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GameSpot gets Pwned by loyal Savage fanboys!


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GameSpot released a review of Savage that gave it a 67%. A group of loyal Savage fanboys got together and lobbied GameSpot to have their questions answered about what they considered to be an unfair Review.

The Result: GameSpot pulled the Review from it's site, and the person who wrote it is now grovelling on the GameSpot Forums to even keep his job ! LOL

67% is not even a terrible score.

I guess this shows what a few loyal rabid fanboys can do to help their game stay alive. Too bad Emperor never had that kind of committed, rabid fanboy following - otherwise it might have had a ton of more patches & maps and the WOL ladders possibly would still be in place.

I think this is an amazing accomplishment: for a few small-time fanboys to bring one of the biggest gaming sites on the net to it's knees.

I think I'm gonna buy Savage just for that reason. 8)

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Is it too late for Emperor? I think we could possibly make our own unofficial patch for the ladder games

to be honest, the Editing Team here can do *VERY* little with Emperor. i know that because i've asked them for a million different things, and almost every single time the only answer i ever get is: "We can't do that"

so much for saving Emp with Mods

the more i read about Savage, the better it seems. it was made by a very small developer who actually care about and interact with their fans constantly. the makers are true gamers and they realize that caring about their fans is good for business. EA could really take a lesson from them. but since EA will not, i'll be buying stuff like this instead of EA products. i almost wanna recommend the game on the feedback alone, but i have learned better thx to WarCraft 3 turning out to be a critically-acclaimed, fanboy-loved unstrategic POS. so i'll try the game myself before recommending it. a demo is coming out in a few days for those of you who are interested.

if you want some funny reading material, here is posts by Scott Osbourne (the guy who's Review got pulled by GameSpot) grovelling for his job:

EDIT: fed2k gremlins seem to have a problem with these hyperlinks, but they WILL work if you copy & paste them into your web browser


and another amusing thread bashing him:



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having to bump my own threads... that's, unusual

i have found what one of our old dear friends from Westwood is up to and guess what? he gave this game a 100% rating!


sorry for appearing to be a fanboy and hyping this game so much even tho you guys don't seem interested, but i hate EA with such passion that i applaud this developer for supporting their product as best as anyone could ever expect

PS: does that mean you will get this now, Gob, since our good buddy rated it at 100%? :D

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