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Playing online is easy, but cannot compare it to Dune2000, as I haven't played that.

There are threads in this msg board about how to get online, its a very simple process.


As for the comparisation to Dune2000, they're both good, but I think Emperor is a lot better, but that is just my opinion.

Here are some Emperor vs. Dune2000 things:

3D graphics vs. 2D graphics (not that it matters that much, 2D can be good too, and is in case of Dune2000)

much variaty between houses vs. almost no variaty (except for the looks and voices)

non linear vs. linear

sequel to Dune 2 vs. remake of Dune 2

4 planets (Geide Prime, Sigma Draconis, Caladan and ofcourse Arakis) vs. 1 planet

But, just buy 'em both! ;D If you don't have Dune 2000 that is :P


As for the comparisation to Dune2000, they're both good, but I think Emperor is a lot better, but that is just my opinion.

Here are some Emperor vs. Dune2000 things:

3D graphics vs. 2D graphics (not that it matters that much, 2D can be good too, and is in case of Dune2000)

much variaty between houses vs. almost no variaty (except for the looks and voices)

non linear vs. linear

sequel to Dune 2 vs. remake of Dune 2

4 planets (Geide Prime, Sigma Draconis, Caladan and ofcourse Arakis) vs. 1 planet

But, just buy 'em both! ;D If you don't have Dune 2000 that is :P

i have dune 2000 um do you think a place like eb games or sam goody would have it. those are the only video game stores near me

Proably but you have to look in the box with elder games tho hehe.Dune 2000 is hell lot faster than EBFD but My opinion is that emperor is far better.



Mostly it would also be possible to just order it at a local gamestore, I once did that with Final DooM at replay...

Sometimes they can still order "old" games which other stores claim to be unavailable :P


Here are the ways to obtain E:BFD -

1.) Find it on e-bay, some lost soul should be selling it there. One copy always ends up finding its way on there.

2.) Look for the bargain rack / box in some store.

3.) Obtain it through the person that already has the game.

4.) *EB-Games / Sam Goody: Might be able to find it in the used games, other than that. Won't be able to find it probably.

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