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Have also preserved another unfinished Dune scenario for Civilization 2.. Dune Scenario alpha by Wonx2150 (MGE) https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dune-civ2-tot-scenarios-development.285644/#post-16324700 As mentioned in my previous post I was thrilled to find all the lost Dune scenarios for Civilization 2 but was a bit disappointed in their quality as I was really hoping to find one more closely attached to the Dune 2 game that used imported graphics. Well.. in the years since I've decided to make my own using mostly authentic imported assets from Dune 2, Cyro's Dune 1 and Dune eXtended (with permission). Managing the 2D to 2.5D isometric conversions has been difficult but I'm pretty happy with how things are looking. Using skills learned making my Heroes of Might & Magic 2, C&C Africa, and Red Alert 2 scenarios for Civ2 I'm overhauling a lot of Civ2's interface to feel more Dune 2 like as well. I'll post here when it's all finished but for now folks can follow my work over at CivFanatics if they wish.. https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/dune-civ2-tot-scenarios-development.285644/#post-16394123 Here's a test shot of the new Civ2 diplomacy screen I've just made using a Dune 1 shot in the background and a shot of the Stilgar from Dune 2 extended (although I flipped his view screen around so the planet is next to him) in sort of scifi transparent holographic display. And here's a recent shot of what the scenario looks like atm..
You are missing something, but don't worry I fell for it too back in the day. Turns out human trooper units can capture severely damaged buildings in Dune 2 and the Fremen faction heavily utilize this mechanic. When the building is red and on fire stop shooting it and order one of your troopers to move in there and they will capture the building. Dune 2 eXtended works in both the Dune 2 Legacy and Dune 2 Dynasty fan rebuilds for Windows. Legacy uses its own AI which might modify how hard some missions are for better or worse. There's no problem with the Fremen mission, it's just that a lot of people don't know about Dune 2's 'trooper can capture damaed building' mechanic.
@MrFlibble FYI I'm getting comments on my old Dune videos that your download links are down when I can see they're not really down. I'm seeing this a lot now on retro sites as browsers like Chrome are blocking HTTP links with no SSL.. unless the host ( @Nyerguds ) switches to HTTPS then more and more people will be unable to download his hosted stuff. There is a work around in that if you right click on the links and open in a new chrome window instead of a new tab it won't auto close, then you hit refresh and it starts the download. Most don't know about that trick or even understand the problem causing resulting in less people trying your stuff it so hopefully you guys can resolve the SSL issue or move the file elsewhere (eg ModDB or archive org) to avoid this problem.
Cryo's cancelled 'Dune: Ornithopter Assault' Game Boy Advance game from 20 years ago appears to be coming back from the dead (without the license). https://www.cracked.com/article_31900_lost-dune-video-game-is-being-revived-minus-the-dune-part.html .
Finally got another dev diary for you guys lol.. In this sixth dev diary for the Civilization 2 Red Alert 2 scenario we’re in the home stretch as the title loading screen plus all units, technologies, & base improvements are completed. RA2 Dev Diary 06 – Units & Other Final Graphics for the Civilization 2 – C&C Red Alert 2 Scenario https://www.moddb.com/mods/civilization-2-red-alert-2-siege-of-new-york-scenario/news/units-and-other-final-graphics
Hey guys, figured it's time for another project update. No new search categories added this time as I've given myself too much work already lol, however there's plenty of new scenarios (including more C&C and Dune scenarios!) found under the existing scifi & fantasy categories (listed in the top post)! I'm pleased to announce that I've pretty much reached the (foreseeable) the end of my Civilization 2 MGE preservation project and have uploaded hundreds of individual scenarios and a bunch of super collections containing thousands of scenarios to CivFanatics, ModDB & Archive Org ensuring they don't get lost again! I was going to post this weeks ago however an anonymous donor gave me a ginormous collection containing some of my most wanted lost scenarios based on cool stuff like Final Fantasy, Starcraft & Dune so I've been busy sorting them out! Naturally all these new finds are in the update list below and download links can be found in this projects original thread over at CivFanatics. Speaking of classic Civ games I put a call out across many sites to try and get more GoG wishlist votes for adding Civ1&2 to GoG & Steam as it's crazy that the 2 big Civ games that started it all are not legally sold in any stores (& can only be found on archive & dodgy warez sites) while other classic Microprose games and all later Civ games are all being digitally sold. Presumably the pre Firaxis Civ games seem to be stuck in some sort of licensing hell they need to be rescued from. Only fans voting and making themselves heard can possibly change that. Yes some classic Civ fans probably still have their original discs & CDs like I do and don't need another copy, but plenty probably don't now and these games should really be back in stores, easily accessible, ready to run without config hassle, and getting more attention again! More fans returning to these classic Civ games injects new life into their modding scenes! Anyway now that my Civ2 MGE preservation work has come to an end I can finally get back to making my Civ2 videos showing some of these great old scifi and fantasy mod projects to the world, and also working on my own Civ2 mod projects and finally releasing them! Then I can start focusing more on finding, rescuing & cataloging mods for later Civ games as I know I've only just scratched the surface of them. However as you'll see below I've still managed to find a bunch of new mods for them too! CivFanatics (CFC) Search List updates... Civ2: - Star Trek - Have obtained missing download for Jeelen's Star Trek Voyager scenario (thanks Thunderfall) & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added Jeelen's Star Trek: First Contact scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added Jeelen's Star Trek: The Next Generation scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added Jeelen's Star Trek: Warp 9 Dominion War scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added TimothyFowlkes's Star Trek: The Earth Romulan War scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added Barthi's Star Trek Galaxy scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added PaulHeron's Star Trek Universe modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added MetroPolis's