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The rating-list of the best players in EBFD (Top-10)

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On a review the World rating of players in Emperor battle for dune!!!

1.*ckurat (Russia) heavyweight fighter in the World

2.*сentner (Russia)

3.*kindjal86 (China)

4. dartV (Ukraine)

5.*lastgoyo (Korea)

6. miles (USA)

7. bakugan chaos/moscowstorm (Russia)

8. elsipues (Guatemala)

9. newlords (USA)

10.skyNet (Ukraine)

Applicants (Претенденты):

11. political crime (UK)

12. viking (Canada)

13. kralizets (Russia)

14. hermetic/eastmen (USA)

15. shtorm86 (Russia)

16. xenon (UK)

17. moroz (Russia)

18. Roadkill (Russia)

19. atomicar (Southern African Republic)

20. youkolord (Brazil)

Participants (Участники):

alexsantr/kines (Russia)

amid (Russia)

aquaman/muadip (Russia)

bishop (Russia)

ckurat-pseudo (Russia)

komantay (Brazil)

lingghezhi (Malaysia)

nevvlords (USA)

<PEZDA> (Russia)

stariy go (Ukraine)

tivekam (Russia)

*AFK Super Pro:

*apollyon (UK)

*harkdawg (Estonia)

*pearlmen/silontee/ (Korea)

*spazelord (USA)

*stormypetrol (UK)

AFK Pro:

avernus (Australia)

calthazar (USA)


drungor (Russia)

erjin (UK)

hroma (Russia)

katalepsy/Reptile (Russia)


kalony (Germany)

korlover/airdrons (Korea)

landan (Israel)

leosard (Israel)

limiano (Southern African Republic)

mad (Ukraine)

mjn4 (Turkey)

mucahidlerin (Turkey)

natan (Denmark)

roedor (Bolivia)

shanghaikid (China)

sirizava (Ukraine)

sjleo (Russia)

silva (Argentina)

tesla (Ukraine)

vodoodaddy (USA)

youkolord (Brazil)

AFK others:

Advocar (Russia)

Agetheman (USA)

Anito9999 (Philippines)

Anton (Russia)

Argonus (Russia)

aRust (Russia)

Baltazor4ik (Ukraine)

BATIUSHKA (Kazakhstan)

Biba (Russia)

Den4ek (Kazakhstan)

DIMAN (Russia)

Dmitriy (Russia)

Dv79region (Russia)

Elapso (Kazakhstan)

faidayen (Russia)

fargus (Russia)

Forward13 (Russia)

FurryMyad (Russia)

Giper (Russia)

gurney (Russia)

Jordy (USA)

jasonspaz (USA)

Harconen (Russia)

KaiserKW (Holland)

kolobok (Russia)

Kostyn (Russia)

KopBNH (Russia)

Kuzya (Russia)

laca007 (Hungary)

Lidan (Russia)

Lina (Russia)

Neo (Russia)

Omega (USA)

PumaTBS (Italy)

Rewind (Italy)

sashan (Russia)

sasha_31 (Russia)

Scorpion (Russia)

ShamanZT (Russia)

spicy (Cairo)

Stalker (Russia)

ST@RM= )) (Russia)

TTaJIa4 (Russia)

Vista (Kazahstan)

12sunflowers (Ukraine)


Rules of "Rating-list"

1. The rating sheet is formed by results "title fights"

2. Each applicant on the expiration of month of active stay in a network gets the right to cause on a title duel 9 or 10 place of a rating, the exception is made by players топ level left a rating owing to absence over one month in a network i.e. they can cause after returning to fight of any player, but not above that place which they borrowed to an exception.

3. The rating player has the right to cause to "title fight» players located in a rating not above two positions following for it in a rating. 4. «Title fight» is conducted to 2 victories, thus players should spend the first game on random at a choice of the basic house, the second and if it is required the third game choose the house, however if players suppose more than two times change of houses in the game menu the judge declares installation рондома.

5. The player has the right to take a pause to carrying out of solving party «title fight» but no more >>han 24 hours. After 24 hours taken a pause technical defeat admits to the player.

6. "Title" fight for the first place is spent to 3 victories, thus 1 and 3 game are spent with a choice of houses on random.

7. After end of "title fight» the player who has lost it loses the call right once again on title fight of the winner, term of restriction of the right is equal to 7 calendar days.

I am sorry for my English language.

I will be grateful for the help in a correct translation.



Good noob list.

U said top best players but u only posted all noobs of the game lol.


U forgot the best player, dude.


Yeah, i m not playing at now, but i will rock u ass and all these guys ass as back i get.

