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As Ragnar stalked thw battlefield, looking for any sign of Orm, he came upon the weeping general. After what seemed a long time Ragnar spoke "Like you, I lost many men in this battle, but unlike you I do not mourn their passing, even though most of them were my friends, because they died in battle for the ancient gods and lost homeland, and now they surely are in Valhalla with their gods. Likevise your men are with your god, and by what you have told me of your god, there is no greater glory than that"

Ragnar's corps

600 huskarls

1.500 order troops

15.000 mark silver


(the fleet is back at the citadel)

150 ships

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Final deal Dust Scout (In all fairness) weather you like it or not is of no concern to me: Kalan, The Fenris Riders and Latarodectus Hesperus all escaped the blast. The island was completely hit, killing 300,000 of the forces, the rest retreated back to land.

Also, I attached a newer-map.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Nagos swooped away from the destruction that had consumed the castle and the island. As she flew she opened a portal to the Other Realm.

The moment she swooped into the Other Realm she saw a massed army of demons, Illis, vampires, warlocks and zombies. All led by a strange looking Illis.

She landed next to him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Excuse me but what are you doing here?"

The Illis turned around and bowed to her, along with the assembled army.

"My lady, we were preparing to go in to rescue you."


She turned towards her assembled troops.

"I did not need rescuing but the Latarodectus Hesperus did! You have a new mission now! March into the Asatain Mountains (the Tibetan Plaetu), conquer it and claim it for the glory of the Other Realm!"

Portals opened everywhere and Nagos's troops marched off to conquer.

The area was conquered in less than three days. Nagos's citadel-fortress was finished by the end of the week. The Asatain Mountains were fortified by the end of the month.

Message to all parties:

The Illis Nation has been set up and fortified and will not go on the war march. I am offering my realm as a sanctuary for all parties in this war. There shall be no conflict on my land. There shall be no discrimination. Both humans and demons can live in peace together on my land. The offer is open to all and I ask that you please not attack me. If you do you shall regret it!

Nagos, Leader of the Illis, Queen of the Other Realm

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"Where am I? Where are my men? How is the result of the battle!"

"Calm down, Khan! Everythings over, and We're now on our way back to Izuck, but..."

"But what! I order you to tell me!"

"After you've been bitten by a demon spider when we're rushing the top of the walls, you lost conscious, and Fenrir carried you back to one of our transports. Soon we're victorious. Well, at least we thought so..." as the medic start to speak of the results of the battle, she couldn't control herself anymore. She knelt on the floor, weeping and shaking in fear.

"The...the demons launched one...one final suicide attack. Light...evil, blue light erupted from the top of the fortress, it continue to expand until...until it engulf the whole of Sealand! Everything, everything...be it human of demons, good or evil, dead or alive, everything was destoryed! I could still remember the screams that loudens as Sealand got engulfed by the evil light...I could here it even we're so far offshore...ahhhhh! No! Noooo!"

Qilan was stunned. He couldn't believe that his men...his brothers, would all left him. He wanted to ask more about the situation, but the medic had fainted from fear.

Arriving at Izuck in the next post.

Fenris Riders

18/110 Fenris riders, the ones that survived are WIAs got onto the transports before the orb explodes, with the excpetion of a few who was looking after the wolves on the transports.

410/600 Fenris wolves, from reserves in transports far enough offshore, and the ones which carried their injured back.

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Reply to Nagos;

I see you're doing well for yourself. Remember, I tried to move away from the warring around me as well, and we both know how successful that was.

Nonetheless, I do wish you luck in your new enterprise. Perhaps your kingdom will flourish. Mine, certainly, is all but nonexistant currently. I have nothing left with which to build a new fortress, and few forces with which to take one. I am safe, however. My power grows slowly and I can never be found. I have found a new home, far from Arinaedi.

Be careful Nagos, perhaps that was my mistake.

Latarodectus Hesperus.

"...there is no greater glory than that." Ragnar finished. There was a pause, the tattered banners around him fluttering belatedly in the wind.

"Ragnarrrrr....." A growling, yet feminine voice slipped into his mind, causing the King to glance about uneasily. He could tell at once that the speaker was by no means human.

"Ragnar, I have found you." The voice continued. "It took me a while, but your life is not hard to miss. It is so much like all the others... Remember them? Back when you were king of something. Your subjects, abandoned to suffering. Abandoned by you.

And the voice went on, launching into detailed description of every single method, every single implement used. The lifestyle of the crushed Sealanders. Ragnar took it all in, vowing revenge.

