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Gary Gygax, R.I.P.


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Hey! I was about to post a thread about this. Now I shall have to challenge you to a duel - roll for initiative!

But yes, anyway, I heard he rolled a natural 1 on his fortitude saving throw... Rest in peace, O king of all dungeon masters.

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I have heard he could be an arrogant prat in person, but nevertheless, the most important and famous contributor to RP systems, not to mention generally brilliant with numbers.

Rest in peace. If only because no-one wants to put up with a smelly rotting zombie DM still stuck in first edition long after everyone else has forgotten it.

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Well, I've DMed online before - it was a short campaign, and yes, it does take more time online than normally, because I have to type all my descriptions rather than say them. And I have to trust the players to report their dice rolls honestly (no amazing strings of 10 critical hits in a row, please :P). But otherwise it's the same.

The campaign I have in mind now could go on for many sessions - I've actually designed it in an attempt to make a Neverwinter Nights module, which is still under construction and will probably never be finished because module-making is very time consuming. If any of you have played both tabletop D&D and Neverwinter Nights, you will know that the tabletop version is a lot slower than the computer version. So the material that would go into an average-length NWN module could be used for a long tabletop campaign. Of course, we can also cut it short if you get bored or have other time commitments.

Ok, on to a brief description of the campaign concept:

It started from my frustration with the "Hero of the Status Quo" paradigm that you find in most fantasy stories and games. Everything is fine until some kind of great evil rises and threatens the world. You, the hero, have to fight this evil and restore the status quo. That's not very rewarding, and I really don't want to defeat the Ancient Zombies of Maghranar just so the local nobles can continue flogging their serfs. And this brings us to the second reason why I don't like standard fantasy settings: They are supposed to be inspired by the Middle Ages, but somehow manage to be all politically correct and conveniently ignore the nasty bits of the Middle Ages, such as the oppression, the prejudice, the disease, and the flogging of serfs. So I imagined a world based on two premises: (1) the status quo is fundamentally evil and unjust; (2) all the nasty bits of medieval society are still there.

I can keep going with the details, but first let's see how many more people are interested.

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I'd love to dust off the old dice to join you BUT my time is so limited these days and never really available at set times day by day.

I remember our group used meet religously every Saturday and play for 10 or more hours everyweek, but over the years work,family and relationships got in the way and it became once a month then a few times a year.

Interestingly Edric0 as we matured and could dungeon less, we expanded into realm building with main characters developing their own lands and laws.

It's amazes me how much time various members of the group put into a GAME and the detail we went into, from making mini spell scrolls to going through whether there was room for various weapons to be used in confined spaces, the detailed character drawings (models)and numerous maps.

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I was thinking of no more than about three hours per week, some time during the weekend (some time that will suit all time zones involved). Ten hours seems a bit extreme - I've never played a session that long. Of course, a campaign will take a very long time at the play rate I'm proposing, but I don't see that as a problem. Most of us have been posting here for years and hopefully aren't about to disappear soon. :)

Gunner, if you've only played NWN, we can always talk a bit about the rules before we start. Or we could try learn-as-you-play. That's how I learned the rules.

Before embarking on a whole campaign, though, perhaps we should do a trial run with a short hack & slash dungeon adventure. I already have something in mind, if you are brave enough to adventure into Gob's Dungeon. ;D

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