I m a god of WAR.

i can t lose to no1 of u guys.

COME 2 x 1; i will beat u gun; ops, not u gunwounds, i meant guys. hehe but u too weak gun next to me lol.;

i will slow u guys speed down; u will felt like a roach running next to me.


No1 match me.

i probably i will play today on hamachi. if no1 there, when i coming, i leave.

late guys.

  • 3 months later...

Has it 3 months ago, and except as bla bla bla from youko we nothing haven't heard - has come in hamachi - has shown the "top high" without having managed to enter even into a three of a rating and has left us)) lol

difference - Appo, has come - has made a real competition to the master centner and has 1 place and later temporarily departed from game, because of work)) this is level top! Here to what it is necessary to aspire youkonoob lol

We wait Pearlman on a visit! We will check him tongue.gif

  • 1 month later...
  On 9/29/2010 at 6:26 PM, sjleo said:

On a review the World rating of players in Emperor battle for dune!!!

1. сentner (Russia): heavyweight fighter in the World

2. Kindjal86 (China)

3. miles (USA)

4. Tesla (Ukraine)

5. Newlords (USA)

6. Viking (Canada)

7. silva (Argentina)

8. Hermetic7 (USA)

9. Katalepsy (Russia)

10.sjleo (Russia)

The rating will be updated every week.

Im sorry to say sjleo.. but u barely play .. this list sucks.. Miles should be first since he has kicked our asses ( cent and me ) in 1v1 battles... I think Silva should be 5th too ..

Anyways.. dun think this EBFD top 10 list is a good idea to post... By posting this kind of crap we are all gonna be like youko talking shiet...

  On 2/27/2011 at 6:23 PM, Kindjal86 said:

Im sorry to say sjleo.. but u barely play .. this list sucks.. Miles should be first since he has kicked our asses ( cent and me ) in 1v1 battles... I think Silva should be 5th too ..

Anyways.. dun think this EBFD top 10 list is a good idea to post... By posting this kind of crap we are all gonna be like youko talking shiet...

and I'm sorry to say kindja.. but what he kicked u ass in 1 vs 1 and kicked my ass 1 time in game 2 vs 2 and lose ALL games vs me 1 vs 1 is not reason put him in first place... if u dont want gonna be like youko just come and play "TITLE FIGHT" - and if u and miles will can kick my ass then welcome to 1 place


The list may not be perfect but i congratulate Sjleo on the effort he puts into emperor angel.gifangel.gifangel.gif

i think Centner as the number 1 player is right because he is the best active player around wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

Kindjal if u put 10 minutes a month effort into ur video u made on emperor then u would be finished by now, i know u said ur busy but u seem 2 have time 2 post negative posts on emperor angry.gifangry.gif

  On 3/1/2011 at 4:22 AM, atomicar said:

The list may not be perfect but i congratulate Sjleo on the effort he puts into emperor angel.gifangel.gifangel.gif

i think Centner as the number 1 player is right because he is the best active player around wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

Kindjal if u put 10 minutes a month effort into ur video u made on emperor then u would be finished by now, i know u said ur busy but u seem 2 have time 2 post negative posts on emperor angry.gifangry.gif

u dun really noe what ur sayin... I manage 2 business (my own), I study and Im a freelancer in graphic design to get some MORE money, or maybe u can call that an extra... all this with lots of effort and at my age of 23 being a foreigner (not in China long ago) I deal with a whole bunch of social descrimination crap here and all kind of stuff u wont imagine from a shitty small country like PANAMA. And Im not talking about normal ppl but the government against the chinese. While ppl at my age are busy trying to hit the next party, Im working my arse off. Good isnt it?

Im not saying Im the only one livin thru this kind of things .. nor Im the only one busy as hell with loads of work and problems to deal with.

But I think Ive done more than lots of ppl in this community trying to keep the game alive... even though it is not that much at least I tried.. If it seems that I just made up what I wrote up there then fine.... Im not gonna force nobody to believe in me. But I will fight back for sure when someone tells me that kind of stuff u said at the end to me about how I manage my time.

And u noe what else? many of u guys only play the game,and thats it... but I spent MY free time in a shitty slow arse netbook at work using a crappy video editing software like movie maker trying to complete this whole idea of a video tutorial for NEW PLAYERS. I spent my time writing two long as F. guides for Linux for these NEW PLAYERS that might be coming in the future. I thought that I did it for nothing but I saw a Linux player today, THAT made me happy

And before someone come up with some BS against what I just typed right here; I know nobody asked me to do all this, I didnt do all this to be rewarded either... Im doing all this cuz I dun want to see my favorite game, that Ive been playing it since it CAME OUT to die... I do what I do to help ppl, let em know how good this game is...