"I do not hunt for your death, former king." The voice mocked, "I hunt for your suffering. And the best way to do that, is through the suffering of your people. You'll see. You haven't......heard the last.... of me... yet." The voice grew weaker, and fainter. "I tire...... but we shall meet again........traitor........." The voice fell silent, the precence left Ragnar's mind. He scowled, and shook his head, not noticing the tiny black spider he dislodged with the movement, sending it tumbling down onto the battlefield.

A new home. A new beginning. Completely secluded, well guarded, and far far away from Izuck.

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OCC: Nagos's kingdom is called Illia

Nagos sat on the Skull Throne and looked down at her most trusted second-in-commands, a human and an Illis.

The human looked up at her and spoke.

"My lady, we have recieved word of an impending invasion."

Nagos stood up.


"There are rumors and reports of a vast army assembling on the edge of our kingdom."

"Why won't these humans just leave me alo-"

"The army is demonic my queen."

With those words silence fell over the throne room.


"Yes. Apparently there are some who are...angry at your annoucment of sanctuary for both demons and humans."

The Illis got off his knee and spoke.

"They are led by Grathar my lady."

Grathar?! No! That's immpossible! The old king of the Other Realm is dead!

"How can that be? Isn't he dead?"

"We do not know how it can be but the army at our borders is there underneath his banner."

Illia border:

The young human boy played with his demon guardian and they both laughed. The boy's parents were in charge of the border forts and had been entrusted with that duty by Queen Nagos herself. The boy's guardian was assigned to him by the Queen as well. The boy and the demon were great friends.

Suddenly the deomn's ears shot up and he stopped laughing and smiling. With lightning movements he grabbed the boy, spread his wings, and flew towards the border fortress of Agnok. The boy looked behind them and saw thousands of demons and zombies charging into Illia. A force never before seen in history. All under the a banner displaying a bloody, burning claw.

All over the world:

All over the world portals opened up and demons poured out of them. By this time the people knew the differences between the difference between banners. They knew that Nagos's banner displayed a winged sword. But this one was a flaming, bleeding claw. It was an unknown demonic army.

The people immeadiately thought That bitch Nagos lied to us and is invading! but then they noticed that the forces of Nagos and the forces of the unknown banner were fighting each other! This must mean that Nagos had not betrayed them!

The commoners ran to the cities and the military forces of the world rallied against these new invaders. It was time for action against this new demonic army!

But not even the great forces of Izuck could stem the flow. After a month of fighting the demons had gained a foothold and begun to fortify. The world was poised against humanity and the Illians.

It was time for them to stand together...or fall apart.

The Great Demon War had begun!

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Ho hum... I like it...

As the conquering armies marched past, the spiders watched. They always watched. Too tiny to be seen, too quiet to be heard, too quick to be caught and far too difficult to kill. They watched from the trees and the rocks and the cracks in the earth, and everything they saw filtered down into one mind. Latarodectus Hesperus watched through the eyes of her children and sisters, watched as the demons of old rampaged across the land, never once noticing her or her kind. She made no move to stop them. She wasn't strong enough.

But she watched, and she waited. And every so often she poisoned their water, and let them think it was the humans they fought against. After all, she had no loyalties to them. And she could never be found. She was hidden far too well...


I remain in hiding, but that does not mean I am blind. I can spare no forces to aid you, or magic to help your power; but I can provide sanctuary for your forces. There are sealed places across the land where you can hide up to two hundred of your subjects or moving armies. I can direct you to them, if you wish.


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Do not rely too much on mortals. You may have found your uses for them but always remember that as useful as they are, you are not one of them.

[hide] The first is relitively near to your kingdom, a large oak tree. It's trunk is hollow, and leads to an underground cavern held up by the roots. It is stocked with limited supplies, but is difficult to get in or out of. [/hide]


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Meathos nodded*

Meathos: Very well.....we will be ready

Baleck turned to mount his horse*

Meathos: I heard what happened,... about the island assault.....

Im sorry......

Baleck said nothing*

Meathos: Dont worry cousin, we will get our payback soon enough....

Baleck: Yes we shal....., see you later.

Meathos waves and heads back into his tent*

Baleck and his guards gallop back twords the palace*

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  • 2 weeks later...

   Baleck couldn’t recall a time in his life where urgency was in every breath he took. The hordes of men and weapons began to prepare for the conflict. For many days on end he had gone around stirring up the morale and hopefully the momentum of the inevitable human attackers. However he knew that he could do very little but be a figurehead until battle and thus he resided in the throne room; wishing to get all diplomatic homeland issues attended to before he departed. He has complete faith in his son who would watch over the capitol and people while his father was off at war, but nonetheless he still liked to take care of matters himself, regardless of the amount of trust involved.

