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The legend shall return

Edric O

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Has it been two years already? Yes, more than two years since Kwisatz Haderach 2 was released to the world. I was just thinking about it about a month ago and fell into a bit of nostalgia... then I remembered I had lots of unfinished code and some new textures lying around - stuff that was supposed to go into Kwisatz Haderach 3. But KH3 never left the drawing board. Well, I thought, better late than never! So, without further ado, I announce that I have re-started work on Kwisatz Haderach 3! :)

*notices the puzzled looks on the faces of all the people who first arrived here in the past one and a half years*

What, you don't know what Kwisatz Haderach was? Well, to make a long story short, KH1 was the first ever Emperor mod, and KH2 was the most popular ever Emperor mod (it had the most downloads before Dune Editing went down). If you want to know more, just ask...

In the mean time, let's talk about the future. Before I write a preview of KH3, I'll tell you the things I need help with:

1. A flame turret xbf without the flames.

2. An Atreides Palace xbf that doesn't push forward that podium when the palace has almost finished building something.

3. An xbf for an Atreides General armed with a sword rather than a gun (I remember seeing this in another mod once).

4. Five new icons (Landsraad Accomodations, Landsraad Council Chambers, Kwisatz Haderach, Landsraad Exterminator, NIAP Flyer).

5. [optional] More Smuggler-ish skins for the Smuggler Center and Mobile Cannon (i.e. they should look more like civilian buildings/units).

6. [optional] A Guild-ish skin for the INPalace (which serves as the xbf for the Landsraad Accomodations building).

7. [optional] Some AI scripts for House Corrino - right now the computer is pretty bad with them.

I also have 3 questions that have been bugging me for a while...

Q1: Is it possible to make a certain unit or armour type invulnerable to chaos lightning and hawk strike effects?

Q2: My Landsraad Council Chambers (which uses the xbf of the Atreides Palace) refuses to build NIAP Flyers (in the sense that they will not come out after they're finished). This is particularly strange since the Council Chambers used to build NIAPs just fine until a few days ago. Then it started to refuse to let them out even though I haven't made any modifications to the code for Council Chambers itself. Any idea why this might happen?

Q3: I removed a unit (the Landsraad Exterminator) for a while and then put it back in. But it refuses to appear in the sidebar, even though the code for it seems perfectly fine (and if there was something wrong, I'd expect the game to crash rather than pretend the unit doesn't exist). Any idea why this might happen?

...well, that's about it for now. Watch this space for more info in the coming weeks. :)

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On your list:

1) Flame Turret without flame effect - Yes plus it has a larger turret and the flamebarrel is removed.Do you want it a) with the sidewalls, b) without sidewalls but a concrete base or c) just the little old turrret and body itself.

If you want an exact Flameturret (little turret) without flame - easy peasy just ask.

2) Yes I have the AT Palace that does not move the Hawk-head forward. I have though removed the hawk-head and replaced with flat panel (I use this model for all houses SuperPalaces in conflict Mod).

I could make a standard AT palace with Hawks-head and no movement - just ask.

Will think about your other queries.

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I'm actually using the flame turret model for two different mod turrets (the Corrino Lion Turret and the Harkonnen Plasma Turret), so I could use both versions (b) and © (the one without the sidewalls but with a concrete base and the one with just the turret body).

As for the AT Palace, I already have a new skin for it (made by Nema a long time ago) that removes the hawk head - after all, it's supposed to be the Landsraad Council Chambers, and the Atreides don't exist in Kwisatz Haderach anyway. So your xbf without the hawk head should be a perfect fit for the skin.

Thanks for your help! :)

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I simply don't have the time for more mods. I'll fix bugs in COAD, but beyond that, no more modding for a long time, so other than what I'd already sent, I really can't do more.

(Note: side ventilation on the plasma turret uses sidewalls, so you might want to keep them)

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That's ok, although your texturing skills will be missed...