Im not attacking Centner... he is a very good player, a nice guy. I remember when he was a ''LET ME SEND THE KOBRAS'' player... And there is something U ALL DO (elite) U guys send newbies to create his own room. What a warm welcome for a new player, but I wanted this guy (centner) as my partner... we spent a long while trying to perfect his playing skills.... And Im happy to see that he is among the best players.

I think, if I remember right ... I was INVITED to come back to the game! I think it was the worst game experience ever for lots of reasons.

I came back and I found out what? PPL critizing me about playing me going SOLO against 2, 3 or 4 newbish to average skill players. Let me remember what I read from some... AHHHH yeah! someone said PFFFFF This dude can do that but against noobs!

Oh yeah I can see how ppl love me... But I do what do so we can all PLAY .. what is the point to have a team game being unbalanced? Thats how I balance, though it looks that Im being cocky, my only intention is to practice and to have a fun team game without leaving anybody behind.


But u were right about my negative comment against Sjleo.... And I apologize for what I wrote that day to him. Was stressed at the moment from work, not an excuse but I did the wrong thing so... Sorry and keep up the great work.

What I really wanted to say post, but I didnt, and said something I wasnt supposed to say; is that we need some way to record game stats or match results instead of posting this list just like this... something that Yanay did long ago with RA.

I just finished an Emperor tribute video made from solo mission cutscenes... looks like a movie trailer. I wanted it to be some sort of a propaganda for dune2k and the game... Will be posting soon; was planning on retaking the tutorial video project but some ppl think it is useless so I think that would be it. In a future if nobody has made a strategy game sequel from this game. I would like to do it. And I hope that after finishing or during my career I would be able to achieve or work on this.

This would be my last contribution for now and a goodbye too.


kindja, there can be I behave so in relation to beginners because was just tired of newbies game, from constant training of these "children" - after all I taught and taught both sjleo and tesla and other guys... I taught viking and eastman and atomic... But last guys can't be retrained xD I was just tired of everyday game with newbies and that time which I at me appears for game I try to play with good players. I am very happy that now Tesla can beat me in 50 % of games, I have helped to make one more strong player as sometime you helped me)) thanks you for ALL and goodbye


Who can blame to kindjal in this forum?

centner? atomic? pearl? or even sjleo? No one. I know kindjal have done his best to alive emperor. I used to play emperor while even many people kept leaving emp out.

But I dont need to complain that people quitted playing this one, Even I have to play with newbee. Because playing emp is not their responsibility. I just thank to ppl that trying to alive emp now.

I just have a technical problem to install empeor and hamachi. Hamachi is not running in my pc. If I solve that problem with i have time to play, I will be back. No problem.


Pearlmen, how can you say about the game?

You do not play more than two years.

You and other gyus in RA buried the game. shocked.gif

kindjal does it again angry.gif

We have the players and the memory of you (old school players)!!!

what is your merit?

just snobbery and arrogance... >:(

rating list is part of a plan for rebirth EBFD.

your infant innocence is a pity.

  On 3/6/2011 at 7:28 AM, sjleo said:

Pearlmen, how can you say about the game?

You do not play more than two years.

You and other gyus in RA buried the game. shocked.gif

kindjal does it again angry.gif

We have the players and the memory of you (old school players)!!!

what is your merit?

just snobbery and arrogance... >:(

rating list is part of a plan for rebirth EBFD.

your infant innocence is a pity.

Yes, maybe I am snobbery and arrogance but dont post false fact about me. lipsrsealed.gif

Exactly I dont play it more than 1 YEAR. ( not 2 years) I played games with people in hamachi.

and then I still had problem to set hamachi, so I had to go to the game room to play emperor. I didnt have much time to see you or other people with spending my money in it.

So I wanted to get back like ra server, Dont get me wrong. I really thank you keeping hamachi and trying to live emperor.

And for your comment that guys in Ra buried the game hmm it is not exactly I think.

They had tried to live emperor than any others. Youko, goyo, spaze, des, ra and myself. and and many people I cant say.

Emperor is just a game. No one has reponsibilty to keep it. Thats why I dont any beef on them. So I respect you and some ppl here trying to live emperor.

Read my post again.

