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Everything posted by An4rKi

  1. An4rKi

    Hidden units

    cheatin in this game aint fun bujt i basicalli tiknk wat makes the wurm so controllable is the WAV factor of a unit [Worm Attraction Value] the higher it is the more the wurm itself will WANT 2 go... ;D (theori dough)
  2. well... u cant hav everyting... :)
  3. feds suk a bit gainst buildinngs but they rule gainst almost ani unit | sarduakar r aso good but gainst inkvines may b a little bit slow... | leeches r used best for isolating harvesters n a full out attack gainst the *poor* - *poor* infected harvester... plus u get an extra unit 2! ;D
  4. aniway... sarduakar [like laser tnks] kill inf SSLLLLLLoooowwwwww... feds rool but the best is NIAB tnks cloaked.... sneak attacks incomin... basicalli warp 2 the outskirts of base, cloak while gettin out of freeze stage n attak with ferocity! WOAH! :O
  5. laser tnk gainst laser tnk... best one on one.... total WIPEOUT! ;D
  6. An4rKi

    Worm Riding?

    deviate wrms... hmm... but actualli wurms are hard 2 ctrl wen it suddenli changes directions but basicalli wurms go after the 'wurm attraction value' [eg. devastator wav: 10 | maker wav: -20] bottom line: devastator bye bye! hehe ;D
  7. happie side effect? ;D
  8. Ginaz Swordmasters! sumting like fremen n sarduakar... swordmasters gainst infantry... elite ones gainst tanks n aircraft... ;D
  9. contaminators suk [unless in HUGE proportions or gainst scouts...] leeches best in isolating harvesters... feds ROOL! cept 4 the fact dat dey get sliced up or squished pretty fast... ;D but deir hit/run/cloak/hide uses r the best + wurm ridin... ;D
  10. i tink the fremen use those beasts 4 food... must also hav been intro by Kynes or sumone else... aniwae we also must remember that the game does not follow the book exactly... ^_^ ;D ;D
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