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  1. HI ALLL at dune2k long time no see,
  2. What do you all think or have most of you gone to Generals or other games since the B.C rankings have been shut down. Now adays you never see the *FEW* or DARK or any of the other clan members maybe one or 2 here or there but there never play like they use to What do you think
  3. The sight was down for a few hours to get a fine tune but it is back up and running and there are some cool screen shots. All I have to do now is buy the game when the mod is finshed. ;D
  4. There are lots of forums about norton 2003/64mb mx 440/ Dual cpu and xp windows have a look in the links below: 1) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=7;action=display;threadid=7681 2) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7770 3) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=6967 4) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7773 5) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7780 6) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7777 7) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=3312 8) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=6807 9) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7394 10) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7326 11) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=6815 12) http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?board=4;action=display;threadid=7191 And there are few more posts on win xp and dual cpu and graphic card problems with nvidia problems this should help a little[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. John Doe is the name they give a person when they are found dead with no I.D. or know one knows there name. Till they do finger prints and dental records are found. If records can not found to match. Then they will be buried with the name John Doe till someday somebody works out who they were. So I am a person with no name = John Doe
  6. What did you all think of my licence idea would that work you think ???? On page 4 if you want to read it. ;)
  7. I do not know navaors in any way. But not everyone is ment to be liked by everyone for what ever reason. Ok he might have been band many times and you think he could of have been able to learn by now. But if no one forgives and forget and trys and just say bygones be bygones, then it will never end. So in the end if we all don't ask silly questions or sarcastic statments or spam anyone then we should all live happy.true? :- *Just like the two good old sayings go people. 1) WHAT COMES AROUND GO'S AROUND 2) STICKS AND STONES MAY BACK MY BONES BUT NAMES WILL NEVER HURT YOU Plus the questions you should be asking yourself. **Is he better then he was before, even if it is a little bit? ** yes / no / a little? ** Ok if not... should he be given some kind of licence with like 12 points on it depending on the grade of what ever he has done wrong the licence gets a point taken off it and GOB desides on the point value, of the point taken from his licence. If this action is taken the licence should renewedevery 12 months back to its 12 points again. ( If he lasts that long? nah only joking Navaors please don't take it to heart) :-* * What do you think on the licence idea.?? then it lets him post on whatever he wants untill he lossers all his points, and then Navaors came blame no one eles but himself for not holding back and thinking before he types. Myself I think it is a more far way then from being band all together, for people that have been band before, to get a second to redeem himself!! But it is going to have to be a team effete to make everyone happy And remember respect everyone and they will respect you, and your veiws....(most times) I tick the nothing as this above is my veiw. Its up to you now lord GOB
  8. Cool I want to know who wins if nav is up to fighting you man. hehe You should do a best of 3 or 5 fights then no one can not say it was just luck too. ;D 8) [hide] fight fight fight love it have a go you can only lose or win and you could be a ducker too >:D >:D [/hide]
  9. I love it when my heart in pounding out of your chest. thats when you still know you are alive and when you win it gives you a real sense of power over the other person. *** you will never learn the real joys of winning if you never learn how to lose. ***Plus you can never win them all but let them try and stop you. hehe ;D Till next time keep kicken butt. hehe :P
  10. Top job man!!! :) Are any of the units and buildings going to be put on Atomcraft. At any time soon or only after the mod comes out? I will give a hand, if I learn enough in time to help that is.. ;D ;D ;D
  11. They might have had 2 labs, one with all the info about the first terminator ,witch thay destoryed in terminator 2. Plus a back up lab somewhere else hidden where the other scientists that were involved in the construction of the primary lab, and might have even been part of the rebuilding of the frist chip. This is why they tryed covering one of the labs up, and giving the other one a company name,as a front incase anyone found out and when known of people might want to stop it by hacking and cracking or getting in by force. Incase of this thay had a backup lab ready there for the constuction of the first terminator so it to could keep on getting built. Where the terminator for this movie,( Terminator 3) was built! Or they could have sent another terminator from the future dimension of the 2 terminator too back up the liquid terminator and build a army starting in this time just incase the liquid terminator just could not pull off the job. Plus in the time of the terminators they could of sent 10 terminators too different time lines 2 hours apart and landing them in time lines 15 years apart. In this case the terminators could almost live for ever, and we coulds have 7 more terminator movies comming our way in time to come. :P :D Who is to say ???
  12. *Do you think that the *.lgt file should be made a compulsory file in making mods now for emperor? * Say If this was made a compulsory file, and it had to be added before the mod is packed,would it take to longtime to get the mod right to put online for everyone to play? *Or do you think that they should make another link in dun2k editing, that has the mods containing this file *.lgt in them, with a rundown of the timmens modsweeper in there with the mods holding that file? What do you think?? Please let me know !! :O :P :-* :) ;) :D ;D 8)
  13. Thanks again for that. I read the read me file you can still only use one mod at a time. It would be a good program if you don't play a different mods everyday. That certain file you were speaking of was called, *.lgt this will save you looking for it later because I know you made the (Emperor Mod) I used in my examples in the main discussion. It was a nice mod you made i had fun getting wiped by the A.I. in the game. hehe i will put my vote in for it soon for the mod. I have tryed your maps and put my votes in for that ;D will I find all tools to make new looking units in dune editing, plus other programs to make sound and different icons, or is that in all the other editing program that changes the units powers like TibEd???
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