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Hey, I'm screwed for earlier too.  ::) I just sent you an email. How about anytime tonight, or after 10 pm tomorrow, or anytime you want Saturday.

Just let me know.

Sorry about the screw up.


Hey Spaz, are you available Saturday anytime? Or earlier or later on Friday? I forgot that my Sister is in a play and I got to be there at 7:30 or I'm dead, and it probably runs to 10:30.

Thanks, Crys

Late Friday sounds good. Ok let me know what time on Friday is best for you and we can make it happen.  :)


Looks like we missed each other again!  ;)

I'm doing a day shift today 11am till probably about 9pm, Will come online when i get in but can't stay up too late as working again Sunday. Will have my MSN on so page me if your about.


Good Game Spaz. You are just to good. lol we will have to play again sometime. ;)

Indeed good game, let's do play again. just page me on msn and we'll have a game.  ;)


Alchemi2 vs Whistler result Alchemi2 Win  ;D

Good Game Whistler, hope to meet you on the Sands more often.  ;)

Oh and never play Sober, it makes it too serious  :O ;)


OK, First, thanks Scar.

Second. Yesterday Leo was having trouble with his connection, he could not connect in-game. I know because I was on and trying to help him get it resolved. So since this is a laid back kind of Tourny,  ::) and since he was trying to get it resolved, I have decided to extend the deadline till wednesday for him and Schorpi to play their game. If it doesn't happen by wednesday, I will have to give the advance to Schorpie. So good luck guys, I hope you read this in time.


OK, First, thanks Scar.

Second. Yesterday Leo was having trouble with his connection, he could not connect in-game. I know because I was on and trying to help him get it resolved. So since this is a laid back kind of Tourny,  ::) and since he was trying to get it resolved, I have decided to extend the deadline till wednesday for him and Schorpi to play their game. If it doesn't happen by wednesday, I will have to give the advance to Schorpie. So good luck guys, I hope you read this in time.

thnx dude,

i appreciate our extra time


Hey There Alchmi2,

Great Victory in the sands, had my worms been not crawling all over my ass that day I may have stood a chance of living longer before my painfull yet glorious death.

Great Game, we will meet on the sands again soon



Hey Voodoo!

Just a minor thing about nik names, in case the winner doesn't get his name spelled wrong on the certificate  ;D. It is Scar5150 insted of scar5100 and mine is Spazelord insted of Spazlord. Thanks Voodoo  ;)

When is the next match?


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