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Sex is the greatest of all physical expressions

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In western culture, sex is taboo. Even though people like to pretend they are "liberated" and have somehow a greater perception of the world, we still have a problem with sex.

In reality, it is one of the only physical acts that reaches to a level of spirituality. If done right, it is an act of selfless love, and is the perfect example of recieving back what you give. If you give to your partner as much pleasure as you can, and he or she does the same for you, then the selflessness and compassion for one another will give both parties more pleasure than just taking and abusing the bond of copulation. If it is between two people who truly love eachother, it is one of the best ways to express that love.

It seems that the pleasure of sex has been ebbing from our viewpoints.

You may think that is silly to say, but we more and more try to find ways to make it fun. We try to find more and more perverted behavior to bring back the spark it once had. It is an example that love in our society is shot.

I just thought about this while reading Song of Songs. Those of you who are believers, or just romantics who love good liturature in this area, it is a great story and example of sex. My dad has a concordence, and interlinear, and other stuff including the original hebrew text of the whole old testament. This enabled me to translate it for myself without having to be an expert on this specific language.

Well come to find out, the metaphores explained in song of songs are lude, graphic, extremely erotic, and well - just weird to be in the bible for some.lol I wont go into the specifics, but This couple who are together by the will of God, and are an example of God and his love israel, experiance a lot of stuff that most fundimentalists would freak out about. It even shocked me.

I went to reading more stuff from the old and new testament, and found that it teaches this. The marriage bed is undefiled. This means that when a couple is married, they can express sexual love to eachother in many ways. I just think it is neat, and shows just one more example of a misconception christians have on the reality of sex.

It truly is a wonderful thing in my beliefs spiritually, as well as how I think rationally. It is one of the only physical acts that brings you close to God.

I know I probably sound weird with all of this.lol I just thought I would share. No, I am not a pervert.lol I havent even kissed a girl yet, but I see the reality of it, and see that a new barrier of ignorance has been broken for me. What do you guys think about sex? There seem to be a lot of these posts floating around, but they seem to be about other issues with sex being a playing factor in them. I just wanted to make a thread specifically about this.

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There's a time and place for it, and accompanying acts such as tongue kissing and fondling, but I think it's great because of rush of hormones you get from it. I haven't had sex, nor tongue kissing nor fondling, but I've read accounts that support my thoughts.

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In western culture, sex is taboo. Even though people like to pretend they are "liberated" and have somehow a greater perception of the world, we still have a problem with sex.

You should visit The Netherlands if you get the change ... ;)

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hehe, I knew somebody that came to our college from the netherlands. It sounds a lot like my home town of bellingham. It is a great small city, really fresh and intelligent in the true form. At the same time though it isnt full of idiots with agenda's like "goths" or "punks". They are usually white trash in small towns, or in their own ghettos in cities.

From what he has told me, it really sounds like a wonderful place, and would want to see it sometime.

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lately this Board has been becoming really disgusting and dirty

i am shocked that the Mods are letting this go on

many members here seem to be thinking of this as a "cybersex" forum or something (or otherwise using this site as a sounding board to "get off")

i am truly and sincerely repulsed by the smut on this site lately

i hope the Mods do something about it ASAP

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TMA, you are trying to put back dyonisiac orgies of albigenes or what? By the way, putting the Song of the songs to red literature is much bigger heresy. It talking about love. I understand that you Americans have brains washed by all those movies fusing love with reproductive needs...

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Actually Caid, not all of us equate sex and love. I do plan on remaining a virgin until marriage.

And Nav, this is not like some chats I've been to where people's cybering leaks into the main window. That is disturbing...this is a discussion on the Bible.

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Of course, O45, sorry for generalisation. Culture is overwhelmed by massmedia and popculture.

Oh sorry for overreacting. I tend to buy into that particular generalization myself many times. (There's a reason that generalization is so wide spread).

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stop trying to show off your historical knowledge caid, you do that too much.lol

also, I could point out to you the specifics. Also the historical view the jews had on sex, as well as early christians. Maybe you are fighting because you have been raised to be so uptight. You forget that the song of songs is much more than an allegory. It was a double meaning story. There really was a sheulamite woman, and solomon tried to get her but failed. It is also a sign between the father and israel. Good grief man, if you cant face the facts of what it teaches, then you are way too uptight. That includes all scripture too. It is just as bad to conservitively legalize as it is to take away things from the bible.

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Messing about with genitalia should be restricted to a minimum. Does it not strike you as vile?

Details should not be discussed. It is not polite to discuss decomposition processes or excretion under normal circumstances, and likewise, such terms as refer to the genitalia and similar should not be a point of conversation. Suffice to make generalisations, then move on.

