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ordos apc is a great weapon


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looks like nobody likes ordos apc... but i still love it... im big maps 3 can make a big damage on ungarded enemy spice fields.. cause of the speed the can hit and run the caryalls... if the enemy leave the base to atack and dont look well for seconds u can entry with infantary (engeniers , GAS) widout use a caryall because of the speed... and at level 3 they are very cool to play... one time my enemy has 4 flame turrets and i pass trouth them like nothing.. kill lots of units before he got what to do!

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Actually, most profiecient Ordos players rather like the Ordos APC. Not so much for its ability to carry infantry (for my purposes I always put in 2 Mortars, 2 AA, and a Chemie) but for its AA attack. Devestating when mixed in with Laser Tanks. Makes for a floating carpet of death.

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sometimes the apc is bether tan the troopers ... because he is fast! and time is money!!!!!!!!!! in the time your tropers get to the other side of the fisher plains the war is over :)

if u make anti air with troopers u make them where u want them to defend...

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