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I went a few months without playing Dune and then got a new computer. I just installed Dune2000 and suddenly it's as if everything just disappeared. I installed the latest patch and now when I try to connect through Dune 2000 > Multiplayer > Internet, it still says "Upgrades available. Download?" then if I click yes, nothing happens. If I click no, I can't play.

What can I do? How can I still play Dune online?


I've already installed the latest patch, 1.06, and it still gives me the "Upgrades needed. Download?" message when I try to connect.

From what I understand from other posts, there is some RotorzConnect program that I need. What does it do? I have already downloaded it, but I can't get it to install properly - some problem with setup command line parameters or something. Is there another location I can download it from?

If someone could just take a few minutes to explain to me what the overall concept is, I would be most obliged. I'd just like to get an understanding of what software people are still using to play, how it works, whether there is a different server that I must connect to somehow, etc.

Thank you.


It is most likely your WOL components that need to be updated then. Do you have any other newer WW games that you can install and then get the latest version of the WOL components from them?


I do not. Is there any place I can download them from? I can't imagine that there aren't other people out there who aren't having this same problem ...

Are online games actually being played via the Dune2000 software? Or is there a different piece of software used for connecting now?


I can't seem to find a download for it, how long are you waiting when you try auto-updating? Does it time out or do you just hit cancel?

Keep in mind very few people play Dune 2000 these days and most of them don't need to install the update as they already have it. And the only way you are going to find anyone to play is if you use WOL to find a match. There are probably a few other places that will do it but no one uses them.

If you have a new computer I suggest purchasing Emperor which is the latest Dune game from Westwood and has a lot of improvements over Dune 2000.



I connect to WOL using the Dune 2000 software. The RC program does not deal with that; it is used during the game to help keep players linked. The only thing that I can think of in your case is that the 1.06 patch does not include all the upgrades from some of the previous patches. If that is the case there will be someone here who has the other patches. Anyway, don't worry about RC until you get your connection working. Good luck.


To which directory did you download the 1.06 patch?

When you start the game which version number do you see ? v1.02 or v1.o6 ?

I have dune 2000 and have the rotorz app, it works fine for me.

Which OS of windows are you using ?

I'm on XP pro.

When you installed dune2k did you install the internet options ?

If not uninstall the lot again and try it again.

Also like Gob says, you can install the internet components from the Emperor battle for dune cd. ;)

If you've got XP try out the compatability program in windows,system tools.Set the game for win98.


hi steverosso

uninstall dune2000 , then check the drive where it was installed for any left over files and remove these , then reinstall dune2000 again , use your dune2000 cd to connect to the internet game server , 2 patches should automaticaly download , the first one is about 25 seconds long , the second about 3 - 4 minits , sometimes these dont automaticaly download , (try turning your firewall off) if they dont download , go to http://westwood.ea.com/ and download v1.06 patch from there (make sure you choose your country) as there is quite a few v1.06 patches.you should now beable to conect to the game server , if you carnt the problem lies elsewhere , is your cd a copy ? try updating all your drives. ohh and if you do get online look me up , ill introduce you to your first on-line butt whoopin .

, im usualy on about 9:00 p.m. GMT

shy ???


P.S. read my post on this link http://www.dune2k.com/forum/?board=4;action=display;threadid=9498;start=msg152131#msg152131


Turned out to be a firewall issue ... boy, I feel stupid. I thank everyone who responded with their advice. I'm just glad to be able to play against humans now, because I'll be damned if I ever have to play another AI.


my brother buy another dune2000 , from market, and is big problem.. the game is OK, but i cant play via internet, i have protocol TCP/IP and IPX enabled, and my game dont work by internet.i use informations readed from all post, and use it for remove problems. but dont offects has been taken. i cried. i have dune2000 on FreeBSD 4.0.2 linux system. other friend have same system, and game via internet work normally, my game no. what is damaged?

ps. i have patched dune2000 to 1.06


i use archie emulator. and dune2000 work normally, but i cant play via internet and lan(button LAN if frozen)

but if to play dune2000 via internet is required windows09 or better, i change system, if no, where is error , my dune2000 is good


I am not familiar with Archie. Although emulators have boundries of what they can and can not emulate. Could be this one is just emulating DOS without the network section ?

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