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i see how you would logically draw that conclusion.  however a "muslim" is not any race of people.  I am basing my logical amoral opinion off of the empirical evidence gathered world wide that Muslims countries and Islam at its core does not recognize seperation of church and state.  Your amoral opinions would cost you the death penalty or prison in a Muslim state.  This is not based upon a moral feeling, but simply observable scientific evidence and the natural logical conclusion thereof


I wouldn't call it racism, it's a more radical form of cultural protection. Like what do Hungarians with muslim asylants. They give about 25 thousand asyles for refugees, but also care to perfectly assimilate them.


The problem with that stance is that France is currently a very secular country. To introduce sharia laws would defy most of its constitution. I really can't see it happening.


Exactly. Not to mention France is already known as a sort of melting pot of cultures. After WWII, lots of Africans immagrated there, along with other European nationals.

And the French are notirously anti-semetic in my and my friend's experiences. So... perhaps they have some general common ground :P

And saying that wherever arabs go violence follows is idiotic :P Just because the only dominant Arab countries are subject to sexist regimes and terrorists plotting against everyone, doesn't mean Muslims are violent when they arrive in countries with more civil and political liberties.


Hitler got the same chain of raisonning about jews. And so Saddam Hussein about Kurds... France has the most welcome tradition, and it's a better way than your xenophobic insinuations. Arabian people in France isn't a problem except if fanatic people like you or Bush governs. Delinquency and religious fanatism aren't specific to arabian citizens ; they're very less in number than racists. I don't know if you are christian (I suppose yes), but your raisonning is not very christian. Let that problem to french people.


I meant everyone when I said that ;) And the Quoran doesn't preach sexism, it's these moron clerics that think they know everything :P And the government encourages it because religion is all those people have :P


Some countries are infortunately governed by religious fanatic. And people so conditionned have to be an object of pity.


Maybe they don't see as normal when our girls have more shown than hidden, they may see THEM as point of pity before our perverted sexlusting culture  ::)


Lol, Caid, head shrouds are not what I'm refering to. Have you ever read any of the stories that come out of Iran and muslim African countries about woman getting sold, and applying for divorce, only to be raped and beaten to death by their family? If that's not sexism, than my mom needs to stop bossing me around :P


I agree with Chirrac banning the wearing of headscarfs in french schools, and I would like to see the same law apply here (in England), feel free to flame me now for having a un-politicaly correct oppion.

shy  ::)


Would they then also ban the wearing of cricifixes?  That would be a shame, seeing as they're such a fashion item these days (especially when worn upside down by goths) but after all, it would only be fair, wouldn't it? ::)


I meant everyone when I said that ;) And the Quoran doesn't preach sexism, it's these moron clerics that think they know everything :P And the government encourages it because religion is all those people have :P

you dont know the Qu'ran.  Read Surah 4, then we can talk.


Lol, Caid, head shrouds are not what I'm refering to. Have you ever read any of the stories that come out of Iran and muslim African countries about woman getting sold, and applying for divorce, only to be raped and beaten to death by their family? If that's not sexism, than my mom needs to stop bossing me around :P

That's not sexism, that's a nonsense. At home, muslim mothers have even larger rights than ours do.


Leave it to emprworm to serve as symbol of intolerance...Violence doesn't follow Islam. There are radical sections of every single religion - radical christians, radical zionists, etc. Think of the puritans in the early US and the Salem witch trials for example, is that not violence against women? Same happened in Europe with both "witches" and "werewolves". People are damn morons with crowd mentality. You are in one of those crowds, emprworm, it's called the extremist right wing. I'd kill myself before I'd be one of them  ::)


To have a fundamental thought is nothing bad. If there wouldn't be such democrat, who would win WW2? Tough it's true it was fanaticism what started it as well. If you want to change something, you must be fanatical. When you want to preserve, remain fundamental, but watch for compromises and be opened to anyone. Then people vote for you. Crowds are useful, especially if you have control of them, and democracy is the best suited system for it...


I believe that we should try to christianize all paigan immigrants in western countries. that way we would eliminate the threat they pose to the church, equality and the rights of women.

and dust scount, if you do not know what racism is you should not use that word. this is typical when you critisize other people than those of your own kind it is racism, always. ::)


I'm not saying extremism is bad, quite the contrary, I consider myself an extremist to an extent. I would probably be the antithesis of emprworm. I'd consider myself very left wing, I was born in Russia, so I guess some communistic as well as authoritarian influences entered my mind? =P Though few people in Russia respect communism anymore, but I certainly see the point in socialism as it is in Europe. Blah, doesn't mean that people will stop calling me a commie bastard.  ::) Masses are so narrow minded.

But most people in any religion or nation are not extremists - most are moderates. After all, someone needs to sit on the sidelines and clap when the leaders walk by.

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