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Ok, a couple of you have been asking about making an RA2 mod. Now, the ini files are... rather messed up to start with, and the project would have to involve all new cameos (icons) so why don't we all get together and do it instead of just one or two of us?

I suggest that this is not aimed at YR - although it can easily be made YR compatible; not everyone has YR... and since the size of the 'market' (so to speak) is small enough as it is - we don't want to restrict it further.

All volunteers should come forwars within the next week or so, and state their preferred placement

We need:

1 - 3 ini editors

1 - 3 Building SHP editors

1 - 2 Cameo (icon) editors

1 - 2 Voxel editors

1 - 2 People working on the menu shp's and similar stuff

...and lots of ideas.

Me, I'd prefer to do the Voxels, and I might help with ini editing and cameos.


I agree with not making it in yr, but make it compatible

I can join you, but i dont know what im good at, set me to do a task and ill try to complete it


I myself am a fan of YR, maybe I can be a part of a special YR team that incorporates the changes you guys make, and modifying it a bit so it can take advantage of the new units.. I already started a while ago on a RA2 only Dune mod but I didn't continue it, and it's a bit messy..

btw YR has Desert tiles, would it be an idea if I extracted them so you can replace for example the snow ground with desert?


If you can get the deset to work, that'd be brilliant.

I suggest

Either making the Allies the AT and the Soviets Hk, with AT/Fremen Alliances and stuff as the individual countries.

Or we could do each country a separate house. (quite a bit more difficult)


It is a RA2 -> Dune Mod...

Good Idea Nema, but It had been cool if you made, Ix, Corinno/Sadukar houses

And you could ally with, Bennegesserit, Guild, Fremen + other dune smaller Clans "Houses" or what ever it is, but i dont think they are called houses

Do you have work for me Nema?


how bout:


Allies:Atreides,Ecaz,Ix,Guild (only 4 the chrono stuff),Ordos

and in the YR conversion:


i know they're not all allies by the way


That  was :'( alphabeta40k

u are a so grat modder,

But we need you in the emperor mods

NEma whan do we start, can you give me a mail i you wnat to use me in your mod?


Ok... lets wait a few more days to see if anyone turns up, and then we start. At this stage, I don't want to make anything like sides too definite.

At the moment, Vidiware, could you see if you can extract and change the loading pictures and the menu pictures?


The Houses, my opinion are

Ordos -> Traditional House, can't let them out, they are always there

Atreides -> The Coolest house we need them

*Ix -> Technology Kings

*House Corrino -> Sadukars have an Emperor to serve (emperor VidiWare ::))

Benne gesserit-> Not a house but Yuri Guys (the Voice)

Ginaz -> Never heard about it, but i know they are

Fremen -> Maby they should been Atreides ally

Harkonnen -> Evil as usual

Teilaxu -> Maby regenerate hitpoints units and, bio, style like cloning vats, maby ordos Allied

Guild ->  To use RA2 Teleport Tecnology

* marked, Me VidiWAre love it and need it

Good with the mix, i havent looked at it, but... Cool anyway.

Nema Is the commander so he deecides the houses


Would the Harkonnen be using the Nuclear Silo? Also, is it possible to import YR units to RA2? Brutes sound Harkonnen-y :). The Chrono-Legionnare would be Guild, too, right? One more question, would Tanya be renamed to like Fedaykin or something?


Guild ---> Chrono Technology... i think so

Tanya ----> We can make a Tanya Like unit to every house.

Nuclear silo is possible and Fremens can use weather storm (they did make a storm in the 2000 movie/episodes and made some rain in the 1st one)

But we must invent other weapons.


Ix ----> MegaCanon (Ion-Cannon)

Guild ----> Leet them get some kind of super chrono things...

Fremen ----> Feydakin, things like tanya f***king up others base.

Teilaxu can get gholas, with 'midcontrol' ability and sword

Ordos... hmmm..... let them get the old saboutaur:

No skin... Make them invicible, not for other unnits but to humans, so they can sneak and take out the base... with umm. C4 and kill the peoaple with dual colts..

and then hijacker ability, hard to control but if its used right then... you look the death in his eyes


Ok, what about this?

I've had a look at the Armour Types

How about...

;The following Armour Types are shielded, and cannot ever be hit with a laser:

3. Plate (inf)

6. Heavy (Tank)

9. Concrete (Building)

1. none (inf) is the standard inf armour

2. flak (inf) is for infantry commando-units, so they don't get killed too easily

4. Light (tank) is for light units eg trikes that are maneuverable, but weak

5. Medium (tank) is for tanks that have thick armour, but can't avoid stuff

7. Wood (building) is the standard armour for all base buildings

8. Steel (building)is the armour type for base defences and other steel buildongs.

10/11. Special armours will not be used.

;NB: the numbers are the order of the armour in the warhead verses slot.

And what about...

3 General Sides, each with basic units - so:

[Atreides Allied Infantry]

Light Infantry (poor on shields)

Grenade Soldiers (not too bad on shields)


[Ordos Allied Infantry]

Light Infantry

Chem Spray Infantry (good on shields)


[Harkonnen Allied Infantry]

Light Infantry

Rocket Trooper (not too bad on shields)

Laser Infantry (Can't touch shields)

; All LtInf are equal. All of these inf are AC none


[Atreides Allied Units]


Combat Tank

Missile Launcher


[Ordos Allied Units]


Battle Tank

Gas Tank (canisters like inkvine)

Troop Carrier

[Harkonnes Allied Units]


Assault Tank

Siege Tank


; All scoutish units are AC light

; All standard tanks use lasers, but are not shielded -they are AC medium

; All second level tanks are AC heavy - shielded

... Plus house units, like Fedaykin, Sonic Tank, Deviator,/Devastator...

and everyone can fork out a lot of money for a swordmaster or BG.

What do you think of that way of doing it?

The Houses, my opinion are

Ordos -> Traditional House, can't let them out, they are always there

Atreides -> The Coolest house we need them

*Ix -> Technology Kings

*House Corrino -> Sadukars have an Emperor to serve (emperor VidiWare ::))

Benne gesserit-> Not a house but Yuri Guys (the Voice)

Ginaz -> Never heard about it, but i know they are

Fremen -> Maby they should been Atreides ally

Harkonnen -> Evil as usual

Teilaxu -> Maby regenerate hitpoints units and, bio, style like cloning vats, maby ordos Allied

Guild ->

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