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Israel Issues

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The Third Temple is going to be Built.

It is going to be built on the Moriah Ridge, where it was before. Sadly, the Jews today are wailing at the wall of the Antonia [the Roman fortress from Herod's time]. So the Dome of the Rock and the Temple DO NOT occupy the same space--and the Temple can be re-built without infringing upon the Moslem site.

The Temple is still in the traditional area of what was formerly Jordan, or the no-man's land just to the south of it.

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I understand you feel this way. However, I think it is important to remember that Israel is threatened daily with it's survival. I can tell you, as someone who is part Lebanese, the look on my Grandmother's face, when I told her that my highest goal in life was to be a 'spiritual Jew'. I understand that the IDF has gone overboard in its' zeal to protect the Jewish state, but calling the people of Israel 'occupiers' is not the solution.

May be come to the region as Passover begins next week.

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Posting links doesn't mean that I feel or agree with what is written there. As a principle I side with the weakest and the innocent.

Israelis are occupiers as they illegally grab the property and lands of powerless Palestinians. Simply that land doesn't belong to them.


Italian activist murdered in Gaza. From Extreme Islamists or Israeli Mossad?

Salafist Group Claims No connection With Murder Of Italian Activist

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Posting links doesn't mean that I feel or agree with what is written there. As a principle I side with the weakest and the innocent.

Israelis are occupiers as they illegally grab the property and lands of powerless Palestinians. Simply that land doesn't belong to them.

Italian activist murdered in Gaza. From Extreme Islamists or Israeli Mossad?

Salafist Group Claims No connection With Murder Of Italian Activist

This is really a tragedy. This poor guy was there trying to do some good in the World.

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Maybe yes, maybe no. In Missolonghi Exit Memorial here in Greece many protested against the members of the parliament (calling them thieves, villains, tramps) present despite that the event took place in the presence of the President of Greece, and the Church now demands extra police forces to secure the 'Holy Week' festivities. Cosidering the tension prevalent due to the economic crisis and the Arabic revolts it will be prime time news if no blood is spilled.

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Not a friend of the Israeli Defense Forces [iDF], but I think we have to be realistic about the reality in the region. Syria-Lebanon is trying to strike Israel form the North, now Egypt will be allowing Gaza to re-arm from the South.

I am excited about having just celebrated Passover with my Jewish compatriots, as a partial-Lebanese former Catholic/Orthodox spiritual Jew. The Jews had it tough 3400 years ago against the Egyptians, and they have it tough today.

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