never allow background downloads".  Then you need to avoid ever opening the game through Steam.  This can be done by pinning the executable to the taskbar or using a desktop shortcut.

It would still behoove you to backup the patched executable, and possibly any scenario map files you might have gotten from Fix your Ports.


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  • 1 year later...

I can't believe it, you made it possible!!


I am so grateful, you can't imagine. Finaly I can play RT2 in a window again, on Win10, within a border, with "Debug" dropdown menue, and with on-the-fly mad map editing, building huge cities. HA! I am stunned. Should have tried this patch before I began shouting a wish into the sideforum where jeffryfisher is working on his OpenRT2 (still?). That post is not yet moderated, though. However:


I just want to shout a huge Thank You! All my best wishes for you.. really, with all possible exaggeration, cause I really, really missed playing the game like that. Dang!

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  • 8 months later...

Hello, I'm interested in this patch as well. Does my post have to be approved to have access to the files?


If I can get this patch downloaded I'll put a link on my webserver and post it here for future reference of fellow railroad tycoon enthusiasts who may not be members of this forum.

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  • 3 months later...
27 minutes ago, Poorinreign said:

Me too, me too please!

The link to the patch is still there and available on the author's original post at the  top of this thread.


Edited by CrownVic95
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