   Stretching his neck slightly he yawned, it had been countless hours since he slept and he saw little hope of doing so in the future either. The moon gazed into the throne room, lighting up various drinks belong to advisors scattered around the room, planning for the oncoming battle. A cough from below him caught the King’s attention as he looked down to see a messenger wearing worn out clothes. How in the HELL do they always get in here…Have to fix that door.

   “You represent who?” The King spoke in a lighter tone; lack of sleep was finally getting to him.

   “Lord Nagos, she asks for immediate assistance, his forces cannot hold out for much longer.” The man gave an almost begging look before the powerful King.

Scratching his chin slightly the King took a few moments pause before giving an almost-critical gaze.

   “Nagos can wait until the main attacking force finally arrives in his territory, until then I do not have the men…”

   “There isn’t time, the Lord’s forces are in a desperate power clash that we cannot possibly win, we require IMMEDIATE assistance!” Screamed the man angrily at the King, various guards and advisors were taken aback and the guards began to slowly descend onto the man. Waving them off the King only gave the man a disappointed look.

   “What gives you the right to come in here demanding forces for your King?” The man began to speak but with one hand gesture Baleck cut him off before he could speak.

   “However, I do see some possibilities arising. So it is with this, that I will accept his call for reinforcements.” It was obvious the messenger wanted to let out a large sigh but he stood, grinning instead. There were countless murmurs from the advisors and finally one stood up.

   “M’lord, our forces aren’t ready for immediate departure and jumping on our horses and taking off into battle when we’re not properly prepared isn’t the most logical move.” Luckily Baleck always encouraged such comments from his advisors, those men wouldn’t be so fortunate in other Kingdoms.

   “Yes, I am quite aware of that fact, but thank you for stating the obvious” spoke Baleck in a slightly irritated tone.

   “I am not ready, true…But I cannot say the same for my dear, dear cousin” the King snickered slightly as the thoughts raced through his head.

   “Tell the Tulack legion that they have an hour to get prepared, and get my dear cousin as quickly as you can.

   The door opened and the King smiled slightly as his cousin walked in, either because he knew the man would take on the task or that he finally was prepared for people storming into his room.

   “Ah Meathos, good to see you again.” Baleck smiled slightly, almost a devilish grin.

   “Same to you dear cousin” spoke the man.

   “You’re looking quite…well” continued the commander.

   It was either the slight reluctance in his voice or the simple fact that he knew his appearance was dwindling after neglection of sleep for several days that made the King a little optimistic to whether or not Meathos was actually speaking the truth.

   “Why have you called me here, m’lord?” Spoke the man, it was obvious he liked training with his men more then hanging around a cousin he barely saw; maybe this man did have human traits after all.

   “A messenger came to me yesterday informing me that a King by the name of Nagos is in dire need of reinforcements for his defensive position.” Meathos’s faced grew slightly grim, he obviously knew what was going to happen next.

   “I cannot however, send my men to assist him, at least not my main bulk. Despite this, you are ready to battle, yes?” There was a slight pause before Meathos nodded slightly making Baleck grin.

   “Good, you depart tomorrow to answer Nagos’s call for reinforcements.” The various advisors began taking notes down.

   “But m’lord, are my forces adequate in number to reinforce the defenders wishes?” Baleck’s face instantly turned cold at this question.

   “No, not the slightest.” Spoke Baleck, getting an eerie glare from his distant cousin.

   “That’s why I am giving you command of the Tulack legion.” Gasps echoed throughout the room and voices began to emerge, it was panicky no doubt. Meathos gazed up questionately.

   “Meathos…They are my elite soldiers…The best of very best…Out of my millions of soldiers only 10,000 made it into this rank, and you shall command them." Meathos almost fell back but caught his shock.

   “You depart in four hours, stop by the armory and arm every one of your soldiers with Imperial equipment; you’ll need the extra reliability, now go.”

   “Yes M’lord” the man bowed and began to slowly walk out but was stopped by Balecks voice.

   “Oh yes, one more then Meathos” the man turned around to gaze at the Emperor of the Earth.

   “If I lose those men…You better hope you have the fortune of being killed by the Demons...”

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OCC: Nagos is a queen, a demon, and female. Just so you know.

Message to all kingdoms:

I await, silently. I am known to you, and you are known to me. I am the spider-demoness. I have no wish to be destroyed, and no inclination to aid you. Yet I see the potential for profit. Give me leave to create a kingdom of my own that you shall respect and not invade and I shall aid you in this war against the... 'other' demons.

They cannot destroy me, I cannot be found. You, on the other hand, face a very different prospect.

Latarodectus Hesperus.

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Nagos's legions fought hard and long and had not been enough.

At the Battle of Barat (Bejing) they lasted long enough to evacuate civilians, but couldnt hold the city.

At the Battle of Caiver (Delhi) they had no hope.

But there was one battle they had won.

The Battle for Mosva Fields.

