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  1. Edit: Nevermind. nothing important.
  2. Thanks for all your hard work on that one. : ) kudos to you
  3. Holy shit! Nice work, funkyfr3sh, eventhough I love downloading all your demo stuffs and keep it as a treasure (in kind of creepy way : ( ). One question, funky. does this campaign conflict multi-language? i'm curious.
  4. Edit: nm. Dumb post
  5. Nice feedback from them, dato. I'm sure my multi language is quite useful for them : D. keep it up a good work, dato.
  6. Wow. When I join this, I found it they are very friendly and help me a lot. Everyone is more welcome and play with us.
  7. Yes, I think it is.
  8. Here it is Dune 2000 Multi language.zip
  9. I think Dune RPG sounds awesome! but you can't turn Dune 2000 engine into a RPG game. Each game genre got their own engine. Let's have a look at Doom 3 and they use id Tech 4 to build a game, storyline and weapons but you can turn FPS into FPS/RPG like Strife. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strife_(video_game) Strife was the first FPS/RPG game enter into the market but the engine was uses Doom engine(id Tech 1). I don't know what kind of RPG game you want to create. Edit: you can't create RTS/RPG game because they are different genre imo. Sorry about that :(. Hope this helps.
  10. It's looks very nice. I like it. great job, guys :D
  11. That's cool but I already introduce myself in this forum. I noticed there is a bug because I can't link more than two youtube links and this is why I have to posted more so everybody can see it. :( Maybe you should create a forum called "Suggestions & feedbacks" so that will help you to make a better changing. I'm not here to be bossy but here to help to make this community better. :)
  12. Morphosis

    Funny stuff

    A couple of days ago, I found this is awesome youtube video. I'm sure someone will make similar video for dune 2000. That would be epic!
  13. Thanks for your fast reply! :D
  14. Hey, I'm looking for this kind of map. is anyone knows what is this map called? I can't find it! Thanks!
  15. ok, retronline_dune2000 is ok bt could be better. I have played with experience players before. I realize they are too quick for me :( but it would be better to play with my friend so i will practice hard untill i get better :D it was interesting experience which is i have never done in multiplaying before. Thanks for all your help, guys. cheers : D
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