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  1. Ok, as I mentioned in my first post, I have the omega drivers (do you own stock in them or something Atomic ;) ). I did try uninstalling both emp and nav. I then reinstalled emp and it worked fine. Then I reinstalled nav, and now I have the same problem again. Is there no choice but to choose between Nav or Emperor?
  2. Uninstalled NAV. Still nothing. :-
  3. I thought I did attach the dxdiag. Here it is. And I am talking about Emperor.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  4. Ok. I've tried everything I can think of. Dune will not play. It gives me the very first little Dune loading screen and then nothing. No processes for Dune are running or any thing. Its like I never even tried to start it. Norton Anti-virus is shut down. Nothing. dxdiag says everything is fine. Nothing. New drivers installed. Nothing. Old video drivers installed. Nothing Even tried the Omega drivers. Nothing Uninstalled and reinstalled (many times) Nothing. Zone alarm shut down. Nothing. Made it run in compatability mode for all OS's. Nothing One thing that might be an Issue (and even if it does not pertain to this, I'm still curious as to what its all about)- Whenever I start my comp, I get this message- ACG Channel Client Status An error has occured while running this application Details-An unknown error has occured in the system layer of the display module. File: .systemmain.c Line: 45 Value: -650 I hit "ok" and it finishs booting just fine. Can anyone help???? (btw, Dune has ran just fine on this pc b4)
  5. Well Nav, I think.... All else edited by Mahdi, you're lucky I'm the one who saw this topic, otherwise it'd probably belockedand thrown in the dungeon. Nav, Ex,Killinator, cut the bullshit or it will go inthe dungeon.
  6. Hey, I can't find a download for the demo anywhere (for free anyways). PlanetUnreal.com sends you to FilePlanet and they are scumbags and charge so to hell with them. Anyone know where I might find it?
  7. One year? For killing somebody while drunk driving? My lord man, thats CRAZY. You should be hung for that. Anyway, no offence taken Nyar. Im wrote that more for some of the ingnorance I was reading from other people. I think its useless to make your judgements from second hand propaganda when you have no experiance. Most drugs are bad and should stay illegal for sure. ;)
  8. I think that a large problem here is the propaganda that so many people here have bought. To compare weed in any way to crack, coke, etc.. is completly crazy. Alright, I wasn't going tell my story but now I am. I starting smoking weed at about 13yrs old. Yes, it got in the way of my school. Yes, I dropped out. I was only a child but you sure as hell couldn't have told me that then. I had no clue. Soon, I was seduced by a life style of degenerate living. I hated my mother (dad was long gone) so I moved out when I was 16. Thats when the party really got going. I felt like I was a freaken rock star. I was gonna show everybody. Their rules didn't mean a thing to me ya know. Next was LSD. HOLY CRAP. I couldn't believe it. It was like going to another planet. I though all of my revelations were pure genius. The stars were mine man. Hell, might as well try some coke. Maybe throw it on some tin foil with some water and baking soda. Freebase they call that. Its the exact same thing as crack. Thank God that wasn't around much because that would have been the death of me for a fact. Next comes speed, always around, cheap, high that last forever, heightened awareness but could still fuction in public ( unlike LSD- people at the grocry store start to wonder why you laughing at the orange juice). Now to the pills. Mad pills. Mix em up and get a new high every night. I lived in my 65 Nova for about 8 months. Nice huh. Then I was taken in at about 18yrs old by a bunch of deadheads. The youngest one was about 29 at the time, and I learned alot of good things from them. How it was cool to be decent. How it was cool to show those you care about how much you love them. Those guys were the greatest and I owe them alot. But... always one to learn the hard way, I got kicked out. And it was all because of speed. Oh, and btw, now I had a kid. This was the bottom. All of my other friends were in no shape to help me help myself. I was screwed. So, now I move in with my girl and son (both of them were like angels). I'll try to keep this short as poss. I kicked it all. I can't tell you how shitty life looks when your sober after years of not. Depression kicked in with unbelievable ferocity. My son and my girl are the only reasons I'm alive. Now, this all sounds pretty anti drug doesn't it? Well, it is. Exept for one thing. Weed. Weed never presented a problem exept when I was very young. Well, its the same reason you have to be 21 to drink. When your young you don't what the hells going on, so what makes you think that wouldn't mess a kid up. I agree. Thus the problem though. I made a decision to cross the line. Weed is labled by so many ignorant people the same as hard drugs, that I thought I was hard core now. Now its easy to take the next step. Everyone my whole life had told me the same exact BS that Acriku is tring to say. I found out something. They were lying ( or just had no experiance, like obviously Acriku). So... If they were lying to me about weed, they must be lying about everything. Problem is, they weren't lying about anything else. I had to learn that the hard way. Would have been nice if my parents, teachers, politicians, etc.. wouldn't have fooled me so much, life might have been a little easier. I married my girl, ( been with her for over 10 yrs now), have another son, and another child on the way. We are happy and I am thankful everyday I was able to beat the odds and build the life that I have now. Lies and ignorace get us nowhere. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Oh and btw, I think Im pretty quilified to talk about this thank you very much.