Ultimate Star Trek modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added MetroPolis's Star Trek scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added MrDo's Star Trek 2600 scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek - Added MrDo's Star Trek Civ2 scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek + Star Wars - Added MajedAnani's Galaxy modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek + Star Wars - Added FrankJohnson's Space! scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Trek + Star Wars - Added Andrew&Chris's Space Civ2 modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added oRGys's Star Wars scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added BrandonDunaway's Star Wars - Hoth Battle scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added Star Wars - SOTG scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added LordFabiano's Star Wars: Dark Side modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added Eyn's SW Guerre Des Etoiles II scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Added DanKaleta's Galactic Empire modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Have obtained missing download for FilipCarlsson's Star Wars The Dagobah System scenario (thanks MetroPolis) & preserved it on CFC. - Star Wars - Have obtained missing download for JBelanger's Star Wars Tatouine scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Babylon 5 - Added Coolguy529's Babylon 5 Shadow War scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Stargate - Added ChrisSaulder's Stargate scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Final Fantasy - Updated Final Fantasy VI (III US) Allies vs Empire scenario entry with it's proper name & preserved it on CFC. - Final Fantasy - Have obtained missing download for Jomb's Final Fantasy 1 scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Final Fantasy - Have obtained missing download for FrankJohnson's Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) modpack (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Final Fantasy - Have obtained missing download for DustinDunn's Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) Alpha modpack (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Final Fantasy - Added honourable mention of Jomb's Crystalis scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Dune - Have obtained missing download for IsaacAshdown's Dune The Battle for Arrakis scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Dune - Have obtained missing download for JamesDahl's Sands of Dune scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Dune - Have obtained missing download for NChautru's Dune - Pour l'epice! scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added CharlesMagee's 1640 North America scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added NickHolzapfel's The Ascendance of Europe scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added Guilopez's European World: Era of Colonization scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added GaryLongo's Colonization of the New World scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added BeErIzGoOd's Discover The New World scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added TimRowe's Native Americans scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added Jeelen's 1492 scenarios to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added Eyn's Conquest of the New World 1492-1591 scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Colonization - Added ChrisWilkinson's Colonization of the New World scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - HoMMagic - Added honourable mention of StLeo's Dual Europe scenario to the list which uses HoMM & Age of Wonders assets. - Apocalypse - Added Lycerius's The Eternal War scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Added ChristophSaulder's Dasein - Fight for survival scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Added MikeFisher's BattleTech Refusal Wars scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Added NeilGuenther's The Revolt of 3000 scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Added MichaelDaumen's Earth 3000 - Awakening (Fallout Inspired) scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Added ChrisWilkinson's Colonization of an Ancient World 3K scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Apocalypse - Have obtained missing download for Blackclove's Dawn of the Dead scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - LOTRing - Added Tolkien scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - LOTRing - Added Adult Mittelerde (Middle Earth) scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - LOTRing - Added JonTyler's The War of the Ring scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - LOTRing - Added ChristophSaulder's The Fall of Beleriand scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - LOTRing - Added ChristophSaulder's Der Herr der Ringe scenarios to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added Moon - A Dead World scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added JohnBerkeley's The Colonisation of the Moon scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added Low G Battle modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added Space scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - MoOrion - Added Barocca's Master of Orion 2 Jr Variant scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - MoOrion + AlphaC & Alien Col - Have obtained missing download for Orion Alpha Centauri scenario (thanks Anonymous) & preserved it on CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added AlbertoBerardi's Absolute Space scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added JeffHead's MoreReal scenarios modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added DorianCrede's Beta Centauri scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added FredericMeunie's The ADVANCED-ONE modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Starcraft - Have obtained missing download for Aland007's Starcraft: Terran War scenario (which Blake is currently enhancing) & preserved it on CFC (thanks Anonymous). - Warhammer - Added LaurentXavierLamory's Warhammer: La Naissance des Empires scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Warhammer - Added Shockwolf's Warhammer Orks scenario to the list. - Warhammer - Added Warhammer 40k: The Hyperborean Crusade scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - Warhammer - Added Sporeboy's Warhammer: Fenris 40k scenario to the list & preserved it on CFC. - CivCrossover - Added Wiron's PlayStation Civ2 graphics modpack to the list (which Blake is currently enhancing). - CivCrossover - Added honourable mention of JohnValdez & AndrewLivings's SMAC Project scenario to the list which is unfinished. Civ2TestOfTime: - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Nicheal's Lalande 21185 Deluxe scenario to the list. - LOTRing - Added Kobayashi's Lord of the One Ring scenario (Enhanced for ToT by Gapetit) that Knighttime told me about to the list. - LOTRing - Added HarlanThompson's Lord of the Rings scenario (Enhanced for ToT by Gapetit) that Knighttime told me about to the list. - Star Trek + Star Wars - Added honourable mention of Civinator's Galactic Conquests Beta mod to the list which is unreleased. - Warhammer - Added honourable mention of Tanelorn's Warhammer 40k Units pack to the list which deserves a scenario! - CivCrossover - Added Leif&Faye's Civ4 Empire Earth modpack to the list & preserved it on CFC. Civ3: - HoMMagic - Added Tom2050's Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Hell Terrain mod to the list. - Mars & Lunar - Added Tholish's Solar System Planets mod combo series (Part 1 - Planets, Part 2 - Lunar, Part 3 - Solar System, & Part 4 - Rule Titania) that Ozymandias told me about to the list. - Star Trek - Have obtained missing sound & music addon download for Logitec's Star Trek mod & preserved it on CFC. Civ4: - Colonization - Added TChristensen's Age of Discovery mod to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Apocalypse - Added FromAustria's Zombie Invasion mod to the list. - Mars & Lunar - Added Tholish's Future Mod (sequel to his Civ3 Solar System Planets mod above) to the list. Civ4Col: - Colonization - Added FratelliMarconi's Dawn of a New Era mod to the list. Civ5: - C&C & Red Alert - Added Usernamehere's CNC Red Alert Civs mod combo series (The Allies, The Soviet Union, & The Psychic Corps) to the list. - C&C & Red Alert - Added Usernamehere's CNC Tiberium War Civs mod combo series (The Global Defense Initiative, & The Brotherhood of Nod) to the list. - Dune - Added Mathetes's Dune Civs mod combo series (House Atreides, & House Harkonnen) to the list. Civ6: - Colonization - Added Adamiy's Colonization scenario to the list. - Dune - Added RyeGuy's Arrakis (Dune) scenario to the list. - Warhammer - Added joto92's Warhammer Mod to the list. .
SCORE!!! I got them! I got them all!!! Thanks to a wonderful donor sending me a huge collection of Civ2 scenarios which included a backup of Dustin Dunn's Zadanian League I managed to get all 3 missing Dune scenarios and preserve them!!! Admittedly I'd hoped that these scenarios would be better than the existing 2 Dune ones we already had but they fall short a bit. They still have some nice features and clever ideas that make them unique, and I'm super glad to finally have them all as I never thought I'd find them and they plus the other 2 will make a great video down the track. Anyway here they are for anyone interested to enjoy! Dune - Pour l'epice! (For the spice!) Scenario by N. Chautru (FW) - French CivFanatics Downloads Area Dune The Battle for Arrakis Scenario v1.0 by Isaac Ashdown (CiC) CivFanatics Downloads Area Sands of Dune Scenario by James Dahl (FW) CivFanatics Downloads Area
Haven't updated this thread in a while with all the latest official Master of Magic remake dev diaries and I thought I'd better post about their latest 9th dev diary as that has a application link for people to apply to be involved in beta testing! So if there's any lurking MoM fans here who want in on that, go apply now! Ninth Dev diary: http://muhagames.com/master-of-magic-dev-diary-9/ For those who haven't seen all the previous dev diaries here they are... Eight dev diary http://muhagames.com/master-of-magic-dev-diary-8-february-2022/ Seventh dev diary http://muhagames.com/master-of-magic-dev-diary-7-january-2022/ Sixth dev diary http://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-6-december-2021/ Fifth dev diary http://muhagames.com/dev-diary-5-november-2021/ Fourth dev diary http://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-4-october-2021/ Earlier dev diaries are in the thread posts above this one! .
FYI I've managed to locate another copy of this Islands in the Sand scenario in a Apolyton Civ site backup and their copy contains sound files missing from this version on Fed2k. If admins want the missing sound files you can get them from a copy I've put on archive org here: https://archive.org/details/islands-in-the-sand-civ2-scenario
FYI regarding the Islands in the Sand scenario that you guys host here I've managed to locate another copy of it in a Apolyton Civ site backup and their copy contains sound files missing from your Fed2k version. If admins want the missing sound files you can get them from a copy I've put on archive org here: https://archive.org/details/islands-in-the-sand-civ2-scenario
Exciting stuff!!!! Sounds like Imperium Galactica and Sins of a Solar Empire style pause and fast forward options.
Sorry it's been so long since my last update guys. As mentioned in the first post of this thread I've also been working on a Heroes of Might & Magic 2 mod for Civilization 2 and wanted to do some more work on that last year to get it to a near finished state and it's looking pretty good now. I then took a bit of a break from all my Civilization 2 modding projects to work on preserving other peoples Civ2 scenarios & mods across multiple sites (CivFanatics, ModDB & Internet Archive) as it became pretty apparent that so much great work had been lost over the last 20+ years and someone needed to do something to stop the rot. It's taken me most of 2021 but I've rescued collections containing thousands of old scenarios so hopefully most of what was lost is safe now! There's still plenty more out there I'm trying to find and rescue though. Because it was recently the 30th anniversary celebration of Sid Meier's Civilization 1 I also took some time to release my Civilization 1 mods to the world along with some videos that show people how they can play Civ1 in HD with mods & scenarios on modern machines using a VM. These Civ1 videos kick off a huge video series I've been working on for years that will show fans how they can play all the classic Civ1-2-3etc/Col/MoM/CtP/AlphaC games in HD with some of the best mods and scenarios out there. I didn't create dev diaries for these mods as they're pretty simple compared to my big Civ2 ones I've been posting about in this thread but I have done some info & release articles on ModDB. I very much look forward to the day this year I do my final release posts for all the Civ2 stuff in this thread haha. Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod Release! Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod Release! news Civilization 1 – Play As Barbarians Scenario release! Civilization 1 – Play As Barbarians Scenario release! news Now that my Civ1 work is done, my Civ2 preservation work almost finished, and my Civ2 videos are almost ready for release I can finally come back to finishing and releasing my Civ2 mods in the next few months (I won't put a number/date on that again though for obvious reasons haha). .
