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  1. I can't believe it, you made it possible!! I am so grateful, you can't imagine. Finaly I can play RT2 in a window again, on Win10, within a border, with "Debug" dropdown menue, and with on-the-fly mad map editing, building huge cities. HA! I am stunned. Should have tried this patch before I began shouting a wish into the sideforum where jeffryfisher is working on his OpenRT2 (still?). That post is not yet moderated, though. However: I just want to shout a huge Thank You! All my best wishes for you.. really, with all possible exaggeration, cause I really, really missed playing the game like that. Dang!
  2. Oh, my bad. 2016 was the last update, and no further since then. Uhmm, then: I guess my post can be deleted, both of them.
  3. Hello. I'm new to the forum and I play RT2 since Playstation times. I came late to computers. But I was very happy playing RT2 with Windows ME and up to 7. I was always able to choose the "debug mode". With that and while playing in 1024x758 window mode I could switch to Editor mode on the fly via dropdown menue, and further messing with some more things, or simply creating huge towns from up north to down south. Sandboxing. Yet, and that angers me: with Windows Ten and the missing of an adequate 16bit color mode I am not able to "hack the maps" anymore, or to make a quick funplay more interesting. So, talking of my wish: please, if you could make it possible to have RT2 run in 32bit & in a beautifully bordered window again, plus "Debug" on the menue bar, I'd lick the gaps between your toes. Sorry for my exaggeration. But it really frustrates me....."I've got freedom to sing the Blues...." Greetings
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