Can anyone help me with those three questions, though? I still can't figure out why the game behaves as if the Landsraad Exterminator doesn't exist (I tried renaming it, but nothing changed).

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"Q1: Is it possible to make a certain unit or armour type invulnerable to chaos lightning and hawk strike effects?"

Create a unit with no weapon and speed 0.

"Q2: My Landsraad Council Chambers (which uses the xbf of the Atreides Palace) refuses to build NIAP Flyers (in the sense that they will not come out after they're finished). This is particularly strange since the Council Chambers used to build NIAPs just fine until a few days ago. Then it started to refuse to let them out even though I haven't made any modifications to the code for Council Chambers itself. Any idea why this might happen?"

Does it build other units? Airborne? Ground? Check the possible terrains allowed by niap fliers

"Q3: I removed a unit (the Landsraad Exterminator) for a while and then put it back in. But it refuses to appear in the sidebar, even though the code for it seems perfectly fine (and if there was something wrong, I'd expect the game to crash rather than pretend the unit doesn't exist). Any idea why this might happen?"

Where does it appear in the definitions lists?

To which house is it assigned?

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Q1: Is it possible to make a certain unit or armour type invulnerable to chaos lightning and hawk strike effects?

Try removing the rules lines:

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX (or MediumChaosFx or LargeChaosFX)

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX (or MediumHawkFX or LargeHawkFX )

I tried this with my Conflict mod but was not convinced it worked.

Q2: My Landsraad Council Chambers (which uses the xbf of the Atreides Palace) refuses to build NIAP Flyers (in the sense that they will not come out after they're finished). This is particularly strange since the Council Chambers used to build NIAPs just fine until a few days ago. Then it started to refuse to let them out even though I haven't made any modifications to the code for Council Chambers itself. Any idea why this might happen?

Do you get a READY sign? If so then either of two things 1) the exit point is not far enough to the front of the defined skirt for the model to free of the building.

2) Another unit is infront of the same building queue and is blocking the NIAP. The first cant come out for some other reason.

Q3: I removed a unit (the Landsraad Exterminator) for a while and then put it back in. But it refuses to appear in the sidebar, even though the code for it seems perfectly fine (and if there was something wrong, I'd expect the game to crash rather than pretend the unit doesn't exist). Any idea why this might happen?

You may have a typo in PrimaryBuilding = or SecondaryBuilding = lines which means unit passes Rules listing and Artini checks but you are unable to build the building it is expecting (as IxResCentre is now IxResCenter for example) to pop up in the game menu.

On the turret models I will sort out at the weekend and post.

The ATPalace Xbf will require you to change one of Nema's hawkhead textures - Nema removed the head using the Pink/Purple "missing" colour system. The problem is that at close inspection the podium has a odd "hole" effect as you rotate due to the way the texture is applied.

I have edited the xbf and pulled the head flat (using the XBFeditor), so you must now texture that part of the podium - I use a piece of At gold roof etc. If you like I will include the texture file with the xbf so you know which part to re-texture.

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Q1: Is it possible to make a certain unit or armour type invulnerable to chaos lightning and hawk strike effects?

Try removing the rules lines:

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX (or MediumChaosFx or LargeChaosFX)

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX (or MediumHawkFX or LargeHawkFX )

I tried this with my Conflict mod but was not convinced it worked.

Thanks, I'll try it.

Q2: My Landsraad Council Chambers (which uses the xbf of the Atreides Palace) refuses to build NIAP Flyers (in the sense that they will not come out after they're finished). This is particularly strange since the Council Chambers used to build NIAPs just fine until a few days ago. Then it started to refuse to let them out even though I haven't made any modifications to the code for Council Chambers itself. Any idea why this might happen?

Do you get a READY sign? If so then either of two things 1) the exit point is not far enough to the front of the defined skirt for the model to free of the building.

2) Another unit is infront of the same building queue and is blocking the NIAP. The first cant come out for some other reason.

