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Unit/Building Full Detailed Information?


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Anyone is having the FULL Detailed Information about the Units/Buildings of this game?

I found part of the information, but the power of the units is missing, i mean, the attack power they have, how much damage they can do against another unit/building.

Also, the units & buildings defense are missing out.

Also the building information from The Guild, Fremen, Tleilaxu, Imperial and Ixian is missing.

Also the damage a turret building can do against other units/buildings is missing

Also the power a turret needs is missing

anyone got this information for me?

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Concerning the rate of fire of atr and hark infantry I think I found the cause: the firing animation of the atreides infantry seems to take twice as long (the hit is instant though). So while the interval between the animations is the same, hark infantry actually fires twice as fast.

I guess there might be a couple of info there that wasn't used and might be misleading (like spice), but what whitefang asked for is covered in rules.txt correctly, I think.

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And because they have a minotaurus that does splash damage (to make up for weaker infantry) as well as snipers.

However in a war between tier 1 units none of that will help the atreides.

Yea it really woudn't make much sense to have atr inf. at the same kill rate as hark inf. plus snipers when you think about it. Maybe snipers are the balancing unit for atr slow rate of fire? Or meant to be anyway.

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my hark infantry attacked my hark mcv

scar's atr infantry attacked my second hark mcv.

The attacks happened simultaneously.

so the hark infantry and the two mcvs belonged to me... the atr infantry was an enemy.

Out of curiousity, what if the attack was reversed.  If Scar had two MCV's (and was ATR) and Guns sent one inf, and Scar had one inf...  What I'm really wondering is can you destroy your own building faster than your enemies?  (AKA Guns was able to destroy his building faster because it was "his" building)  Or am I completely off base here?

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Well I don't think you can friendly fire your own mcv with inf. this is done by force fire. Also in this test we did, it was clearly the rate of fire from each inf. that we were watching do the damage. I do know we have done a crapload of tests with atr inf. and come up with the conclusion afterwards that they just don't and can't compete with hark inf.(unless used with another unit mix) due to shorter gunning time than hark has. However we did do a test using atr level-3 inf vs. sards that was kinda interresting, they held up pretty damn good to reg. sards. I think it's safe to say that hark inf. are like (mini-sards) slower in moving but has a great firepower rate. Atr inf. fast moving and has crappy firepower rate in comparison. Now I don't know exactly what the game files have written for them but thats my take on the two anyway. Also as for the force fire thing, i'm pretty sure when  you force fire any unit on anything the result is regular fire from whatever unit you are using and regular damage from such. I would think anyway. In other words if I force fired my mino on a pile of reg inf. the result would be the same as if my enemy did the same.

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Actually Yes and No!

Force Fire is just a way of overiding the default enemy recognition, so YES the shooting would be the same, however if the bullet has the friendlydamage = x% line then NO the result would be different.

Sorry I asked the question as it got people off on the wrong tangent, I was just interested in how Guns did the test. The LMG_B bullet used by both the ATInfGun and the HKLightInfantryGun does NOT support friendlydamage = x% ie the damage done to either friendly or enemy units/buildings is 100% of the maximum possible (bullet damage x type of armour) so the conclusion of Scar and Guns was correct the ATInfantry only has 50% damage capability of the HKInfantry due to the slower ROF.

Dont ask me why it ends up with a slower ROF, the infantry xbfs for both units have multiple gun "sound" effects coded and a number of gun "damage" effects coded, so they look like they would be the same...

...but then nothing in EBFD is what it looks like from the rules file!! :(

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