Hey guys, been a while since the last project update again (but I've found more Dune & C&C mods!) as I've been continuing work on my huge Civ2 search & rescue preservation project (which is why Civ2 mods dominate below) which is in its final stretch now as soon I'll be moving onto to Test of Time, Civ3 & newer Civ games. I also took time away to finally start releasing my video series that all this preservation work feeds into which anyone interested can see the first episode on Playing Civ1 in HD with mods & scenarios over at CivFanatics. While Civ2 dominates this update below don't worry guys, newer Civ games haven't totally been neglected thanks to people replying to my threads with great discoveries and I've found a few on my own too! I swore I wouldn't add anymore categories to the search list but I have bowed to popular demand haha as many people across different forums asked me to add the Warhammer Franchise (Fantasy & 40K Scifi) and while I've sadly never played any of their games I can't help but notice there's some really really good Warhammer scenarios out there for various Civ games so I've added them to the list! This will likely annoy diehard fans of each respective franchise (I've seen some of the "they stole this off us" arguments lol) but I've combined the new Warhammer category with the existing Warcraft & Starcraft section to save space, sorry lol. Oh and I've also added a new Missing scenarios & mods section to the bottom of the original thread post over at CFC to better display the projects I've been unable to rescue so far. If you have one of them, please let me know! List updates... Civ2: - Star Trek - Added JohnValdez's Star Trek Generations (5 scenarios) modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added KevinGilbert's Star Trek (7 scenarios) modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added JohnValdez's Star Trek TOS modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added JohnValdez's Star Trek TNG Colonies modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added MatthiasPitz's Bajor The Cardassian Occupation scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added MichaelMcCart's Star Trek AT WAR modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek / Star Wars - Added ACoates+CEyre's Space Civ 2 (Star Wars & Star Trek) scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added JohnValdez's Star Wars Colonies modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added Draco's SuperWars scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added Chris+SteveWalpole's Star Wars Tatooine scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added Justin Giles's Tatooine scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added BenShragge's Aliens On Mars scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added JohnValdez's Mars modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added JohnValdez's Lunar - Apollo Mission modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added JohnValdez's New Moon! scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added JesusFernandez's The Conquest of Mars scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added LukaRejec's Dead Worlds modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Mars & Lunar - Added BowTieGuy's Prospero Now! scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Donnqa's Alpha Centura scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added RickLeeII's Space Colony modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added MichaelMcCart's Freedom AT WAR II Off World modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added JohnValdez's Desert Planet scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added JohnValdez's Ice Planet II scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added JohnValdez's Water World modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added GiantSquid's Starsaga II - Where The Stars Meet scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added BenShragge's Solar System Battle scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Colonization - Added JesusMunoz's Colonies IV The Expansion of Europe scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added Jamestout's Colonialism scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added Jamestout's Empires scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added Kobayashi's The R*** of Nations scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added JohnValdez's Birth of America scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Colonization - Added StLeo's Imperial Ambition scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added StLeo's Fictional Americas scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added AllardHofelt's The Age of Discovery scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added CarlFritz's Struggle for Empire French & Indian War scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added Prometeus's Asiento scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added JesusBalsinde's The Quest for Eldorado scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added GeeForce's The World of 1600 scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Colonization - Added GeeForce's Colonize scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added JesusBalsinde's Alba De America scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added MacarioReyes's The Fall of the Aztecs scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added JesusMunoz's The Spanish Odyssey scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added MichaelDaumen's The Birth of America scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added JesusBalsinde's The Conquest of Mexico scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added ShayRoberts's Age of Piracy scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added CarlFritz's Pitt's War at Sea scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added GaryLongo's Revolutionary War scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added ShayRoberts's Sacrificial Blood (5 scenarios) modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Colonization - Added