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Ixian Unit or Building problem with Construction Yard


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Hello! ;))


I'm just creating a Fremen Campaign and I love the Ixian very much :DD (I don't know why~ ^^) So, in my Fremen Campaign I created a mission, where you need to destroy the Emperor and the Ixian... Now, I found a big problem... If the Ixian want to "activate" (or what ever...) their MCV the game craches and says "could not find correct construction yard" :// How can this problem been fixed ? Pls help D: I don't know, what should I do... ._." 



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Any index greater than 6 does not have proper deployment for MCV. So no, its not possible to deploy MCVs for Ix. Thats why I thought to replace the MCV with an artillery unit. This issue is mentioned in the readme file of the campaign, you should read that.. All of it

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT NOTE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Due to the engine limitations, fixing the error of deploying MCVs owned by a side greater than 6 that crashes the game is not posible. Therefore, please NOTE that deploying any MCV during this campaign will CRASH the game immediatly. So don't come to rage or ask us why the hell did it crash, you are SUPPOSED to read this file and be aware of anything wrote here.


It is ^


Use CTRL+F to search for words & stuff .. Search for MCV and it brings you to the right place.. Notice that I wrote about "asking why it crashes cuz ppl dont read the readme" :)

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You said, you don't know how to do that but you didn't say, that you don't know, where're the animations.



I doubt it can be achieved, it looks like some sort of hardcoded feature. Finding the animations wont help very much, without the ability to implement them to the engine. If you understand :D


PS: That's how it looks like, I dont know anything about this thing so I may be very well wrong. Maybe mvi knows more, or Matt since he made the OpenRA D2K mod.

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