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  1. I'd like to get a win against you harkdawg.....where do I sign up. Better put Rogue down for one also, he hasn't won in a long time =) Something tells me you (harkdawg) being ordos had something to do with that. I don't know much about your ordos and I'm assuming it's your worst house.......cause I know you are a damn good player with both atr and hark! Chances are is your atr or hark, you'll come out with the win I think.....against just about any player. I'll give credit where its due.
  2. FEW? Oh....now I get it ;D You mean the evil clan FEW :P
  3. undsputed

    Vice City

    Hehe...I know Scy...picked you at random :) We all know Flameweaver is the real perv (j/k with you too flame). I feel bad for TMA.....he didn't see this one coming when he posted that thread :)
  4. You should try Medal of Honor on XBOX......a very fun game. It is the first shooter I've ever bought but it is great. Looks like I'll have to stick to the XBOX for most future game :) Good thing I just got it. They will have Doom 3 on the X I believe. I'd like to see more strategy games though.
  5. I think those specs are steep, even for today's great computers. People don't simply buy a new computer (usually :) just because it is now a whole gig faster. Oper, I think you'll make it with a 933 mhz comp. =) Most likely.....it's probably okay to be a little short of the specs. I don't think I'll make it with the 450 mhz one =) Maybe they will downgrade the grpahics and delay the release another year.....but then Taq would be pissed.
  6. As much as I'd like to get the game, I think WestWood forgot about me =) I have a P3 450mhz computer with about 200 mb of ram and a 32 mb savage video card. My computer is 3.5 years old though =) I can play emp and war3 just fine but it looks like I'm out of this game. I guess I would have to upgrade the processor and possibly the video card if I wanted to play it. Does anyone have $2000 laying around? But if I can land a good job soon for after I grad., then they often give laptops anyway =)
  7. ahh the flme strategy......very hard to beat..if you try to only use infantry against him =)
  8. undsputed

    Vice City

    What are you people talking about =) Did I step into the Playboy forum Scytale, do they have a playboy forum... =)
  9. I'm on a 56k and I've played games that are just fine.....and I used to play QM's a little more than I do now. I am pretty sure there are times when general internet traffic can slow the game up....it makes sense anyway, heavier traffic should mean slower game. I'll leave the explanations to Nyar though =)
  10. Yea, I agree Doom, Emprworm and Sardcore were/are a great team. I'd take them over gunwounds/drnkmasta's 5k laser fest anytime....
  11. Well, the US won't be alone on this one though.....both South Korea and Japan will likely join in on whatever is done, and very likely Russia also. And do you think China wants to see major U.S. military action that close to home =) They won't be too comfortable with that...not just because its fighting but because it's the U.S. army.
  12. Haha...don't worry, if he called France a major power, then just about everyone is a major power. The only thing the French have is a security council vote.... Shoudl they? Well, I won't talk about that. So, yes, then the UK should be included also =)
  13. undsputed

    Vice City

    Maybe you can have her dress like Frodo to turn you on =) haha....I'm just playin with you Scytale.
  14. Nyar, your thinking of the country of Chechneya (my spelling is likely off =) from the former Soviet Union. North Korea doesn't play around huh? They have been making bold statements over the last couple months, and I don't think that the US or any of it's allies will easily submit. I think Germany is even joining in support this time, even though they have been difficult in supporting us over the Iraq problem. The battle in Iraq will probably be underway before March regardless of what happens. I say good, remove him from power before it is too late. Currently, there are US forces, rebel forces, and a high likelihood of some of their own military defecting or at least running. But if they are to do that, the Iraqi's want to be sure Sadam will be gone. If he is left in power, he will punish any who came out against him, as well as their families. When they see that the U.S. is serious, I think they will step up.
  15. I need a number three on my list.....let's see. I could put Nyar down twice....hehe. I'll have to think about this one. You two clearly stood out from the rest =)
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