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  1. I would give it a try as well. Have to read up and try and get online.
  2. Yeah I would agree this is the best game like this i have played! I still like it but am angry it was never bigger with more people playing it!
  3. I remember all these old players but few of the people that post on here, what were everyone's original names! Naw bilbo never cheated! Few haha I remeber that shit
  4. Nav was the biggest fag this game ever had! And there is always a way to cheat!
  5. Wow is this serious......haha. So if i was to install this game I would have to wait how long to get a match! All day?
  6. Its been a while since I even thought about this game and there are still people on this site haha............Dj whats up...........what other games do you people play?
  7. Damn needing help on this game haha!
  8. stoped in 2 say hi, damn this comp won;t let me play this game for some dumb reason..............i am trying everything, what else can I do lol.
  9. Alright I am in just gimme a shout on msn guns.
  10. Funny shiat!
  11. well I cannot get on right now cause I have window xp pro and it won't let me run the game if anyone knows whats up with this leave a post.
  12. Sup cid long time, I got your messages.........get on there and play some with us! Well I have a team maybe, waiting for senda 2 confirm it.........send,cdick(lol), and myself. I will make another post soon to let everyone know. o ya and its nice 2 see the people that actually play the game leaving posts on here 2, ok I am done make posts here for a few days, maybe months like what I always do...........ahaha
  13. Hey guns u better change your game a bit cause I know u all 2 well what house u gonna use anyways?
  14. well only time willl tell then
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