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Emperor: BFD runs too fast!


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hi there.

ive just bought emperor, and im trying to play it on LAN and internet. ive got it working but all the games play far too fast! stupidly fast and i cannot control anything. i cant seem to lower the gamespeed either, even if i put it on '1'. 

ive searched, and only found one topic on this and it was very old with little posts. does anyone else have this problem? is there a solution?


AMD Athlon 3200+


ATI X800xt PE

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Have you put graphics on max ?

Also, try using the omega drivers (search forum or use the Getting Online Guide - Emperor Section of this forum) and choose the quality settings, I believe it will cause 3D programs to run slightly slower becuase it increases quality to maximum.

Maybe someone else can come up with some better ideas ?

PS. off the top of my head, I think its omegadrivers.net for the...well..the omega drivers  ::)

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I experienced a problem with very fast turning game icons and radar... they rotated ver very quick and way too fast...

So maybe this also happens to you but not only with the icons and radar but with the whole game...

Unfortunately I haven't found a solution for the problem yet because the gfx driver didn't change anything.

However you should try other drivers for your card anyway... maybe it changes something. It's the only  explanation I can think of... it ain't the cpu - because I have a 3200+ too overclocked to a 3400+ and it worked fine until the icons started to turn very fast for some reason, but the gameplay is still with normal speed...

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Omega ATI 4.12s should work fine with Emperor, but I haven't really fired up a game with them. I just reverted back to Catalysts since Omegas have no backwards compatibility with alot of other games; they crash your video driver after the program closes, so you either have to bear with slideshow WindowsXP (even when you are scrolling simple windows in Windows Explorer) or restart. I really only used Omegas to get a small fps boost while playing HL2. A slight boost.

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yes thats exactly it. its like having the gamespeed on 8. single player and skirmish are fine because when i change the gamespeed in options it actually works.

in LAN and internet however, even when i lower the number it changes nothing. the game goes super quick and i cant control it.

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I must admit, and maybe kal you can remember too, but sometimes when we do 1 vs 1 and we both have good connections the game goes crazy fast !

There must be a program out there that can use up cpu cycles and slow down the game. Maybe going back to windows once you have started the game and going to Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and finding "Game.exe" under the Processes tab. Right click on it and select Priority. Change that to lowest (I think its called "Rostok" in the Australian version of windows ;)).

I am hoping that by making it a lower priority it will run a little slower.

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well if its on multiplayer, you cant change the game speed in game, it works on single player because it wont adjust for anyone else.  But before you start the mult. game you have to go to start menu, options and game or w/e and change the game speed there. then go play the multiplayer game.  If that doesnt work then i dont know, but that's the reason why changing the game speed in game on a lan/multiplayer game has not been working for you.

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When have you been online ? Play with...damn, rostok and kalem dont lag anymore, otherwise you could have tested it with them. Well, get involved in some 3 vs 3's, I am shure it will not speed ahead then.  ;)

Maybe get some kind of bandwidth limiter, if such a thing exists ?

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its on '1' in the main screen options, i guess it must be because its an old game and my computer runs it too fast. i really wanna play it though! :(  ill try setting the priority, ill report back.. :)

defintely not...

I got even a faster pc and don't have this problem. And I also have a 5mbit connection so very fast internet speed... it must be some bug on your pc, some drivers or settings that cause this problem...

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ive got the 'classics' version of emperor. and in the booklet it says under internet game performance issues "the player with the slowest system or connection should set the speed for the game" both of us in the game have it set to gamespeed 1...

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Was that for me or for SteQ ?

The games I was talking about run, seemingly, beyond the speed 8 setting.

I was just wondering if maybe SteQ was not used to playing "fast crazy games" because for some it does take some getting used to. Example would be if one has always played Emp. on high graphics setting and game speed on 1, then goes online and changes to graphics low and game speed on 8. It can be a little tough to get used to in terms of managing everything effectively right off the bat if not used to ever trying it first.

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In multiplayer it is always best to set game speed to 8 and all graphics on lowest settings to keep the game smooth and from lagging. Yea in options you can change all that for multiplayer. If you want I'll be online for a bit and we can check out how it's working and try a few games.

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