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Chapterhouse significally less then other books?


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!Could have spoilers!

Now I've read all the Dune books again (But I will talk about the original only) and I liked Dune still most, on the top of all. But I think Dune Messiah and Children of Dune are very good also. It lessens what in God Emperor of Dune, and maybe that is because of the dissappearance of the Fremen and the 'real' Dune.

Heretics of Dune was also very good, but then comes Chapterhouse Dune, and I think of that as less then all other books. I mean in Heretics of Dune you have some great things, like the destruction of Rakis, the attack of the Facedancers on Gammu, and the escape from Gammu, or Teq getting some sort of second awareness.

But then you step to Chapterhouse, and it looks like everything is put to hold. Idaho does nothing more then 'entertain' the Bene Gesserit, and all the book is about is Murbella becoming a Bene Gesserit, and later the Great Honored Matre Mother Superior (or how you would call it) But nothing more about the efforts to change Chapterhouse to a desert planer, excluded a few reports. And Teg seems to have pushed back too. He only plays a minor role in all. And Bellonda keeps nagging about that they must kill Duncan. But Duncan really means not much to the story.

What are your thoughts?

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Maybe the plot wasn't as variable as other books, but I thought it was a good read and we actually get to see into the Honored Matres. Although for some reason I cant really remember much of a plot.(which is probably what you are thinking)

Oh yes the last half of heretics was great!

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I disagree, I'm currently rereading Chapterhouse and I really like it. There is quite some information on the Honored Matres in it (The Weapon, Futars, why they came to the Old Empire), and Ix is also mentioned as being in a decline. The Bene Gesserit have their Bashar back, sandworms have been spotten on the Chapterhouse planet, the BG have created their own Scattering, etc. I think the book is pretty good. Remember that it wasn't meant to be the last in the series, I think that affects opinions as well for someone who has read all the books.

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Chapterhouse dune was one of my favorites in the dune series. Timenn your pointing out all the negitive points of the book, the way i see it, the whole novel was supposed to lead up to something enormous, if he would have finished dune 7 i think you would have appreciated chapter house dune more

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I realise that Chapterhouse isn't really the last book. But it is always easier to make a begin and an end to a story. But the hard thing is to make a good plot between those 2. And in my opinion it wasn't done so perfectly (like Dune Messiah did).

Don't get me wrong, I still like the book, but less then all the others

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