DanScheltema's Slash & Burn scenario to the list. - Colonization - Added StefanHartel's The Lost Paradise scenario to the list. - MoMagic - Added Dwingert's Master of Magic modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Babylon 5 - Added TimothyFowlkes's Invasion of Narn scenario to the list. - Apocalypse - Added JDShepherd's Rebuilding the world after WWIII scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added WarVoid's Heavy Metal Earth 3000 scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added WarVoid's Air War 3000 scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added JohnValdez's Planet of the Apes modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added MarkLaanen's Barron's Earth 3000 scenario to the list. - Apocalypse - Added Techumseh's Millenium 004 scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added BerndBrosing's SubWars scenario to the list. - Apocalypse - Added PatrickWilliams's Mad Max scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added MrTemba's Sagan's Earth 3000 scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added RyanCaruso's U.S.A. 3500 A.D. scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added Foster's Earth 3000 - Jump Trooper scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added JosephDaughtery's The Fall of Civilization scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added PaulHeron's Terminator Future War scenario to the list (which I AM REMASTERING). - LOTRing - Added AndrewG's The Lord of The Rings scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - LOTRing - Added GeeForce's MYTH - Fall of the Gods scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - LOTRing - Added NicholasWordsworth's Tolkien modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - LOTRing - Added JDixon+SSchmeling's War of the Jewels scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - LOTRing - Added NellSmith's The Battle For Middle Earth scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Warhammer - Added ManuelPalma's Warhammer Athel Loren scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. Civ2ToT: - Colonization - Added SebastianMelde's Age of Colonialism - 1680AD scenario to the list. - Star Wars - Added Kobayashi's Star Wars Insurrection scenario (Enhanced for ToT by Gapetit) that Civinator told me about to the list. Civ3: - Final Fantasy - Have obtained missing download for DJBonebreaker's Final Fantasy mod (thanks Fortis1) and preserved it on CFC. - MoMagic - Added Haluu's Tides of Crimson Fantasy mod to the list, as it's very MoM like. - Warhammer - Added Mrtn's Warhammer Fantasy mod to the list. - Warhammer - Added Fortis1's WH40k Battle for Armageddon scenario to the list, & have uploaded a copy of it's file to CFC. Civ4: - Dune - Added Deliverator's Dune Wars Revival Villeneuve Inspired patch (converts Dune Wars mod to thew new Dune film) to the list. - Elder Scrolls - Added Smortt's Elder Scrolls mod to the list. - Elder Scrolls - Added honourable mention of Ramzay1945's Tamriel mod (made from ES mod above) to the list which is in progress. - Warhammer - Added PsychicLlamas's Warhammer Heart of Chaos mod to the list. Civ5: - C&C & Red Alert - Added the Usernamehere's CNC Generals Civs 3 mod combo series (The United States of America, The People's Republic of China, & The Global Liberation Army) to the list. - GoThrones - Added the Winter is Coming to Civ Deluxe mod that R3P0 told me about to the list. - Warhammer - Added Civitar's Warhammer Battles of Eternity mod to the list, along with NomadOrWhat's addons Skaven Pack, Lizardman Pack, Dark Elf Pack & Goblin Pack. Civ6: - C&C & Red Alert - Added the Mastodonmk2's C&C Generals - America Generals mod to the list. - Colonization - Added Blkbutterfly's Colonization of The New World scenario that Blkbutterfly told me about to the list. - Colonization - Added Blkbutterfly's Colonization of The New World DELUXE (WIP) scenario that Blkbutterfly told me about to the list. .
Implodes project is definitely not using original dos binaries or files. He's done all the code himself from scratch and transferred all multimedia into his own files. There are 2 or 3 guys building libaries in the reverse engineering subchat over on my Master of Magic Discord. Can't remember if libre was mentioned though.
Still no luck finding these missing Civilization 2 Dune scenarios sadly. Tried everywhere I can! On the bright side I have found something else rather rare and not commonly known about. A fellow named Autumn Leaf made a Dune Arrakis scenario for Civilization 1! Until recently I didn't even think that Civ1 even had scenarios let alone a Dune one made for it haha. I tried it out and it was really fun!
I've posted here previously about the cool OpenRA Dune mods but there's some other great ones too. The other day my mates and I tried out OpenRA C&C2 Shattered Paradise for the first time and had a new game of OpenRA RA2 Rominov's Vengeance as it had been a couple of years since my last video (note: we're lousy players haha). Shattered Paradise really felt like a love letter to Command & Conquer 2 Tiberian Sun as there's just so much extra stuff. The new playable factions are awesome! Rominov's Vengeance is even more awesome than the last time I played as they've added so much extra stuff to the Red Alert 2 experience, the biggest being C&C Generals like commander powers which are quite fun to use.
Yeah I also found that Magic mod a while back while I was doing my huge fantasy and scifi Civilization scenario search and it sounded interesting but sadly was for an ancient version of FreeCiv. There's a Alpha Centauri inspired one for FreeCiv as well that looked cool but like most FreeCiv mods they become broken quickly due to new version releases and modders just lose interest and gave up sadly. If only FreeCiv was more modder friendly. Anyway yeah it's a shame that mod didn't inspire someone to do a full branch off separate from regular FreeCiv development for a 'FreeMoM' like game as that's what happened with the FreeCol project. It used FreeCiv as a base for a Colonization remake and then broke away for form its own project and 20 years later it barely resembles FreeCiv (for better or worse haha).
