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Duncan, you have no idea what Quake 4 will be like. You're acting like a fanboy now. All you have are concept images, whereas Doom III has actual in-game cinematics and trailers.


No, you shut up :P Seriously, you have no reason to think that it will be better than Doom III. It may, basically, suck monkey butt. Until you have something to show that it is looking good, don't be such a fanboy.


look, have any of u played doom 3 or quake 4. nope.

so why are u arguing about somthing that you have never experienced?

perhaps somthing can be said about doom 3 but nobody knows anything about quake 4, exept a few sketches and some models that probably wont show up in the game like that anyway

also;"lol u know nothing.. doom 3 engine dosent look good? where the hell do u live? ha they tested doom 3 with a 2.0 GH computer with 520 MG memory and GeForce 5900 video card, on a low resolution it was laggy.. "

why the fuck would i want a game that runs laggy on the highest end computers and the loweset setting? that doesnt even say how detailed the models are or anything, it just says that the models are shite in that the polygon count wasnt kept as low as it could be.

oh yea, and have u seen the engine for half life 2- doom3's engine look good but from what ive seen from the movies HL2's looks way better.... but thats a matter of opinion... i guess :)


and u just keep and think that.. i wont argue with your oponion.. but in mine, doom 3 engine looks far better then HL2 but HL2 have a great engine too.. so just dont reply to anything that has to do argue with me ok?


Mr Dozy, that's how they make these new games. They soup it up on their supercomputers, then they dumb it down. What the hell is your point?


Mr Dozy, that's how they make these new games. They soup it up on their supercomputers, then they dumb it down. What the hell is your point?

the models that they tested would not have been the souped up ones, else why would they have tested it on a 2ghz computer, and so close to release date

my point is above


Um, the alpha leak runs perfectly smooth on my computer, and it was known as a very laggy one due to its early stage.

How fast Doom 3 will run on your computer is very much up to the graphic card.

A Radeon 9700, which I have, combined with my AMD XP2400+(2.0GHz), and a chunk of 512 MB DDR RAM should run Doom3 just fine, I think(according to www.tomshardware.com).

If a new game lags on your computer, nowadays, it's often the code that's crappy, not the graphics that's too good...


Um, the alpha leak runs perfectly smooth on my computer, and it was known as a very laggy one due to its early stage.

How fast Doom 3 will run on your computer is very much up to the graphic card.

A Radeon 9700, which I have, combined with my AMD XP2400+(2.0GHz), and a chunk of 512 MB DDR RAM should run Doom3 just fine, I think(according to www.tomshardware.com).

If a new game lags on your computer, nowadays, it's often the code that's crappy, not the graphics that's too good...

Alpha leak??? O_o o_o o_O


Yes, InsanePilot, haven't you heard about the alpha leak which, according to rumours, was leaked by ATI?

In it, you can play three or four levels, and try out a few weapons against zombies. Though the coding is far from finished, the graphic is very good.

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