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  • 4 weeks later...

Medic cant be done, but the repair vehicle can repair infantry if the rules file is adjusted. Unfortunately no one around here anymore mods Emperor and even I have forgotten how to do it (12 months since I edited the rules files) but I think you have to set CanRepair = FALSE to CanRepair = True for each infantry that you want able to be healed by the repair vehicle. Cant remember whether I did this for House Corrino in my Conflict of the Landsraad final mod or not (I tried it out, cant remember whether I then junked the idea).


I'm wanting to know if someone could make me a medic for Emperor just give me the data and the notes Please so I can use it.  8)

I think the multiplayer games are just too fast,furious and brutal for such a thing to work.But there is always Ordos with self healing units.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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