Me too mate.. me too! Unfortunately Implodes MoM-IME project is the closest we've got to that dream. He's been making great progress lately too! But yeah if there was a whole team working on it the project would have been finished years ago. Anyway MuHa appear to be doing monthly (or at least trying to do monthly lol) developer diaries for the official Master of Magic remake... looks pretty good although some of the Wizard redesigns are not as good plus everything seems a bit bland and lacking colour compared to the original. First dev diary http://muhagames.com/dev-diary-1-june-2021/ Second dev diary http://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-2-august-2021/ Third dev diary https://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-3-september-2021/
Showing my age but are there any 80s/90s Starflight fans here? Growing up with Star Trek I dreamed of a game where I could command a starship exploring a huge galaxy encountering aliens and landing on strange worlds. Starflight was the first ever game that granted that wish (before all the good Trek games finally came along) as it had hundreds of different planets to explore and lots of strange aliens to either battle or trade with in space. Naturally I’d call my ship the ISS Enterprise and give all my customized crew members Trek names Eg the Captain would be Kirk, Science Spock, Engineer Scotty, Communication Uhura, Navigator Sulu and Doctor McCoy. Unfortunately I’d run out of positions after that, sorry Chekov haha! Although in the early game when it was too expensive to train up your crew you could use reasonably skilled androids in the roles so naturally they got called Data lol. I grew up playing the 90s SF1 remake on Sega MegaDrive/Genesis (pic below) and eventually got my hands on SF2 for Amiga... most people probably know the 80s PC & Amiga versions more. After SF2 the series had been dead for like 30yrs yet amazingly in 2018 Greg Johnson tried to crowdfund a new Starflight 3 sequel. Greg was the creator and lead developer of the original Starflight games, and he also created the popular ToeJam & Earl console games too. But sadly the SF3 crowdfund attempt failed miserably as the fan community was in a bad near dead state and almost none of the mainstream gaming media sites covered it so one knew about it! Well 3 years on there unfortunately hasn't been another attempt at a Starflight 3 game crowdfund or a new demo. However recently the first ever Starflight Anthology book was released and to celebrate that occasion something really cool happened! I run the Starflight fan communities so as a 'thanks' I got invited to take part in a group video podcast interviewing non other than Starflight lead dev and creator Greg Johnson himself! I was a nervous wreck as I don't normally do live stuff, and I think I was the only non-American on there so people were probably wondering what I was saying half the time lol, plus on top of that my giant 46" screen was glaring on my face making me look like a bloody ghost haha.. but in the end I had a blast as it was so cool to talk to one of the creators of a game I played so much as a kid, not to mention getting thanked by him for my Starflight community work! Greg was a super nice and humble guy and he told so many great stories about creating Starflight, and his very popular ToeJam & Earl console games, along with his consultation work on the Star Control games and Spore which many of us didn't know about! He even discussed the possibility of a Starflight and Star Control crossover game which would be pretty crazy! And sure enough he confirmed that the original Starflight games were heavily influenced by Star Trek heh. He also confirmed that the dream of Starflight 3 is not dead and that just a week ago he was on the phone with someone trying to secure funding for it. He talked about his dreams of what the sequel could be and he showed openness to trying another crowdfund campaign. We did our best to assure him that the Starflight fan community is in a WAY better state then it was back in 2018 when they last tried the crowdfund as back then all the big old Starflight forums were gone and there was only around 100 people in my 'new' Starflight Fans Facebook group so there was just no one to friggin tell about it! That's up around 400ish members now, plus I've since created a Starflight Fans Reddit group which is closing on 100 now, and best of all there's the Official Starflight 3 Discord I help out on as a moderator which is now up to a massive 800ish members, so that's over a 1000 starflight fans that weren't around in 2018 so we're getting there! The games sold millions of copies back in the day so there's certainly still plenty of long lost Starflight fans out there though! If there's any Starflight old timers lurking around here I hope you come join the gang! Anyway, here's the video podcast if anyone is interested if anyone is interested. I posted a comment on youtube with timestamps of interesting topics should people wish to skip to stuff that interests them... There was more I wanted to say on there but yeah.. obviously the podcast wasn't about me haha.. but I got to say most of what I wanted. Really the only big thing I didn't get to say on the podcast was that I'm excited to read the new Starflight - Tales From The Starport Lounge anthology book (I've ordered it from Amazon but it hasn't arrived yet as it's probably on a slow ship heading for Australia lol!). I'm not a huge book person but I just had to get this as like I said earlier in the stream video it's amazing how playing a game and reading a book about an adventure set in that same game universe really enhances the experience. The game makes you love the book more and helps your imagination visualize the aliens and places they'll go to in the book. While vice versa the book makes you love the game more as it adds so much depth to the game universe and makes you crave going on your own adventures similar to the ones these new characters your reading about are going on. They both really buff and lift up each other to a whole new level forming this equilibrium of awesomeness haha! I had that experience with the Starflight manual short stories as a kid, and I had it in the years since with other games like Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Witcher, and the X Universe series space games that all have novels or short stories set in the same universe. So hopefully I'll like the new book and get to have that experience again with Starflight! Once thing's for sure, I already know I like the cover haha!
