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Everything posted by dczx
I have enjoyed the Dune Encyclopedia for a long time and I am very sad to hear of this. My condolences to the family.
I'm curious, what are those glowing eyes at the end of E:BFD? Another worm? A worm-man (ala Leto II), another ghola, a futar? I wonder what they had planned for the expansion that never came out...
I wonder if this is the word Fedaykin came from. I was reading in the paper about Iraq's armies and read "Saddam Fedayeen". I looked it up on the internet: http://www.fas.org/irp/world/iraq/fedayeen/ interesting..
hmm... sorry bout that, try another table and see if that one works... also, if you really want to get it working, there's a lot of forums: http://www.vpforums.com/ where someone should help you get it running.. good luck
btw, forgot to mention, you need visual pinball to play.. it's there too
:D Hi people, I thought I'd mention this: at: http://www.irpinball.com/ under "original tables" there is Dunne Pinball! 8)
I guess they did both in places, I thought. They need to find a balance. I've read some of KJA's other books and they are the same way.
The worst thing about BJ I don't like is the writing style... specifically, of Kevin J. Anderson. I remember in Creative Writing classes, even English classes, they said don't say, "It was a beautiful forest" say "The dark green forest of evergreens glistened in the dew of the morning. The smell of pine was strong in the air" okay, so I know that's cheesy, but you get my point. Keving J. Anderson doesn't "describe" a lot. He just says things and it's bad writing. Especially in the relationships with Butler / Vor Atreides / Harkonen guy... Frank Herbert described relationships through dialog, Kevin J. just says what it happening and doesn't describe anything. could I write a novel as good as them? probably not, but I can read novels better than theirs.
Hi, No offense to your campaign intended, but I don't understand... Dune I was more of an adventure game with a lot of character interaction and only a little strategic element (secure seitches, assault harkonnens)... how does this port to Warcraft III without becoming something completely different? (and that might be okay too)
I'm just trying to keep an open mind. The footnotes say hippo, but a hippo doesn't have a tail like cedars. The original greek doesn't have footnotes, by the way. heh
The bible refers to Behemoth in Job... who sounds very much like a brontosaurus... some might say a hippo, but it says, "He moves his tail like a cedar" v17 which doesn't sound like one. Job 40:15-24 http://www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible?passage=Job+40&NIV_version=yes&language=english and also Leviathan: Job 41 http://www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible?passage=Job+41&NIV_version=yes&language=english these are mentioned throughout the Bible as probably the worst beasts around... maybe most were killed in the flood?
Edric, You haven't refuted the stories of the flood/arc present in nearly every culture, Man, that's one big allegory! Don't forget the Bible is backed up historically on a lot of accounts, for example, the coins existed, rulers existed, etc. There is also a lot of archeological evidence. I've never heard of archeological evidence being called allegory.
If the cultures that have records of the flood were, in fact, cultures stemmed from the survivors of the flood, that would make sense. I have not heard of any of the flood stories being localized. It doesn't make sense that Native American, Incan and Babylonian cultures, Israel and others would all have the same story of a universal flood if it didn't happen. The devil, maybe (a universal bad guy), but not a flood... that doesn't seem like some deep niche of human psyche to me anyway. check out this list of flood/arc stories: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html note the stories have both flood and arc elements example: Inca (Peru): The water rose above the highest mountain in the world. All created things perished, except for a man and woman who floated in a box. When the flood subsided, the floating box was driven by the wind to Tiahuanacu, about 200 miles from Cuzco. [Gaster, p. 127]
back to the topic of the arc... whether you agree with God's intentions in flooding the earth, or the Bible, there's still a lot of evidence that the flood/arc story is true... example... cultures all over the world having a flood story (epic of gilgamesh, etc.)
Hi, If I abort from a 4-player game after I lose, does it end the game for everyone else? thx
I took the book back to the library so I can't quote them... I do remember him saying, 'like golden lizards the dragoon gaurds stood in the sun' or something like that... and there were others, can't remember them now though. It did have an excellent beginning though that draws the reader in.
Here's my review, it's somewhat complete because I put it on my blog. Dune: The Butlerian Jihad by Kevin J. Andersen and Brian Herbert The Butlerian Jihad a prequel set in the Dune universe 10,000 years before the first Dune book by Frank Herbert. Humanity has spread from Earth and exists on many planets. However, a group of 20 humans had their brains removed and placed in canisters allowing them to live indefinitely and called themselves, the Titans. Through use of computers and technology, they conquered much of humanity and enslaved many planets. However, their programming of the computers backfired on them and the computers and AI took control of everything themselves, making the Titans their henchmen. On the edge of the planets exists the League of Nobles, groups of people who have not yet fallen to the thinking machines. For over 100 years there have been no conflicts with the computers and an uneasy peace has existed. This changes, however, as the computers attack a major planet. The rest of the book details the struggles of Serena Butler, Xavier Harkonnen and others who fight the machines in several large scale battles. Vor Atredies is the son of a Titan who also gets pulled into the conflict. The story itself is pretty good, though not above average. There are several plot threads taking place at once, which are not always intertwined so it
[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
got it all down... burned my new soundtrack set =)
I think that the two structures at the top of the melange molecule are there for taste. They are either sucrose or some kind of sugar.
Hi, Is there a way to extract the music tracks from Dune 2000 ? I want to make some soundtrack cd's. Also, where can I get DuneEx for Emperor? The file servers seem to be down still. thanks
I finally beat it with a strategy I found somewhere... use an advanced carryall to take the apc with engineers to the lightning thing and capture it... move the projector down to below the worm and make six sonic tanks... kill worm!
sorry... :-X
Hi, Sorry if this is somewhere else, I can't find it... but I am very stuck on this (last?) level. Every time I get my base going this Harkonnen base on one side launches a massive attack and guild units too... any strategy help here?
orb: www.o-r-b.com hegemonia: http://www.dreamcatchergames.com/hegemonia/