The Battle for the Portals.

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Queen Nagos was sitting on her throne and was in a deep depression. Her realm was slowly dying, being torn apart by enraged demons. She asked to be alone and her throne room was vacated.

As soon as it as she got on her knees, clasped her hands toether, closed her eyes and did something no other demon had ever done.

She prayed.

"I'm sorry for what I have done. I have let loose a power that will destroy us all. I beg forgivness! Please forgive me-"

A booming voice that came from nowhere shocked her.


"Who will?"


Nagos gasped! Michael! THE Michael! The arch-angel Michael! The leader of the armies of Heaven!

As she knelt there a bright light enclosed her and she felt herself being lifted up, towards redemption.

A human ran into the throne room.

"My queen, the demons aare disap-"

He stopped because, sitting in the throne, was a large man with huge wings. He was decked out in armor and, resting in his hand, was a magnificent sword with a handle and hilt shaped like an angel with its wings spread.

"Ummm...who are you?"

"My name is Michael and you lead this nation now. There only humans left in this kingdom now, no more demons. Nagos has redeemed herself and has gone to Heaven. I am here, in command of the Heavenly armies, to intervene and stopp the flood of demons that has charged into your realm. Now I must go, my troops need to be lead in our first major battle...outside of this city."

With that Michael disappeared.

On the walls of the city the guards saw a huge army charging towards the city. They knew that they were doomed, even the sky was mimicking the mood of the people, being gray and overcast.

Suddenly a bright beam of light shot from the clouds and hit the walls and spread. Everywhere the light touched shone like polished gold. And when the light vanished there was a huge number of winged men and women standing along the wall, all of whom were decked out in armor and carrying either one or two swords each.

And leading them was a man wearing gold armor and holding onto a huge, curvy-bladed broadsword. He was hovering above his assembled troops and he closed his eyes. If you listened closely you could hear what he was saying.

"Lord, I ask that you bless the Heavenly Host in this battle and help us to win. In your blessed name, amen."

Suddenly his eyes shot open, he raised his sword and yelled.

"For Heaven!"

And with that the army of Heaven meet the army of Hell.

Demons were falling left and right. When an angel swung their sword flames burst from the balde and lit any demon it touched. The demons began to falter. Even the fearsome Hounds of Hell were beginning to quiver in fear. The angels were winning and then the demonic overlord stood up.

"I challenge the leader to a one-on-one fight for control of this city."

"Accepted," came the answer.

Right before Michael and the demon fought the demon laugh and whipped Michael's sword from Michael's hands into his own.

"You cannot wield this sword you little-ahhh!!!!"

As soon as he grabbed the sword a huge flame engulfed his arm and wouldn't quit until he dropped the sword. When he did the sword flew into Michael's waiting hand and Michael rammed the sword deep into the demon's heart.

He burst into flame and fell into a pile of ash.

A sound rose up from the Angelic Army, "praise God!"

I have given up my demons and now control the Heavenly Host, an army made up of 200 angels and 50 arch-angels, led by the Great Arch-Angel Michael.

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"Nagos is gone..." The voice floated through the minds of the spiders. "Our closest ally, she who helped defend my first realm... She is gone..." The words carried the weight of sorrow and loss.

"I cannot move again. I have no land to build on, no territory to call my own. How can I fight for myself when there is no place to fight from? No place to fight for? They have abandoned me, and I am alone..." Despair flowed.

"I hide within my webs and shadows. Untracable and yet ineffective. I can do nothing without a surface ally... an ally..." Hope.

To King Ragnar;

You never expected to hear from me again did you? Well, I expect you did, but not on these grounds. I am weak, King Ragnar, I make no secret of that. I am unable to attack, I need every spider I can get. My magic is barely enough to keep me healthy. You will no doubt find this pleasing, but there is more.

I am hidden. Hidden well away where no human and not even a demon can find me. Hidden in webs and shadows I cannot be harmed. But I cannot do anything either. Here is my deal. Let me out. Give me land to call my own and a base from which to work. In exchange I shall not attack you again. You will be thinking, 'Why let her out and give her the chance to hurt me again?' But remember, Traitor Ragnar, that my chance to hurt you I have sworn not to take. And your chance to hurt me will come at exactly the same time. Will you pass up the greatest oppertunity to kill the one who brought your ultimate downfall?


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To the Spider Queen

I will never aid you, you are the only who enslaved my people, and now I no longer care for the this world, so my men and I will march east and face the demon host in battle and die like the last of dead people, and join my gods.


True to his word Ranger and his remaining 600 huskarls marched east until the reached a vast demon encampment, then they attacked. Though few in numbers the north men fought long and hard until all of them were dead, but at that time 6000 demons lay dead around them

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