My post was for support kindjal, not to blame them( include you)

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/20/2011 at 11:43 AM, lastgoyo said:

where am i?? no list??

i bet korlover =airdrons and slitontee or pearl, they both from korea...not usa...

i remanber those two player one of the best player ever meet...beucas they taugth me..since i started play this game

anyway... ps :youko baster! you should come back and play with me =(

where am i?? no list??

i bet korlover =airdrons and slitontee or pearl, they both from korea...not usa...

i remanber those two player one of the best player ever meet...beucas they taugth me..since i started play this game

anyway... ps :youko baster! you should come back and play with me =(

  • Downvote 1
  On 3/6/2011 at 7:28 AM, sjleo said:

Pearlmen, how can you say about the game?

You do not play more than two years.

You and other gyus in RA buried the game. shocked.gif

kindjal does it again angry.gif

We have the players and the memory of you (old school players)!!!

what is your merit?

just snobbery and arrogance... >:(

rating list is part of a plan for rebirth EBFD.

your infant innocence is a pity.

sejo you dare as like hell...your just play only few years and trying to over taken old player huh?

and insult my one of the old master in emp?? you know what if you want play with me come 1 on 1. -goyo-

  • 1 month later...

I see players from RA again losing positions... :laugh: xenon, sjleo, shanghaikid, silva - good job guys! wink.gif Anyway I beat harkdawg (2-1), miles (4-0), lastgoyo (3-0). Shanghaikid a new name in a rating - I think he will be my next victim in a match for 1 place. laugh.gif

Players from hamachi and tunngle become stronger and stronger :laugh:

  • Upvote 1
  • Downvote 1
  • 1 month later...
  On 5/3/2011 at 3:54 PM, centner said:

I see players from RA again losing positions... :laugh: xenon, sjleo, shanghaikid, silva - good job guys! wink.gif Anyway I beat harkdawg (2-1), miles (4-0), lastgoyo (3-0). Shanghaikid a new name in a rating - I think he will be my next victim in a match for 1 place. laugh.gif

Players from hamachi and tunngle become stronger and stronger :laugh:

dude at least i won twice, you dont count it...and there has no point who beaten by who( when i saw ur comment and there has no respect as you should realize) beside i've been gone about more then 2years withough playing..(for good excuse lol)

  On 6/18/2011 at 11:42 AM, lastgoyo said:

dude at least i won twice, you dont count it...and there has no point who beaten by who( when i saw ur comment and there has no respect as you should realize) beside i've been gone about more then 2years withough playing..(for good excuse lol)

I don't speak about all games, I speak only about concrete rating matches. For example couple of days ago I have won spaze 6-1... But lose rating fight 0-2 - therefore spaze on 1 place. Rating fight and usual games are different things

  • 4 weeks later...
  On 3/2/2011 at 7:17 AM, centner said:

kindja, there can be I behave so in relation to beginners because was just tired of newbies game, from constant training of these "children" - after all I taught and taught both sjleo and tesla and other guys... I taught viking and eastman and atomic... But last guys can't be retrained xD I was just tired of everyday game with newbies and that time which I at me appears for game I try to play with good players. I am very happy that now Tesla can beat me in 50 % of games, I have helped to make one more strong player as sometime you helped me)) thanks you for ALL and goodbye


Rawlie, Coolguy1, Masco, and all the other nicks i used.

Come on Cent.

  On 6/19/2011 at 2:08 PM, centner said:

I don't speak about all games, I speak only about concrete rating matches. For example couple of days ago I have won spaze 6-1... But lose rating fight 0-2 - therefore spaze on 1 place. Rating fight and usual games are different things

What the hell happened to you? He TAUGHT you to play and you go and backstab him? This wasn't the Russian i used to know.

  On 7/18/2011 at 3:11 AM, masco said:

What the hell happened to you? He TAUGHT you to play and you go and backstab him? This wasn't the Russian i used to know.

nothing personal tongue.gif just game :laugh: The rating and conversations round created for game advancement. That's all ;)

  • 5 months later...
  On 1/7/2012 at 5:36 AM, MALYUTA SKURATOV said:

I'm looking forward to it:

ckurat vs centner

ckurat vs pearlman

ckurat vs spazelord

to win

I think, you are not ready to it :P

These guys now rusty, but when they will be practicing, they will destroy you easy >:(

You still should be trained 8)

Half a year - year :D

  On 1/8/2012 at 9:49 AM, MALYUTA SKURATOV said:
It's early - lol. It can hardly be so Give me a chance. I am ready Ckurat vs Newlords: 5:1 4;0 6:2 Ckurat vs Viking: 5:0 5:1 4:0 Ckurat vs Hermetic: 4:0 9:1 that's enough?

Those are impressive numbers against good players :D :D :D

It means u should play against stronger opposition like centner ,kindjal,spaze,pearlman and if u can get the same numbers then u can call ur self the best :) :wub: :)

  • Upvote 1

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