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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. well good strat of beating mino hoard but i put to guard ability of the mino always off cos of the slow load time i click on a group what i want to attack so they wont shoot by theirselfs.
  2. Sounds all good yes but i used just a lot of gunships to stop early attacks and finaly to destroy the palace quick and simple.
  3. And if u not putt them in a klump u lose less.
  4. Then u faced prob a n00b cos 2 snipershots kills a mortar and maybe if they are promoted 3 shots kills one.
  5. no, u must first have a fac before u can build house of ix.
  6. i take my chainsaw and slice that big worm. hmm now i got nice wormfood ;D.
  7. Well im interested for the clan ,i think im already good enough for the real endo ;D. Im online on emperor under the nick robdealer.
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