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  1. : )
  2. It wasnt cloaked..they just forgot that they picked it up
  3. i am staying in no matter what...i will always hols the *FEW* banner high and proud...i am devastated that procyonb is leaving but i guess we will have to go on without him and i am going to make him 1 final promise...i am gonna work my ass off to get *FEW* into the top 5 next month(without cheating)
  4. i would have to take this one girl from school named Sam and i wouldnt have time to play games if u know what i mean ;)heh
  5. funniest thing i have ever seen...they kept saying "I have heard of this...it is behing a rock hidden lolololololololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I understand...they just dont see it because it is in border which makes it invisible...he has a drone in the border
  7. If yo like HOMEWORLD then why dont you go to a homeworld forum.this forum is about E:BFD ok?
  8. I am with skum. ;) ;) ;)
  9. I dont mind if they just ask for a small change...but i dont when they are like tchange this change that...that is when u just say if you want those settings then make your own game.
  10. oh my go this makes me so mad when newbies or any1 else join a game and are like change money...turn prebuilkt on...turn superweapons off...doesnt that wanna make you just flame the poop out of them?everytime it happens to me now i am like if i had wanted those settings then i would have joind your game.does that make any1 else mad?????
  11. [offtopic]I'm not emprworm, but I can help you. Howie's Quick Screen Capture v1.06 is the program you're talking about right? Ok in the file menu click Preferences. Now change the file save path info to a folder that you can find. You could make a new folder in your root directory and call it 'Screenshots'. Then all you need to do is change the information in the file save path box in the preferences so it reads: C:Screenshots or wherever the folder happens to be. The pictures will all be saved in there.[/offtopic] Thank you very mush...that will help very much
  12. Uh oh here we go again...why did you have to bring this up ravet?
  15. does qakibop have any different nicks on WOL? you obviously do. didnt marcel prove you cheating along with another guy? you got the 200thpost in this thread. NO NO NO...what i am saying is the guyqakibop have anydiff nicks on WOL?
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