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Here's another 2 new dev diaries from my big Civilization 2 Red Alert 2 scenario. In this fourth dev diary we hit our stride and finish off all building types - big ones, little ones, and the biiiig difficult 3x3 super skyscrapers! RA2 Dev Diary 04 - Final Super Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario https://www.moddb.com/mods/civilization-2-red-alert-2-siege-of-new-york-scenario/news/final-super-buildings . In the fifth dev diary we finally finished all city buildings and base buildings allowing us to finalise the design of the map. RA2 Dev Diary 05 – Finishing Bases & the Map for the Civilization 2 – Red Alert 2 Scenario https://www.moddb.com/mods/civilization-2-red-alert-2-siege-of-new-york-scenario/news/finishing-the-bases-map
Hey guys, Big update as it's been a while! I've been busy doing lots of searching and tracking down long lost mods & scenarios to rescue and upload (including some more Dune and C&C scenarios). I've also added some new search categories of interest to me and made some big changes to existing ones... - Merged C&C and Red Alert together to save space. - Merged Doom with Fallout & Mad Max under a new main Apocalypse category to save space & also added new Terminator, Judge Dredd, Zombies, & After WW3 to the Apocalypse category too. - Added a new Starcraft category and combined it with the existing Warcraft one to save space - Added a new Lunar/Moon category to the existing Mars Colonization one. - Added a new Final Fantasy category - Added a new Civ Crossover category (Mods that make a Civ game look like another Civ game) as I've been finding some good stuff for these and wonder if there's more out there! Regarding that rescue work keeping me busy I recently started a huge new scenario catalog & rescue project creating proper download pages at CivFanatics (even rescuing lost scenarios that are not part of this search cause I'm nice like that lol), as well as extra scenario download mirror pages on ModDB and Internet Archive Library to ensure they don't get lost again as both those sites are long living & offer free hosting. At the moment I'm setting up Civ2 scenario libraries on these other sites but I look forward to setting up these library file mirrors for other Civ game scenarios in the future. Uploading to these sites is not hard (I've written guides over in my CivFanatics project thread) so hopefully others in the Civ community eventually follow my example and add to all these collections in the future to ensure all these great old pieces of work live on! List updates... Civ2: - Final Fantasy - Added FrankJohnson's Final Fantasy II/IV modpack to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Final Fantasy - Added Jomb's Final Fantasy NES Civ scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Final Fantasy - Added honourable mention of the Final Fantasy III/VI scenario to the list which has no custom graphics but is the only surviving FF Civ2 scenario! - MoOrion - Added Jeelen's Master of Orion Jr Remake 4 scenario, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added MichaelDMcCart's Judge Dredd - I am the LAW modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Apocalypse - Added ParVahadar's Fallout for Civilization scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Apocalypse - Added honourable mention of Skulb's Fallout City Background graphic to the list, which would go great with a Fallout scenario if we can find one! - Apocalypse - Added Blackclove's Dawn/Day of the Dead scenario to the list (Apocalypse), however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Mars & Lunar - Added JBG's Colonisation of the Moon scenario to the list. - Mars & Lunar - Added FredericMeunie's MoonLand modpack, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added JohnMavin's Alpha Centauri scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added honourable mention of JohnValdez & AndrewLivings's SMAC Project scenario to the list which sadly appears abandoned (Blake is considering fixing up). - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added CarlosDiaz's Alpha Centauri modpack to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Warcraft & Starcraft - Added Aland007's Starcraft: Terran War scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Dune - Added N.Chautru's Dune - Pour L'epice! scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Dune - Added IsaacAshdown's The Battle for Arrakis scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Dune - Added JamesDahl's Sands of Dune scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Dune - Added DavidGreenfield's CivDune scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added Skulb's Star Trek 2018 modpack to the list. - Star Trek - Added DirkWeber's ST Mission on Vesta scenario, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Trek - Added StLeo's Star Trek 7of9 (Voyager) scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Star Trek - Added Jeelen's Star Trek Voyager scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Star Trek / Star Wars - Added TomChoinski's CivSpace (Star Trek, Star Wars & more crossover) modpack, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added NikolaKuprešanin's Star Contact Part I: The Star Wars scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added Markus Schegel's The Battle of Endor scenario, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added PaulCaldwell's Star Wars scenario modpack, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Star Wars - Added Ambra's Star Wars scenario, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Babylon 5 - Added the German Babylon 5 scenario to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - C&C & Red Alert - Added C&C2 Red Alert scenario, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - C&C & Red Alert - Added Wonx2150's Command & Conquer scenario to the list (which I AM REMASTERING). - Crossover - Added Blake's Demaster of JohnValdez's Civ1 modpack to the list. - Crossover - Added KasiusKlej's Civ1 modpack (uses some of Blake & John's work) to the list. - Crossover - Added Blake's Remaster of VWPsycho1984's ToT Graphics modpack to the list which is in progress. Civ2ToT: - Mars & Lunar / AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Kestrel's Escape From Sol scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Kestrel's Extended Original