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  1. Ahoy eveyone, hopefully few peeps that I know have not YET abandon this wonderful forum... Zilents wants YOU in Homeworld 2 (more info:www.homeworld2.com).. come come come.. and join the space imperial to conquer a whole new world!!! my nick in HW2: Sir_Behemoth or Zilents See ya!
  2. dammmmm its getting hot in here... lol... I wish I could watch gun/vil/dawg vs bren/doom/mord .. and perhaps from GoD clan new/cb/spaze ... uhhh.. uhhh.... sorry senda.. I might not be able to play man, really busy w/ school stuff... don't wanna ruined it this time... I did it once... :'( ...
  3. Hark got a mighty Devastator Drop, nice to kill ur enemy base... Atr also got a sonic drop (rater than those lame mino drop,if enemy didn't enough space.. ur mino will just wandering around!) .. hmmm... not sure bour Ordos tho.. perhaps deviator drop? Btw guys.. I'm back! =)
  4. Lol... apollyn!!! u still alive??? ;D
  5. I think he died.. :D.. my asumption based on how he loved emperor so much.. I don't think he could ever leave it while still alive ;D umm.. are there alot people in emp naw? RoN is kindda boring... I'm thinking on goin back....
  6. DAMMT!!! How in hell I could ever forget darky!!! *darkd3th "Good time playing with you mate! I remmeber the very first game I play along with you .. we're both ordos .. we played together like hours as double ordos and won every single game in 3 - 5 minutes... lol .. u said u never see the power of ordos like this hehehehe... man I gonna miss that moment!!! but I'll be waiting for you in Rise of Nations =)" Rise of Nations kindda like Age of Empire / Age of Myth but with a lot of diffret concepts like.. your will never run out of resources... so in a long game u just concentrate on strategy, tactics... not micromanagin on gather resources anymore... nice concepts of National borders, city border.. etc... Download the Demo on: http://www.microsoft.com/games/riseofnations/ click downloads See ya in the new battle fields!!!
  7. I already uninstall empy.. and I put those CDs into my Old Collection as with Dune 2, Dune 2000, Tiberian Sun, AoE I & II, C&C 1 - red alert, MAX III. Just to tease u guys, Rise of Nations is soo cool.. I dont say better than empy.. but hear me out here, I never know any game got this before: when any of the players got disconnected by any reason.. you can chose to replace with AI .. the AI is pretty smart that usually whoever with them would win the war. and the most intresting is you can give order to the AI.. like "attack", "work on your economy", "make army", "move your army to some point", "make more air units", "gimmie resources", etc... and they responded!!! 3 times one of my ally got d/c and we're actually losing.. but the AI helped ALOT!!! until we actually captured some of our cities back.. and win the war!!! woooohooooo... its Rise of Nations baby!!!
  8. I'm retiring, I believe it is time for me to moving on after almost a year of wonderful time with great friends and clanmate! I'm very gratefull to the peoples/institution I mention below: *westwood "Awsome game!" *fed2k.com gob&mod "keep up the good work! never let DUNE spirits away!" *vilesoul/airunits "wer the hell r u!!!" *h4t3rkill "really good time playing with ya mate! for every 1 time u kill me in pool.. I'll kill you 5 times in empy!!! lol" *gunwounds "amazing player, my mentor, my guru." *sendakon "hell of a nice person! keep the research mate! dont forget make twinkies!!!" *deluged "that good old time mate!!!" *djcid "good guy! long live the FEW!" *s3ntinal "great player! thx for the tips!" *skum0m3n "who in the name of hell can beat his building speed!!! .. .darn u guitarist!!! and before you take your pills, say it with me "I am an eskimo!" " *brennq "awsome player.. welcome back! ... its my turn naw" *ap0lly0n "zilly wats tha dilly!!! eh...Good time playing with man, remmeber we both beat vilgent & warskum (even only once!!!)" *newlords/dumbgeeks "my very fist mentor! thank you tuan!" *pizza199/supremmmm "pizza dude! you'r mine! lol.. great time mate!" *zcbtt58 "darn u rusher!!! huehueuhehue.. nice mate!!!" *bmw85x "darn u harvy kidnapper!!! and keep up that Zilents's mighty DEVASTATOR DROP!!!" *navaros "&*#$! @*% @# @!$#@#&* @$&@#!&*@#$@ @$*@%*&*!!" *darkd3th ===> READ NEXT PAGE!!! I will visit this board at time to time.. but my soul for emperor has died and forgotten... :'( zilents signing off.
  9. bah.. then whats the point of this thread... Mod please send this lame paethic thread to the dungeon! REPENT NAV! CONFESS ALL OF YOUR SIN! then you shall be saved to the Kingdom of Heaven.
  10. shhushhhhhhh!!!
  11. This is not a thread about prove or dissapprove the exsistence of GOD but more likely the advantage and disadvantage of people who believe or not believe in GOD! Which side do you pick, and is the advantage morelikely overcome the disadvantage? Lemme give ya a start: I believe people who believe in GOD has more chance of survival in life because they have "someone" to rely on when something bad happens. It gives them hope, peace of mind when problems come, when peoples are not there for you. And some of the bible verse are very good for personal development. Anyone watch Signs movie? and remmember a very good line of Mel Gibson when hes talkin with his nephew in a couch watching TV? I don't remmeber the exact line but I get the idea of this thread from it...
  12. Your Emperor first request to no be harsh / cruel to newbie yet some people prefer calling them n00b.. because they are the future of DUNE, land of spice... only late in time frame... Your Emperor cries for newcomers leaving the land of Dune because of YOU ... kicking them out of your host eh.. house! cursing them... masscaree them within 60 secs ... Give them hope, courage, advise, train them to be elite Generals of Dune, as you were in the beginning of time. Give a good impression on how beautiful Dune community is. Tell them of a magical place called fed2k, and spread the magic spells of Emperor Strats and Shack http://www.songwave.com/dune (an archieve database history of elite players in Dune) Thou shall follow my words "Bila-Kaifa" For the New Dune will flourish And My will be done... Amen.
  13. Ahoy Emperor's loyal servants... your new Master has arrived, thus serve him well and eliminate all who stand in his way...
  14. look at this: GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date 24836 zilents L -12 supremmmm L 12:13 08:44 21-06 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- supremmmm killed bought left captured units 63 122 7 buildings 0 13 0 -11 infantry 50 75 1 planes 0 7 6 zilents killed bought left captured units 121 174 111 buildings 2 16 16 0 infantry 80 116 68 planes 1 9 9 I won on that game.. and I didnt quit... wat happen here? Gob pls explain...
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