  9. btw- thats crack, not weed. Bonehead.
  10. First of all- I know from first hand experiance-weed is not phisicly addictive. Mentally? Maybe. But anything can be abused. And I mean anything. My friends are not addicted. They like it. They do it when its around. If they go without it, no big deal. A bummer yes, but oh well. I do it on occasion with them but it certainly does not play any kind of role in my life. People here are talking crazy stuff and you can tell who has tried it and who hasn't. Coke, heroin, crack, etc... should stay illigal only because you do crazy stuff on them that does cause other people to be hurt. I have watched good friends spiral down to the bottom on speed and cola, and its sad and horrible and hurt me almost as much as it hurt them. I would however, take dealing with someone who is high (on weed) then drunk any day. WITHOUT A DOUBT!! The real issure here though is- Should people like my friends be able to make the decision to hurt themselves? Why not? And am I paranoid of my own democrocy? Absoulutly. One great example- Gun control. Our forefathers put that in the constitution for one main reason. So the people could stand up and throw off a oppresive government should the need ever arise. They put it there because the days of the oppresive government that they had just won their freedom from was fresh in their minds. Now the government wants to take away the only insurance we have left. Everyday our rights get fewer and fewer. I probably won't see it it my life, but some day we will be no better then where we started. :'( My body, My decision.
  11. So, you believe that the best way for people to live is for the government to have absolute say in what we can and cannot do? Wow, your a freaken genius. Should we just go ahead and ban free speech as well? I don't like red cars, maybe we should ban those to. Oh, and those gross twin bing candy bar things. Ho-Ho's to. Those are worse for you then most drugs. You know, come to think of it, obviously fat people are living unhealthy, so lets make some nice little camps for them. I firmly believe that the choices that shape my life should be mine to make. I don't care what anybody else does as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. This means I don't shove my views in other peoples faces regardless if the coencide with mine or not. If you don't like weed, then don't smoke it. If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it. It takes a pretty insecure POS to expect other people to share their opinions and morals and whatnot just because you are stupid and arrogant enough to believe anyone gives a s**t what you think about anything. Alot of people here are saying that you do horrible things when your high. Who told you that? Your church? Nancy Reagan? Dumb ass's. I hang out with people who get high on a daily basis, and they are some of the best people i have ever met. They have high moral standing (while not expecting anyone else to) they are the first to help old ladies in parking lots with their grocerys, to punch the guy at the bar who is roughing up his girl, to pull over and help push out cars stuck in the snow, etc... More then I can say about most God fearing hypocrites. Here in America, rapist get out on good behavior in 3 years. Unbelieveable. But we just don't have room for them. So we let horrible people roam the streets so we can make room for the deadhead who would'nt hurt a fly (unless it was in a twinkie). Give me a break. I guess if you think we should be robots for the government, your entitled to that opinion, but you might want to think about it a little harder.
  12. FPS-Unreal Tournament RTS-EBFD TBS-Civ II I don't understand y everyone likes WC3 so much. You can only have 90 units. That sucks!!
  13. I use my bank card for almost everything. I pay no annual fees, no transaction fees, or any fees of any kind for the use of said card. I will say that I don't like the people who take 10 min. to figure it out though. I can scan mine and go faster then most people can pay with cash. Heres a trick that works (in America anyway). When you use your card at the grocery store, they always ask bank card or credit card. Well, in fact, you can consider it either one. The diff is, you might get charged a forgein atm charge it you say bank card, where as the credit card transaction is free. Hope that helps someone. Also, I agree Nav. Banks are def. on top of the list of EVIL. Also there are lawyers, Insurance companies, POLICE, and organised religion (some more that others, but I won't say any names like catho.....wait, that almost slipped) and whoever decided to lock up food (if you haven't read Daniel Quinns "Ishmal", I suggest you read it RIGHT NOW!)
  14. My lord, I can't believe I forgot to say Fight Club and American Psycho.
  15. Vampire Hunter D is awsome. And Fist of the North Star is awsome to. Other then that though, I have never really seen any Anime that I thought was great. If I'm gonna watch some animation, then I would rather watch The Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, or South Park.
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