hello, flyby is back with a beta mod all it has is my new unit the jackblade, check it out, its a cool unit.please add to dune editing.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
i'm sorry i added a new topic but i wanted everyone to get this message. WHO HAS DOWNLOADED MY MOD AND WHAT DID YOU THINK. there have been at least ten downloads yet no one has replied to me . tell me what you think of this begginers mod. be honest.
i Read it and loved it. i got it for 9.99 hardback. why doesnt a big movie corporation purchase dune and make a decent movie. it will become like lord of the rings, many people will buy the books. and everyone will be happy.
im sure youll disagree but im a younger reader and i believe the prequels were better than the original so i dont mind the flaws. but neway, wat are the flaws. i am not a super knowledgeable dune person but i do know a little. i do know the books are good if they get their own message board. since when was there a to kill a mockingbird message board.
i would like to thank whoever zipped this file and also would like to tell everyone it is located at http://www.dune2k.com/forum/?board=19;action=display; threadid=8784 Tell me wat u think!Thank u and happy editing.
so when are the ordos mentioned in this movie and how are they listed in the dune encyclo. if they were never mentioned in the books. the 2 books have different authors.
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