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commandos 3 demo

Emperor Harkonnen

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to be fair on the series i think commandos 2 was what commandos 1 aspired to be, but the first one just didnt have the customisability that the second one did, and even then there are niggles that make you tink "why can only one man jump through the windows? and why does he NEVER land badly and get hurt?" also that meant you had a ridiculously large game <min 1.5 Gb storage space> and only 10 decent sized maps <excluding bonuses and training maps which were piddly>

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Personally I never liked the commandos series....

Each item had its own button which I found was quite annoying. Each action has a differnt command button.... I could hardly get past the first level on Commandos 2. I dont know to me it seems to be a poorly made game and it could have been alot better.

Perhaps Commandos 3 will be better.

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what annoyed me with commandos 2 was that there werent enough silent killing ways that worked well, and there were just too many soldiers for you to use the loud weapons well enough, which were more fun but too hard by far to use..... which basically meant i gave the marine about 3 knives and just killed any soldier with the knife throw for practically all the levels he was in....

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I like all the commandos games. especially the first one. That is a really good game, which I can still play today. excelent graphics! both in 1 and 2.

and Tio, if you drop down a very high ladder you do get hurt. I agree that there should have been more maps.

It is a very challenging game, and I it is among the worlds best games I believe too.

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i have only played the first, and i think it was very fun. Yes the game is not realistic, that only 2 guys can drag bodies, only 1 can drive cars and they all get those wussy pistols that are just powerful enough to kill a fly. But it was fun, as you realy had to think, it realy did get me in the WW2 atmosphere. The graphics looked realy good, the water and the landscape, ofcourse it was not 3d so the physics weren't all that realistic, but it was realy cool with all the patrolling guards etc, and they scream at you: "STEHN BLEIBEN" or "EIN VERLATZTE" realy cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read that the demo was based on a beta version of the game, and that bugs most likely would be fixed in the normal game.

I finished the demo mission today, and it is great. I think I'll buy the game. I always liked the commando type missions in games such as Red Alert and (1) in Emperor. So this game will be full of it.

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i have only played the first, and i think it was very fun. Yes the game is not realistic, that only 2 guys can drag bodies, only 1 can drive cars and they all get those wussy pistols that are just powerful enough to kill a fly. But it was fun, as you realy had to think, it realy did get me in the WW2 atmosphere. The graphics looked realy good, the water and the landscape, ofcourse it was not 3d so the physics weren't all that realistic, but it was realy cool with all the patrolling guards etc, and they scream at you: "STEHN BLEIBEN" or "EIN VERLATZTE" realy cool.

BTW, the pistol was actually way too powerful in the first game. In the second it was useless, but in the first you just have to line up your commandos around a corner and shoot to attract enemies. With three or more commandos you could take out an enemy with one shot (per commando), and the fast RoF made it so you could eliminate entire patrols that way, until you had huge piles of bodies lying there...

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true, but the problem was that the barracks produced unlimited patrols, and there were few corners right for that sort of business. as if they shoot from long distance or from your back, you're a dead man :- . I think that the pistol was better at attracting enemies than that little thing that the green barret carried.

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The decoy of the Green Beret is better in the way that you can decide where you want the soldiers be drawn to.

The pistol is quite good. You have to shoot a soldier 3 times, and when you hit him, he will be stunned for a short time, and that time is enough to reload and fire again, so you can take out single soldiers with them, but not more then one.

Besides, you can pick up better weapons. Like the rifle which kills a soldier in 1 shot, and it even has a bigger range.

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you can not pick up any rifle in the first game. there is a rifle in the second though(Beyond the call of duty), which I rarely used. In the third(Commandos 2) however I use it alot.

the pistol is not powerfull at all in the first game. three shots are a lot to kill one man. you have seen way to many movies. in real life a person would get killed by one properly aimed shot.

and you cannot take out large patrols, if you have a patrol of three and try to take them out with pistols it is difficult. in Beyond the call of duty I agree that they are too powerful, they fire almost automatic there

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Yep just beat it. They start letting the armoured vehicles go fairly quickly so you have to get to the bombs right away. Here is what I did, including a screenshot:

[hide]What I did was get the bombs and then place a couple on the road as you can see in the screenshot. When the first two vehicles come down the road I blew the first one up when they were both beside it. Then every comes running out of the buildings.

At this point I started launching grenades and killed them all, just time it/throw it right and you can kill everyone in that area without firing a shot. In between this there may be a few more vehicles coming so be sure to run out and place a bomb or fire the bazooka at them. It takes one bomb and one bazooka or three bazookas to kill the tanks. Just be sure to kill six of the vehicles, there are seven that leave via the south exit, and save at least two bombs.

Once all the vehicles are gone goto the ammo dump building and blow that up. Then head up to the fuel depot and blow it up. There will be a few guys around but they are easy to take out with either grenades or gas.[/hide]

On the next mission you finally use the Diver! :)[attachment deleted by Gobalopper]

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