Game 4-Worlds modpack to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Kestrel's Unit-Mania Addon 4 World scenario to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Elder Scrolls - Added honourable mention of Dadais's TES The Stormcloak Rebellion scenario to the list which is unfinished. He's also made a Skyrim Map! - Warcraft & Starcraft - Added honourable mention of CatFish's Starcraft scenario which sadly appears abandoned. Civ3: - Apocalypse - Added the AMAZING Vuldacon's Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite scenario to the list. - Mars & Lunar - Added Hunterkiller's Mars: Alien Invasion scenario to the list. - Final Fantasy - Added Magus77's Final Fantasy 7 mod to the list, & have uploaded its missing file to CFC. - Final Fantasy - Added DJBonebraker's Final Fantasy mod to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Crossover - Added Matrix's Civ1 Terrain modpack to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Crossover - Added Sims2789's Civ1 Units modpack to the list. - Crossover - Added honourable mention of Theov's Civ1 Clone modpack to the list which is in progress. - C&C & Red Alert - Added honourable mention of Xiaoxiaoa's Red Alert 2 mod to the list which sadly appears abandoned. Civ4: - Star Wars - Added Star Wars Final Frontier Plus mod to the list. - Star Wars - Added honourable mention of Dumanios's Star Wars modpack that LouisTheXIV told me about to the list which is unfinished. - Apocalypse - Added mention of the Official Firaxis Afterworld BTS scenario that LouisTheXIV told me about to the list. - MoMagic - Added the Master of Mana Modpack (built from FFH) to the list. - MoMagic - Added the Ashes of Erebus Modpack (built from FFH) to the list. - MoMagic - Added the Fall from Heaven Modpack to the list. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added Monaldinio's Conflict on Chiron Modpack (built from Planetfall) to the list. - Final Fantasy - Added agentsmith952's Final Fantasy Tactics mod to the list, however its CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know! - Mars & Lunar - Added JBG's The Song of the Moon scenario to the list. - Crossover - Added Flobi's Civ1 Terrain modpack to the list, and have also managed to obtain its missing download file (thanks GeneralKillCavalry) and preserve it on CFC. Civ5: - Colonization - Added mention of the Official Firaxis Conquest of the New World Deluxe scenario that Pfeffersack told me about to the list. - AlphaC & Alien Col - Added the 5 mod combo (FramedArchitecture's AlphaC Civilizations, AlphaC Policies, AlphaC Maps + HandyVac's Centauri City States + Arbogli's Beyond the Future) that creates an Alpha Centauri experience that Beetle told me about to the list. - Final Fantasy - Added MrCookie's Eorzea - Final Fantasy 14 scenario to the list. - Final Fantasy - Added honourable mention of MSW2010's Final Fantasy 2 map to the list. FreeCiv: - Crossover - Added ComradeOleg's Civilization 2 modpack for FreeCiv to the list. AlphaC: - Mars & Lunar - Missing download for GeoModder's Mars Survivor scenario has been rescued by Geo himself! Thanks to Darsnan for fixing the link. FreeMars: - Mars & Lunar - Added mention of the really cool Civ/Col/AlphaC hybrid FreeMars Project game that's not finished but quite playable. .
Hey guys, Some of you may have seen over in my Civilization scenario search & rescue thread here that I'm on the hunt for Dune scenarios for Civilization games. I've managed to discover the existence of a handful of Dune scenarios for Civilization 2 and sadly some appear to be possibly lost forever. Originally I only knew of David Emery's The Battle for Arrakis scenario which is on most Civ sites and is also hosted here at Fed2k in your other game modifications section. However I was recently informed about David Greenfield's CivDune scenario here at Fed2k too and have added to the collection and spread it around the Civ communities too. And I saw Dick Knisely's Islands in the Sand scenario here at Fed2k too and will try it out soon although I can see in it's readme it's not set in the Dune universe but is inspired by it. I have also discovered proof of the existence of three more Dune scenarios for Civ2 on a webarchive backup of an old Civ2 scenario site called the Zadanian League. Sadly the downloads are not backed up and all that remains is some basic info and some simple mini-map screenshots. Failed to find copies on any other Civ site either. If any dune gaming fans here have these scenarios please let me know so I can rescue them and make them publicly available to ensure they're not lost forever! Sands of Dune by James Dahl – dune.zip (293kb) https://web.archive.org/web/20030829213113/http://dsquared.fiwh.com/civ2/scenlist/d/d.php Dune - Pour L'epice! (For the spice!) by N.Chautru – dune.zip (246kb) https://web.archive.org/web/20030829213113/http://dsquared.fiwh.com/civ2/scenlist/d/d.php The Battle for Arrakis 1.0 by Isaac Ashdown – dune.zip (163kb) (not to be confused with David Emery's Battle for Arrakis above) https://web.archive.org/web/20030829213113/http://dsquared.fiwh.com/civ2/scenlist/d/d.php Finding these 20 year old Dune Civ2 scenarios is a long shot I know but I gotta try. Sooner or later someone with a copy will hopefully come along. .
Enjoyed watching that. I own all the Dune games and variants but did not know about the MMO that never got released!
I don't normally quote myself and I shouldn't laugh at my own jokes but.. hehehe Erm anyway.. it's just sooooooo good to hear this project is still alive, as the scarring and trauma of play testing it 4 years ago and seeing my own mother (Lady Jessica) perform a sexual act on me isn't quite burned into my brain enough yet, so I just can't wait to go through that again lol (sarcasm). Someone commented on one of my Dune 1 videos a year or 2 ago that they'd give anything for some sort of a Dune 1 remake.. so I sent him a link to this project, warned him that French people are weird and wished him luck... he didn't reply. 😂 Jokes aside a family friendly version of this with all characters remade would be good, as I was quite impressed with just how much of the actual original gameplay had been remade in-between all the rude stuff. However if the family friendly version is just the same game with the same extremely large breasted female character replacements but with sex acts deleted then umm yeah it's still not really gonna be family friendly.