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  1. Yes, Carryalls should be repairable as well ;D Actually, they should be a bit tougher in general. It takes a little firepower to destroy a harvester, but carryalls drop like flies.
  2. You know, I don't think Westwood had anything to do with which houses were used in Dune. The original Dune2 wasn't made by Westwood, they just revamped and re-released it.
  3. Eh, I think as far as general unit balance Emperor is about as close as perfect as you can get with having 3 totally unique sets of units. If you were to give them mobile repair vehicles or self-healing THAT would probably be a bit unfair. If you think about it, given Emperor's pathfinding problems, a repair pad would likely end up being more trouble than its worth ;D
  4. Well, there IS a game that is very similar in style to Privateer. Its called Tachyon : the Fringe, put out by Novalogic, and it DOES have multiplayer. The game actually reminded me alot of WC. Unfortunately, eventho the multiplayer stuff is actually pretty well executed, there are some gameplay issues that serve to make it much less enjoyable. You could probably find the game pretty cheap, and even without the MP stuff its still a fun SP romp.
  5. 'ey, just throwing out ideas to discuss, man ;D
  6. Well, if you've not played Tiberian Sun, the "super" units all had a build limit of 1, and were quite expensive. They were very effective, even on their own, but still not near powerful enough to put a sizable dent in your average base. You can give units as long a reload time as you want to :O ... like the V2 rockets in RA2, take FOREVER to reload and they're just normal run of the mill artillery. also, they WOULD give a warning, because you'd SEE them moving into range to fire. I'm also not saying that a mobile death's hand would launch the same time of warhead as the current Super weapon.
  7. How would that be a balance problem? Repair bays are stationary, and require money to repair units. Both Ordos and Atredies can repair on the go and for free.
  8. I was just using them as refrence ;D The NIAB tank's space folding is pretty much identical to the Chrono Shift effect. Maybe you could have an "area of effect" type thing where you could group some units together and hit the general vacinity with a Space Fold effect and have them warp anywhere on the map? ;D For Ordos, maybe a cloaking field you could use in the same fashion that would give all effected units free cloaking. Or perhaps something like a Gap Generator (a tower you could place somwhere in your base that would cover a certain area with the "fog of war" shroud.) Something like that would fit well with the Ordos' "covert" persona. Having a mobile death's hand launcher, or perhaps even a mobile chaos lightning machine would be cool. I don't know about Atredies, maybe they could build a special airborn unit?
  9. This has happened to ALOT of companies unfortunately. They get bought up by larger companies, or lose all the people that MADE their "classics". PS - Wing Commander just rocked, period. I've only played up to 3, cuz now the latter few are kinda hard to find :( . Check out the books too! Even if you're not necessarilly a Wing Commander fan, they're great sci-fi space combat goodness.
  10. They pick them up alright, and proceed to plop them right back down about 5 feet away LOL ;D The repair system in Emperor is good, except for the Harkonen. Atredies have their mobile repair vehicle, Ordos self-regenerates, Harkonen should have a repair bay. It would be a definite plus and would fit well with the "Industrialized" image of the Harkonen. The Atredies Mobile Repair is perfect since their units are slower, so being able to bring the repair to them works perfect.
  11. Eventhough I'm a Harkonen fan, I think the Minotarus is probably my fav. of the 3, though they all are pretty well balanced against eachother. Mino's are slow, but work great for defense and fire support. Missle Tanks also are great support units, but once they fire they're total meat for any anti-armor unit unless you move them back. Kobra's are great, and make perfect support units, but having to deploy them for maximum effectivness is a bit of a pain. Like I said tho, they're all great, Mino's are just the most sekseh of the group ;D
  12. Well, there's a few problems with Spice harvesting as opposed to say, Ore or Tiberium harvesting. 1.) the Carry-alls are profoundly stupid, as we all know. 2.) its harder to provide adequate defence to harvesters because of sandworms, as well as the fact that Spice harvesters tend to move around alot more from patch to patch as opposed to C&C/RA Harvesters The fixed income maps are nice in that they allow you to focus totally on your attack/defend strategy, and not having to babysit Harvesters. -------- For Super Weapons, things like the Chaos Lightning are good, or a Chrono Shift type thing. Passive effects, not just a one-click deathdrop on your enemy's base. Perhaps just being able to build a certain powerful unit like the Mammoth mk2 or Cyborg Commando from C&C. That way it would be something your opponent can actually defend against. So instead of a Death's Hand missle, you could have a Death's Hand Missle Launcher or something (with much less powerful warheads of course)
  13. I remember the first time I played Dune (Dune 2000) and bought a carryall.. I was rather upset that they didn't actually carryALL, just the harvesters ;D it'd be nice if there were a "threat range" or something for the harvesters where if a hostile unit comes within said range the carryall would swoop in and pluck it up, and ideally take it to another spice field or something.
  14. Emperor's super weapons don't seem nearly as devastating as the ones in other C&C games but as it has been said already, being able to simply click an icon and attack with impunity kind of detracts from the game IMHO. Duking it out in a long, bloody war of attrition is much more fun ;D
  15. 8) Missles Tanks can't dust a Mino in one shot, but it will strip it down to about 10% health, at which point they're not much trouble to finish off. You know, the ol "1-2-Punch" technique ;D
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