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asjo vs. zx48k

Game Duration: 23 minutes

asjo's point change: +0

zx48k's point change: +0

asjo Result: Out of Sync Wash Game

Points: 249

Record: 11/0/0

Side: Atreides

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 299/263/0

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 5/34/0

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 202/138/0

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 40/53/0

Saw Completion: No

IP: 140.75.1X.XXX

zx48k Result: Out of Sync Wash Game

Points: 252

Record: 12/4/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 208/378/68

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 12/37/32

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 108/251/43

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 44/51/11

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 157.70.18X.XXX

quite obviously zx48k has the higher amount of units and buildings killed and on asjo's stats, there r no units remaining, also he has an unbeaten record on stats...

i recommend he is avoided, maybe he doesnt know that the ppl who arrange the scoring systems at the end of the month discount the cheats

also, 4 the top 50 list and house listings ill add a section to website soon

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Yes, that is a first.. OOS = Wash Game, what a disappointment.  Every week theirs something new in regards to WWO.  And  I hope  the more we complain of all its problems the quicker WW, will do something about it.  Keep playing hard, is all I can say.

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Relax, this is nothing new.  Out of sync wash games are (almost) always the result of one of the players activating a trainer.  What makes "Out of sync wash games" different from ordinary "Wash games" is that wash games can occur naturally through a server F-up or a player disconnecting.  Out of sync wash games are a red flag for WW employees that the player is cheating.  They have an automatic system in place where if the player has more than X number of OOS wash games in a month, they're banned.

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No I think the game can still start but once there is a difference in something, ie someone builds a factory that according to their rules allows any unit type then you get the error. At least that is how I understand it.

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