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Anyone got problems downloading stuff from the downloads section here on the site? I was trying to get some music from Dune games and it just doesn't work. Is it me or the site? ( I do not exclude a bad connection or some IP blocking)


Tried one file and it worked fine. But when I cancelled the download, was unable to load fed2k website/downloads. So I'm guessing one connection per ip and maybe timeouts?

EDIT: After 1 min website became responsive, and tried another download and it worked.

So it seems to work good.


I always get this:

An Error Occurred

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

[#10845] We could not find the file specified

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


Whenever I try to download something I get this:

Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/dune2k/www/dune2k.com/includes/settings.php on line 18

MZÿÿ¸@€º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PELÅq°7à 7Lâ *>`@p 8 °,®`|.text KL `.bssP `€À.rdatapP@@.datat€R@À.idata8 l@À.rsrc,®°°v@@.relocr ` &@BU‹ììXSVWjhÐa@èÜ*ƒÄ‰Eüƒ}ü„ƒ}üÿ… 3Àé•é‹Eü鈃} …‹EPè|ƒÄ…À…3Àéc‹EP‹EPè&ƒÄ…À…3ÀéDhhpc@jÿ0¢@Pÿ4¢@¡\a@¾…À„>jA¡la@P¡\a@P¡e@Pÿì¢@ƒø…¡e@Pÿ£@jhÐa@èÞ'ƒÄè4¡0b@¾…À…Ò¡d@P…ÔþÿÿPè((ƒÄ¡e@P¡¼a@P…ÔþÿÿPèð%ƒÄ ¡b@¾…À„ƒ ¤a@j\…ÔþÿÿPèq)ƒÄ‰E؃}Ø„;…Ðýÿÿ£œa@‹EØÆ…ÔþÿÿP…ÐýÿÿPè±'ƒÄ‹EØ@P…ÔþÿÿPè'ƒÄÇE܃}Ü„hpa@è'…À„uÇEÜ¡Œa@Ph0g@è`'ƒÄ3Àf¡¨a@0g@‰EØ3Àf¡¨a@…À„ÿMØ3Àf¡¨a@ƒøŽ‹Eؾ@ÿƒø:„ ‹EØÆé‹EØÆ@éè{&=0…^ƒ=œa@…hØŠ@…ÔþÿÿPèÜ'ƒÄ…À„5ƒ=œa@„Çœa@éhàŠ@…ÔþÿÿPèœ&ƒÄé"ÇEÜ¡e@Pÿ£@jhÐa@è&ƒÄéÚþÿÿéhèŠ@h0g@èY&ƒÄè;¡0b@¾…À…XÇ…Èýÿÿ”@j‹…ÈýÿÿP¡e@PhìŠ@¡Ta@Pÿä¢@‰…Ìýÿÿƒ½Ìýÿÿ…¡e@Pÿ£@jhÐa@èx%ƒÄèÎhüŠ@h`b@èÕ%ƒÄ…ÄüÿÿPhpc@ÿè¢@…ÄüÿÿPh`b@è«%ƒÄh‹@h`b@è™%ƒÄ¾0g@…À„Jh ‹@h`b@èx%ƒÄ…ÄüÿÿPh0g@ÿè¢@…ÄüÿÿPh`b@èR%ƒÄh‹@h`b@è@%ƒÄ¡$b@¾…À„h‹@h`b@è%ƒÄÇda@éÿda@ƒ=da@ ƒè¡da@¾€x‚@P¡Lb@PèÅ%ƒÄ…À…À¡da@ƒ<…ˆ‚@„9¸‹@¹‹@‹da@‹•(‚@3Ûƒ:•ÃK+È#ÙØSh`b@è’$ƒÄé4¸ ‹@¹$‹@‹da@‹•(‚@3Ûƒ:•ÃK+È#ÙØSh`b@èY$ƒÄh`b@èà$ƒÄ€`b@‰…Àüÿÿ¡da@Š€x‚@‹Àüÿÿˆ‹…ÀüÿÿÆ@ ‹…ÀüÿÿÆ@éÿÿÿhÐ@è›$ƒÄ…À„4¡Xa@¾…À…$h(‹@h`b@èÝ#ƒÄhÐ@h`b@èË#ƒÄ¡Xa@¾…À„:¡Xa@¾ƒø*…h,‹@h`b@è˜#ƒÄéh4‹@h`b@è#ƒÄÇb@Ç€@è•j¡Pb@Ph`b@è !ƒÄ £„d@ƒ=€@…OÇ€@ƒ=b@„3j@h8‹@h<‹@¡e@Pÿì¢@¡e@Pÿ£@jhÐa@è‡"ƒÄé%Ç€@¡e@Pÿ£@jhÐa@è]"ƒÄ賃=„d@…*¡hc@¾…À„j@¡,b@P¡hc@P¡e@Pÿì¢@ƒ=È‚@„Ρ(b@¾ƒøI„½¡(b@¾ƒøW…j0hL‹@h`‹@¡e@Pÿì¢@éjDh¸‹@hÀ‹@¡e@Pÿì¢@‰…¼üÿÿƒ½¼üÿÿ…d…¨üÿÿPj(ÿ”¢@Pÿð¡@…°üÿÿPh8Œ@jÿì¡@Ç…¬üÿÿÇ…¸üÿÿjjj…¬üÿÿPj‹…¨üÿÿPÿè¡@jjÿð¢@¡e@Pÿ£@jjjEàPÿ£@…À„EàPÿ£@EàPÿ £@éÏÿÿÿ‹Eèé_^[ÉÂU‹ìƒì(SVWèÖ…À…3Àé§hLŒ@ÿÔ¢@£Œd@ÇEØÇEÜ‚@ÇEàÇEä‹E‰Eèjn‹EPÿØ¢ etc.

So some help will be appreciated - tried with IE9, Mozilla Firefox, Maxthon etc. - none seems to fix the problem....


Hah wow, seems like an error creating the packets header or something. That messy data below the error is clearly an exe file (it starts with "MZ", closely followed by "This program cannot be run in DOS mode"), and thus, I assume, the actual file you wanted to download.


Well I figured the messy code is the file to be downloaded - the problem is I can't do anything about it. is it only me that has such problems? Or is it the whole site that's experiencing some issues with the download section?

  • 3 weeks later...

The website side of things is using pretty old code. If you want to download files I recommend using the forum "Downloads" link at the top. That will be the one that should be most up to date. As far as I know it is working fine now and I've since redirected the old download page to it.

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