Yes, I get the READY sign. I'll go look at the exit point, but, in the mean time, I've discovered another strange thing about the NIAP: It will come out of the Council Chambers if - and only if - I'm building another aircraft in the Hangar at the same time.

Q3: I removed a unit (the Landsraad Exterminator) for a while and then put it back in. But it refuses to appear in the sidebar, even though the code for it seems perfectly fine (and if there was something wrong, I'd expect the game to crash rather than pretend the unit doesn't exist). Any idea why this might happen?

You may have a typo in PrimaryBuilding = or SecondaryBuilding = lines which means unit passes Rules listing and Artini checks but you are unable to build the building it is expecting (as IxResCentre is now IxResCenter for example) to pop up in the game menu.

I checked that, and there is no typo... I'll try removing the Exterminator and re-creating it under a different name.

On the turret models I will sort out at the weekend and post.

The ATPalace Xbf will require you to change one of Nema's hawkhead textures - Nema removed the head using the Pink/Purple "missing" colour system. The problem is that at close inspection the podium has a odd "hole" effect as you rotate due to the way the texture is applied.

I have edited the xbf and pulled the head flat (using the XBFeditor), so you must now texture that part of the podium - I use a piece of At gold roof etc. If you like I will include the texture file with the xbf so you know which part to re-texture.

Ok, thanks - and please do include that texture file with the xbf (I'm not good with textures at all, so I'll need all the help I can get :- ).

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The turret models may be a few more days - I am not well at present and my monitor is threatening to burst into flames (I can be online for about five minutes max!).

The model with the sidepanel on is used in Nema's new mod, you could always grab from there. However as you say you dont like doing textures I will pick up the texture names from the KH2 mod and create you two (x3) correct Corrino and Harkonnen turret models, (with sides, without sides and with a concrete setting).

I am expecting my new LCD monitor in a day or two. So I will aim for next weekend with all above complete.

On the NIAP - which is built first the NIAP and then then other unit? (If so the NIAP is being pushed from behind slightly by the other unit which frees it from the skirt, you may need to set the Deploytile as x, x and then x, -1 so that it comes all the way to the front plus a bit to clear the rear of the model.)

If the NIAP is second - are they both got the SAME HOUSE (I have built Ordos infantry and GUild makers together simultaneously from the ORBarracks as I forgot to rename the GuMaker house as Ordos, but sometimes had I problems just building the GuMaker so might be possible is a similar problem).

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Well, the good news is that I solved the problems with the NIAP and the Exterminator. It seems that the Exterminator was somehow causing them both. So I simply removed it and then re-added it (with the exact same code) under a different name. Now it works, and the NIAP works perfectly too.

That takes care of Q2 and Q3. As for Q1, JulesG's suggestion didn't work, but it doesn't matter any more - I decided to give up trying to make a unit immune to chaos lightning and hawk strike effects. However, I ran into two new problems...

Q4: I have two weapons that are supposed to kill most vehicles in one shot. However, when hitting a shielded unit, they only drain the shield and leave the physical health intact. How do I make a (non-laser) weapon that kills a shielded unit in one shot?

Q5: Is it possible to set or modify the probability of finding a certain thing in a crate?

Finally, I still need the texture and xbf help that I mentioned earlier... :-

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On another note, I think it's about time I explained what new units and buildings I want to add in KH3 (besides all the changes to existing units and game parameters - I made plenty of those, too). There are 6 new units, which fit in two groups:

I. The Landsraad units.

The Landsraad is a new subhouse that you can only access by combining technology from all 3 great houses. Once you have both a Corrino and a Harkonnen con yard, you can build a structure called Landsraad Accomodations. Then, with an Ordos con yard and the Landsraad Accomodations, you can build the Landsraad Council Chambers, which constructs the 3 landsraad units:

1. The Kwisatz Haderach. This can be considered the ultimate infantry unit. It is armed with a sword that allows it to kill any other infantry instantaneously, it can use the Voice to temporarely control (deviate) vehicles, and it can act as an engineer to capture buildings. It self-heals, it cannot be crushed and it is immune to contaminators.

