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Which Movie is better


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Well there have been about 20 threads about this but we can't get enough. :D

I prefer FHD miniseries. Much closer to the book. Funny thing is I saw it before reading the books and before watching the movie.

(Have you read the books?)

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Well there have been about 20 threads about this but we can't get enough. :D

I prefer FHD miniseries. Much closer to the book. Funny thing is I saw it before reading the books and before watching the movie.

(Have you read the books?)

I've read the first one two times. :D

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FD Dune over Lynchs, but CoD over it.

Lynch's had even worse acting (the Baron, Kyle, Young, Sting, etc.) than the mini.  It was long, boring, and utterly indeciferable to anyone who hasn't already read the books four times.  And even to them it's confusing.

I think the movie can be summed up in just two words:

Cat Milking.

The minsieries problems were two fold:  Small budget and bad director.  Whatever poor acting, and poor acting choices (ie. the portrayal of pre-Muad'dib Paul) is entirly Harrisons fault.  Same with the stupid camera angles.

The budget is what forced them to use the backgrounds, they could not afford location shots.  They could not afford good CGI.  They also couldn't afford good costumes.

Even with those problems, the mini is still heads and tails above Lynch's version.

CoD, though, with a decent director at the helm who knew how to get mor bang for his buck and how to handle actors, well, that made a massive difference.

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If only they had changed the backdrops and some glitches the FHD miniseries would have been perfect.

I agree. But Vanguard isn't wrong about Dourif, design, wardrobe and worms. About movie's music, I only like the Paul/Feid battle.

But miniseries are closer to the book, and it's for me a sine qua non condition.

Besides, you have to know that the french translation for miniseries is very poor...

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Come on guys!!!!! David Lynch's is the best by far!! All the games we love are copyng the stile of Lynch.

Look emperor... all things are inspired in lynchs film. David Lynch's movie is a visual mark

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That's also because Lynch's movie is 20 years old now (hey! exactly!), and we easier take it as a reference.

I know nothing about games but I suppose most of the games were made before miniseries...

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CGI is over used, with some directors relying on it as a crutch.  In most cases practicul effects work better.

But, in some cases, it doesn't.

Have you seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico?  Virtually all the effects in it are CGI, done so for economic/don't want to really shoot up a church reasons, and it is done very well.  I had no idea it was cgi until I was watching the extras and the director said it was.

CGI is a grand tool, if used well, like in Once Upon a Time in Mexico.  It's a horrible crutch, if used badly, like in the Star Wars prequels.

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I would have to say Lynch's version even if it I have some dislikes about it. The mini-series is good but I did not like the acting and the special effects in places actually detract from the mini-series. Those desert backdrops were terrible and some of the costumes were horrible. I agree that the mini-series is easier to follow for those not familiar with Dune but that doesn't make it better IMO. I did not dislike the mini-series so much that I won't watch it but I still enjoy Lynch's version.

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After viewing the Alan Smithee version of Dune, I would say I now have more respect for it.

The Smithee version up to the battle of arakeen is better than FHD, but after that FHD is better than the movie. This may be because FHD spends 3 hours on the Fremen aspect.

The sets/costumes in the movie are better than the mini, except the Fremen wardrobe. (The miniseries actually matches the sand color, cape and headgear. ::))

The movie is good if you are not trying to compare it to the book. (The smithee version explains it a lot better)

But if you are looking for a book adaptaion, FHD is better.

If I am not mistaken the budget for the movie in todays money would be around 1 Billion dollars if I remember right for 2 hours, while the mini had a budget of 200 million dollars for 5 hours. If the miniseries had a much larger budget proportionally it would have been much better. If the movie was 4 hours long it might have been better also.

According to me:

The Movie had a big name cast: Brad Dourif, Linda Hunt, Kyle MacLachlan and Patrick Stewart.

The Miniseries had for big names: William Hurt, Julie Cox and Ian McNeice.

Verdict: FHD mini cause I am biased. :) (And 5 hours of Dune!)

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