I rarely if ever actually post anything, but this one finally got to me... I keep reading all the grumbling and whining that these guys don't write as well as Frank Herbert did... That's right - they aren't Frank. There are greatly talented individuals that pass through the world from time to time. Frank Herbert was one. Yes, he started it all. He created and fleshed out a world and society that made everyone who encountered it go "Whoa!" But even Frank had his "ups and downs" in the series. The 4th & 5th books were to me a "little off" his normal level of excellence, but Chapterhouse got back to the "I can't turn the page fast enough to see what happens next" style that was what make the books through Children so special. I think the problem some folks fall into is the deification of the original author. Yes he was special. Yes he created a fantastic universe, but he is gone. The only way to get more of that universe is for SOMEONE to write about it. You can't just be a guardian of the grail and say so-and-so write dreck. I understand the need some feel to stand up and grumble. The "Inner Curmudgeon" in all of us wants to do that from time to time. However you have to weigh things in the proper perspective. There are "lesser talent and vision" issues vs "What were the idiots thinking?!?!" type issues in anything Dune related. I myself even thumped my chest at the rain scene in Lynch's Dune movie. You just have to step back and say "Hey, if someone doesn't do it, I will never have anything more Dune related to grumble about". If that were the case, I bet you that we'd be reading here "Why doesn't anyone ever write anything in the Dune universe? We are starving for it out here..." A lesser talent but actual writing is ok in my way of thinking. Dune isn't a religion, though to read some posts you would think it was ;D I'll torture the analogy a bit more... Having come through the Dark Ages after Frank's death, we are now in the Spanish Inquisition phase. I can hardly wait till we hit the Age of Enlightenment...