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Everything posted by darkmage
has anyone ever tried to remake/reverse engineer dune 2000? I know that FreeCNC would have a lot of similar code. http://sourceforge.net/projects/freecnc/ http://home.mayn.de/comrad/freecnc/?content=start Just how much did the engines change between games? There's also FreeRA. Which reimplements Red Alert
I need to extract the unit and building art from dune 2000.
I need a program that can extract dune 2000 .r16 and .r8 files, to get all the graphics from the game, the plan is to then make dune 2000 compatible with freecnc http://freecnc.sf.net so that it can be run in linux/osx/bsd/windows etc
Hi I need tools for dune 2000, primarily I need a tool that can extract the games'data files, it's for a linux port of dune 2000, has anyone got any idea where I can get these tools or has file specifications?
as I was saying SIGN AN NDA it's been done before with EA, there is now a medal of honor allied assault port to linux because the guy soigned an NDA, they distribute the binaries (.exe files) not the source code.
caligari truespace. the game engine uses .3ds files so converting is simple
why not ask for EA to release the source for say emperor battle for dune. that would be a much better thing to ask for. OR better yet... ask if instead of releasing the code as open source, ask if you can setup a small group which will sign Non disclosure agreementws, who will port the games to other platforms such as linux :D
I've been modelling it's pretty simple stuff max of about 600 polys for a few things most items are under 300 polys. allkinds of models, harvester, carryall etc buildings as well all from dune 2000
is anyone here a good texture artist? I've modelled MOST of the units but i can't do very good textures... I can provide texture coordinates for anyone who will texture the models.
a dune mod for boson! boson.sf.net I've begun modelling new units for it, based on dune 2000, gameplay will be balanced mroe like emperor. will run only in linux/unix for now AFAIK, a windows port MAY be possible.
Has anyone tried this before? I've found guild heighliner object pieces... if we could create an ini file that would use the heigliner sand texture... we could make our OWN heighliner maps!
actually creating a game is quite cheap... myself and a friend have created a professional quality space flight sim game by ourselves. you don't NEED a development compay... I think the time of paid for software is coming to an end... soon it will be pay for play online games that take over... as broadband penetrates more the games will be downloaded for free but playing online will get the companies their money.
heroes 3,2 and maybe 4 HAVE LOTR maps... go online and look for them... heroes 2's was the best IMHO
if you are correct and if milkshape runs under linux... then I will begin this project.... I just wish emperor ran under linux... currently in winexit gives a "cannot create 3d device" error.
any chance of a linux port? there aren't too many games that run in linux... dune 2 would make a great addition.
I'd love to see a repair pad in there... as well as the trikes all 3 houses have..
is there any chance of getting .3ds support? I can model and texture... but getting the stuff into the game will be a problem. I use caligari truespace for modelling which I do in linux which cannot yet run emperor.
How about the FREMEN, we rarely see them in emperor and it's a real shame... remeber in the novels the fremen were very organized... I think the fremen should gain some new structures and units... in the novels the fremen had ornithopters.... and there are probably many other applications for the fremen.
I think you guys are going to hit a major brickwall here... we've been trying for ages to get origin to release wing commander source copde (1990) they said it was against their policy to do so... I can't remember this for sure but I think it might have been an EA policy not an origin policy... you might want to check with westwood but don't hold your breath for the source.
would it be possible? I think it'd be a cool thing to try... remaking the dune 2000 units in 3d.
I felt it should have been that the emperor worm comes after beating BOTH houses....
I have been able to make a slightly new tileset. it's not really new but it is useful. I've been trying to make an island level on caladan. but had been unable to make water.... No longer! make a new .ini file in mapeditordataworlds and paste this into it: newgrass.tga sea.tga save and make a new map in the editor using your new tileset. to make water simply use the cliffsea and start carving out your ocean!
it's for emperor. As soon as the converter comes out (see: in a few weeks) I will be converting the models into emperor.
I've begun designing new buildings for a smuggler mod. the new buildings include a refinery, as well as a factory. the refinery can only house two harvesters, and cannot be upgraded. the factory will produce quads and trikes. does anyone have Ideas they want to add? i'm thinking of using other smuggler vehicles.
are you sure it's not a bug..... could be they meant for you to kill both houses, but instead it kicks in when you kill the first house?