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Everything posted by Winsett_Z

  1. You can't. Just like you can't get scouts promoted...harvesters should be promoted based on their "driving skills". Atreides=use kindjals on infantry rock for early rushes. If the enemy is stupid, they will rush with units that do not have a range greater then the kindjals. Kindjal/sniper teams on infantry rock are vastly superior to most anything BEFORE they start upgrading buildings...then the kindjal/sniper teams are obsolete and should be put elsewhere before the mortars/kobras/missile tanks/inkvines tear them apart.
  2. The rules.ini has plans for a Harkonnen Repair Pad. They must have had good reason to axe it though.
  3. Decrease the veterancy score levels, increase the score levels of enemy units. Remember to backup your rules.ini before you screw with it.
  4. In Sci Fi channels Dune movie they make spice mass explosions look like...well...big explosions.
  5. Sardaukar troopers use the Heavy MG, the same weapon as the atreides machine gun turret. In the Ordos campaign level where you are faced with capturing an enemy agent (and eliminating traitors to the Ordos cause) I massacred an entire batch of defectors with two sardaukar and one elite. I think it was a mix of bios and AAs. Sardaukar rule. But against Ordos mortarmen, they are mincemeat. The mortar is mysteriously powerful against infantry and armor alike. sardaukar are too slow to scatter or evade the damage. And if they get to close range, mortar can oddly shoot directly above his own head and kill the enemy...pretty unrealistic. Fremen used to be my fav. They still are. Worms should only be used when you have nobody else in the immediate area, just one fedaykin and a enemy rush to reduce casualties. On open ground, the worm is evil. You have to click dozens of times in one area before it travels properly. Moral of the story: Fremen rule. Sardaukar rule. They own if used together.
  6. Harky level three Devs are morbid on attack or defense. Just don't send them across the sand. They have a sorry traveling speed. Sonics, Mongoose and Mino is death. Mino for slower targets at longer ranges, Mongoose for closer ranges, sonic for infantry and those Devastators that just won't die from cannon bombardment.
  7. I have not visted the Ordos homeworld. Harkonnen one is semi-miserable, as gunships rush and try to take out the CY, then the barracks, wep factory etc. I built air drones and sardaukar elites, plus rocket turrets. Right now I'm using large minotaur/mongoose/sonic tank/repair vech forces and moving through them, blasting them apart /real/ slow...I have 4 level three minos....good stuff.
  8. Sardukar have same wep as the Atreides MG turret. While they can bring the hurt on, their armor isn't too great, and at range Ordos Mortarman can make mincemeat out of them. Fremen are the best. Fast moving snipers/anti LAV units. Fremen warrior can decloak, snipe enemy, recloak and flee much faster then a Atreides sniper can take out a target. Fremen can move after shooting quite fast, but snipers have a delay. Fremen are also cloaked, and use the same weapon as snipers. Fedakyin have a smaller version of the sonic tanks gun. I am not sure if it does damage allies. Yet. I have not seen anything die from my own Weirding Module. Fedaykin can also call sandworms, ride around and destroy tank rushes while they are in transit across sand. That is why Fremen rule...Fedaykin ruling the most.
  9. Why walls? Have one layer of kindjals and mongooses, add a few snipers. Behind that add the minotaurus. It should work...and if you didn't really care, add some sonic tanks to the front. Those things are overrused because they kill friendlies, but they are useful. Space out the units, because Death Hands and other area affect weapons will kill you if you group too tightly together.
  10. I want a counter to those damn mortars...it seems they always send mortars in packs of 8 with Kobras...and that Sardaukar always die in charges, and there are never enough Fedaykin to make a difference. Rushing slow powerful melee infantry units like Sardaukar is a big no-no. I think snipers outrange mortars, but it takes two shots to kill a mortarman..I don't know why though. I guess having many more snipers and mongoose will help. [Theory: Sonic Tanks might be useful, provided you provide repair vechs and enough objects to take the hits for them.] If you have Fremen snipers and Fedaykin, no need to worry about Ordos. Engage them in the desert, use Ordo-esque tactics (hit and run) and you'll be fine.
  11. Add Gates to the walls...who needs openings into a base anyways?
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