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    Las Vegas
  1. hey, how can therre be so many n00bs but nobody really buys emperor anymore, and not many people bot it in da first place.
  2. WAT!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE THEY TAKE OFF EMPEROR ONLINE DAY!!!!! WHO DID IT. TELL ME NOW!!!!!!!!! fools! :P :-[
  3. nope, those patches arent gonna help teh problem. but i think its in the k6-2 processor or the mainboard, i am 99.9% sure, lets look on ebay...
  4. I think if there was an expansion, subhouses should have a new building and a new unit to build... Guild: Building="Guild Mega Cannon" Unit="Spice Absorber,when standing on melange its attack sharply rises." Fremen: Building="dont know, any ideas" Unit="how bout some type of fremen riding a yak or speeder bike or sumtin" Ix: Building="Ix Mega cannon" Unit="Ix tractor tank, attracts units toward it when deplyed, and renders it attack-less once in a short range" Sardukar: Building="Sardukar Laser hover turret, has stats like a normal turret, but can move slowly anywere any other unit could move" Unit="Sardukar Trooper, has a missle launcher in one hand and a gun in the other" Tilaxeau: Building="Tilaxeau Living turret" Unit="Tilaxeau face dancer, once it attacks an infantry, it becomes them, then it can deployed it turns bak into a face dancer. if deployed while in face-dancer mode it swithes to attack mode so it can attak enemies."
  5. i just found the IX mega cannon. ya i wooped there buildings wit it!
  6. yeah both the sonic weapon type units will crush it. (the sonic tank and feds.) With the feds just make sure once he get a shot he cloaks and soesnt make another one.
  7. i dont care much for those kinds of cheats, gets too complicated. i like a good sard elite knife fight though!
  8. I dont like gas turrets. they do almost nothing to most vehicles and wont even kill sum infantry! pop-up turret is good, but it has to short of range. plus no ordos turrets can attack air units. (good thing for AA troopers) 8)
  9. Oh come on! Call THAT a defence? 3 kobra's, some lasertanks and some sardaukar would easily kill them all. hint hint: 6 kobra's + 6 lasertanks. +- 10 kobra's + some sardaukars + 4 lasertanks. heres a good plan, dont let them get to ur spice feild!
  10. well i was just on only 1 game but thats just for now, lets go!!!!!
  11. OK srry IM a lil late but it officially begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets go guys come on. I want to see those servers LAGGING!!
  12. ya the worm could be a problem, but only if its the one where it shoots up from the ground (how do u stop those anyway! ??? ) But theyll murder a normal moving worm. or if u spread them apart enough u wont have to worry.
  13. SPIC FEILDS: Atrietes: 3 air drones 3 mongoose 2 sonics 2 minos 5 deployed kinjal Hark: 2 APD 1 deva 2 flame tanks 2 missle tanks 5 troopers Ordos: 2 kobras 10 AA troopers 3 lasertanks 2 APC's note that these are heavy defenses, as in nothing comes in or out type of defenses (well, maybe come out.) if its not that bad lighten up on the defense. For all bases, a good suply of spread out turrets should be good. that is, except for Ordos. they have no AA turrets, and all there turrets are unable to hit a mino attacking them thanx to there range. so set up 3 laser, 2 kobra, 5 AA troopers, and maybe sum AA-mines per entrance. also an EITS to be detonated over enemies. :O
  14. Skilzat99X


    Man, that's sick ! *feels a itch in his eye*... oh oh... yuck!I m eating something now........oh shit!THat red lump and the worm was gross man, that be nasty!!! i hope the guy wus asleep. not even atistetic or whatever would help cause seein that bein pulled out of ur own eye would make u puke!!!!!!!! :-[
  15. ya but could u giv sum info on the patch anyways plz
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