2. The Landsraad Exterminator. This vehicle is used for eradicating large concentrations of enemy units. It is invulnerable and unarmed; however, it has a selfheal of -1, which means that it constantly loses health at a fixed rate - essentially, it acts as a time bomb. When it dies, the explosion instantly kills all units (friendly or enemy) in a wide area, but it does not touch buildings or aircraft. You can defend against it by picking it up with an ADV Carryall and keeping it in the air until it blows up (the carryall will not be harmed).

3. The NIAP Flyer. This is a supremely powerful anti-air unit. It has good speed and a huge amount of hit points; it can kill any air unit (except other NIAPs) with a single shot. In addition, it can self-heal and it has a wide unstealth range.

(note: the landsraad units are MEANT to be extremely powerful)

II. The Mercenary units.

Mercenary units are available to all houses, but they cannot be built in any normal factories. The two vehicles can be ordered via a starport, while the infantry unit can only be found in crates.

1. The Mercenary Sand Shark. I haven't finished working on this unit yet, but it is meant to fire a single, slow moving anti-surface missile that will kill most vehicles instantaneously. However, the sand shark requires a VERY long reload time. It gets its name from the fact that it can partially sink in sand.

2. Unknown. I'm still thinking of a second mercenary vehicle.

3. The Mercenary Spy. This unit acts as a scout and engineer rolled into one. It is stealthed when still and has an unstealth range much larger than that of the normal scout, it can capture buildings and it has a knife for assasinating infantry. However, you can only find it in crates (instead of finding normal engineers, you find spies).

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ok, off topic post:

what about a RPG using the Emperor graphic engine? The Dune2k could host the server and the members could join... whenever they want. It would be interesting. moving from map to map... talking to NPCs and characters, etc. Or use the WarCraft3 engine if you like it better...

I made a map in WarCraft3 exactly like a RPG. But it was just a map. Not a MOD.

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Sorry for the delay, here are the first set of xbfs:

Enclosed are 3 versions of the HK plasmaturret, with wall, without wall and no wall and no concrete. The sound file name is hkplasmaspray

Plus a LionTurret with walls. If you want the lion turret without, just rename the texture filenames in one of the hk versions. I have given the sound file name as colaser1spray

You may wish to consider changing the Middle&legparts texture file in the Corriono as at the moment it uses the same Hk one rather than a gold Corrino one.

The At palace model I will send next week.

[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Re: your questions

Q4 : Dont know.

Q5 : I can get random crates to work in campaign mode but I do not know any way to increase probability unless you cheat:

The cheat - remove all Crategift = true lines from units. Then select the units you want as crate gifts. Set these units as "crategiftobject =" in Sardaukarcrate, Infiltratorcrate etc. Define some extra crates that either come from destroyed buildings or just a new crate. Define same unit as above which thus increases it's probability...

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3. An xbf for an Atreides General armed with a sword rather than a gun (I remember seeing this in another mod once).

Will the IMGeneral do?  I have an IMGeneral with Atreides colours and banner that you can setup as using sonic weapon plus sword. Thus fires sonic weapon say to range 7 and uses the sword if infantry closer (this is what I use as the campaign unit - Duke Achillus as the ATGeneral is now my stealthed Ixian General unit).

Or did you mean a unit only with a sword? - in which case I cant help

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Thanks for the textures - I'll go try them out. Regarding the sword infantry (the Kwisatz Haderach), I really need an infantry unit armed with only a sword... I'm sure I saw an ATGeneral like that in another mod...

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I might have a model like that if it didn't get deleted ages ago. I made one without the cape and one with the cape and two versions of those, one with a sword and one with a mace. I even made a skeleton warrior with a sword and shield.

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Here is the ATPalace with non moving glass hawk projection platform.

It uses standard AT texture files, so you may need to rename as otherwise it will appear as Corrino...

[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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