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New Map: Great Lakes


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This is my first released RRT3 map, but I've been working on it intermittently since about January.  I did a lot of research for city placement, industry, maps, etc.  Aside from the lakes, the map is entirely hand drawn, elevation and all.  It's fairly large at 896 x 640, so don't say I didn't warn you.  I hope you enjoy it.

Much thanks goes to www.allrefer.com that was a REAL help in researching the cities.  Also to "Bryan" at http://www.strategygames.net/games/RailroadTycoon2/RT2Maps.html whose RRT2 map I really enjoyed and enspired me to do this map.



You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime: develop the industrially and agriculturally rich Great Lakes region.  Your task is to build a great railroad.

Singleplayer Objective:

BRONZE - Connect Chicago to Philadelphia within 25 years.

SILVER - Same as Bronze, except you must also have a book value exceeding $75,000,000

GOLD - Same as both of the above, except you must also have a personal net worth over $35,000,000 AND you have to do it all within 15 years.

Multiplayer Objective:

Have the highest company book value at the end of 50 years.

Timeframe Available:

1840 to 2000[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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I just accepted the full $2m x 2 cash offered and bought shares in any successful railroads and (later) in bad ones - only snag was someone owned all shares in a bankrupt company worth $1 per share and he wouldn't go bust or let me take him over at double its negligible worth so I had to build a separate line to his towns and ruin him still more and then he caved in - on Normal I won before I had to repay the $4m x 2 (ie $8m) so I was well rich!  On Expert it would have been the same but for the aforementioned AI but I was doing so well I made the $8m back in about a year.  Oil wells and a refinery around Oil City were the big earner if I remember correctly.

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DV - yes as loans but nothing repayable for 10 years when all taken off me with 100% interest (ie 10% p a).

JE - on Normal I Finished in 54 with PNW $49m CBV $33m - opposite way round! Must have been swindling my Company (yes I'm an Enron director) - didn't keep a record of what I had left on Expert. Presumably you also got this $4m offer - did you take it?

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Yes - sorry - it's me I'm stupid.  I download so many maps that I can never remember from where. I should have realised from objectives in your 1st post that it was a different one  :( :( :( Anyway I've downloaded yours now (40 mins :'() so will report progress (probably in the wrong place!) but may take some time as I'm off on holiday.

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Well I've managed to give this two gos. Started on Expert and got nowhere - after 25 years only had CBV 0f $40m ans PNW of $16m - not helped by a recession for the last 3 years.

I then decided not to be so big-headed and went to Normal and reached all the targets after 21 years - how the heck you can get PNW of $35m in 15 years beats me - after 15 years I had $27m but CBV of only $34m (I got my PNW by taking over the only competitor for an outrageous price which reduced the CBV). In both cases I started at the date given - 1870 - maybe a later start would make it a little easier although I've just read your Gathering post and see you've done it from 1870.

Incidentally the map is so huge that for the last 3 years it was taking forever to buy/alter anything - but my computer is pretty full.

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Darth Veda,

Seeing that there are so many viewers of this scenario with remarks, I must be missing the location for the download of your scenario.  Although I may have it from another site.  However, I was raised in the Upper Midwest around Lake Superior, and i enjoy playing scenarios in that area. Any direction would be appreciated.

Ray of Sunshine ;)

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