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hmm nema... I dont think it has been discussed, and it would never be. I am suprised that you sound like nav. anyways why is there opposition? if so what do you guys think about the song of songs?

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I am just ensuring that no-one goes into any detail. And it was also on reply to your first post:

"In western culture, sex is taboo. Even though people like to pretend they are "liberated" and have somehow a greater perception of the world, we still have a problem with sex. "

As to the song of songs, it's one of the parts of the bible I've not read.

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isnt it odd that if somebody brings up the issue of sex, automatically there are those who try to keep it modest, even though it already is. it is an example of what I was talking about. Nema, you should at least give some the benefit of the doubt. I dont believe anybody would be rude enough to post graphic stuff. If they did then they would be dealt with and I would lock this thread.

Just because I think sex is a good thing, doesnt mean I am inferring that people should be "Messing about with genitalia" all of the time. It should be kept in moderation. It shouldnt be stigmatized though.

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And if someone brings up the issues of copying CDs, there are always those who spoil everyone's fun and put warnings saying that breaking of copyright is illagal and cannot be discussed, on the offchance that someone might start talking about it...

Anyway. Yes, I believe that people should not be doing such things unless absolutely necessary. It seems so 'spiritual' purely because the chemical excitement has been evolved to make sure people do it often enough to keep the species going. We should control ourselves, and act on reason, not chemicals.

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it has nothing to do with excitement. It has to do with the unification of man and woman. I am not saying everybody will agree with me, but you have to understand nema that not all rationalize or take things by faith like you. I personally see the unification as spiritual. It is one of the most powerful things, and if used for good, it is one of the most constructive acts. The body releases the protective enzymes that stimulate the body similarly to opiates. It physically feels good. You notice though that it isnt enough now days? people arent satisfied with just sex, they need to create more and more perverted schemes in order to get their kicks. I just think it is a little foreword of you to talk so blaitently, giving out rules when they arent needed. I resent the fact taht you openly inferred that I act on emotions, on instinct. Your job is to protect the site. Prevention is good to a point, but it can be extremely harmful. I just think that maybe you should think about what others say, and dont discredit the good for idiots who ruin it for us. It isnt logical per ce, but it is the nice thing to do.

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I already stated that the act itself is physical. Just like the act of closing your eyes and praying to christ silently. It too is a physical act, but there are deeper meanings. I told you this in my opinion, please show a little respect.

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Gods below, I'm actually posting in PRP, something I vowed never to do. Oh well...

I find this a very interesting post, and I am also surprised at Nema's reaction. Admittedly, sex is something that is no longer the beautiful, hidded, deeply personal thing it once was. But censorship, and an outright revilement of the subject is not (in my opinion) what is needed.

I agree with both TMA and Acriku on this subject. Sex can be either a deeply spiritual action, or simply the production, exchange and absorbtion of chemicals. Sadly, in modern culture there is a tendancy to focus on the chemical and unemotional aspects of the act. If I were not afraid of censorship, I would quote a verse of scripture that relates to this absence of spirituality and simplicity in modern culture.

Either way, I would like to leave you with a link to another of TMA's posts relating to this subject: "hey what do you think?" in Fan Fiction. Be sure to read my post on the Song of Solomon.

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At first I didn't want to reply to it, but this topic is nothing like an sybersex chatroom nor has it got simulareties to it I can see. I was just looking for info about the song 4 minute warning by Marc Owen while I came up with a topic named caught mastrubating. I know it has got nothing to do with this one. But it used a lot more detailed explenations then this one but still it was held in a reasonable way to discuss about it. I looked over the toppic and was laughing for about 30 mintues, there just was some funny stuf in there. And also nothing at all like a internet sybersex room.

[ think this reply has just made clear who visits and who doesn't visit those places .. . :-[ anyone who should want the link to that other topic, let me know. . it's sort of American pie in words instead of filming .. ]

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TMA you're idea of respect is agreement. I do not agree with you, I stated my opinion just as you did, so don't ask for respect when there is no disrespect given.

Ask the porn stars if they feel anything spiritual other than the godly instrument entering their various exits and entrances. You see, people make things out to be what they want them to be. You may think it's spiritual, but that's what you want to make it out to be.

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well ask the thousands of ritualists who go to church and dont believe in a higher spirituality. They dont feel anything of the sort because they arent focused on the issue, and are not in touch with the spiritual.

You are right lord j, maybe I was a little too zealous in how I said it. what you have said makes sense.

Skywalker, just because I havent experianced sex, does not mean I dont know about it. It can be understood without doing the act. But there is a bit of truth in what you say. TO fully understand you need to commit the act.

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