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Everything posted by Szwagier

  1. Noone will upgarde that web
  2. I didnt see that topic The Combat Equation Every unit and building has a certain amount of hit points. These hit points represent how much damage they can take before the unit is killed, or the building is destroyed. When a unit attacks another unit or building, there is a simple equation that is used to determine the amount of damage that is taken. Before we get to this equation, there are a few points you have to understand about Warcraft 2, and it's inner-workings. Armor - Every unit and buiding in the game has an armor rating. This rating shows how much defense that particular unit has. Obviously, the higher this rating is, the better it is. All buildings (walls included) have a defense rating of 20. Basic Damage - Basic damage is the type of damage units do, that IS affected by the targets Armor rating. Piercing Damage - Piercing damage is the type of damage that IS NOT affected by the targets Armor rating. The Equation ((Basic Damage - Armor) + Piercing Damage) = Total Damage Now, take the total you get here and divide it by 2. If the division leaves you with a .5 decimal, round it up to the nearest 1. That value you have now is the minimum amount of damage your unit will inflict per attack. Warcraft 2 takes this minimum value, and multiplies it by a random number from 1-2. As you can see, an attack will take off any value between the minimum value, and 2 times the minimum value. That is why the maximum amount is 2 times the minimum. Confused yet? Here are some examples. Level 1 Footman / Level 1 Ogre Let's say a level 1 footman attacks a level 1 ogre. The footman has a basic damage of 6, a piercing damage of 3, and an armor rating of 2. An ogre has a basic damage of 8, a piercing damage of 4, and an armor rating of 4. Remember the equation now : ((Basic Damage - Armor) + Piercing Damage If the footman attacks the ogre: ((6 - 4) + 3 = 5. We take this value of 5 and divide it by 2. This gives us 2.5, which we then round up to 3 (always round up if you are left with a .5). This gives us the minimum amount of damage the footman will do against the ogre. A random number from 1-2 is multiplied to this value by the game, leaving us with a value between 3 and 6. Therefore, every attack a level 1 footman makes on a level 1 ogre will cause 3-6 points of damage. Now let's look at the ogre attacking the footman: ((8 - 2) + 4) = 10. Dividing this value by 2 gives us 5. That means that every attack on the footman will do between 5-10 points of damage. Level 5 Footman / Level 1 Ogre Now I will use the same units, but this time I will use a level 5 footman, against a level 1 ogre to demonstrate the importance of smith upgrades. Footman attacking the ogre: (10 - 4) + 3 = 9. Dividing 2 gives us a value of 4.5 which we round up to 5. Each attack will do between 5-10 damage. Ogre attacking the footman: (8 - 6) + 4 = 6 Dividing by 2 gives us a value of 3. Each attack will do between 3-6 damage. You can see how big of a difference upgrading you units makes. Remember that you can find all the unit and building statistics in the map editor. Bloodlust Mechanics Over the years, I've seen countless number of people who don't know the truth behind the inner-workings of bloodlust. Hopefully this page will clarify some of the misconceptions that are out there. 2x the Damage When you cast bloodlust on any unit in the game, it will double that units basic damage and their piercing damage. This makes it sound like the unit will be 4 times as strong now, but this isn't the case. Many people believe bloodlust makes a unit 3 times as strong. So what the heck does it really do? Note: Make sure you've read the page on Combat Equations before moving on here. Bloodlust Mechanics Over the years, I've seen countless number of people who don't know the truth behind the inner-workings of bloodlust. Hopefully this page will clarify some of the misconceptions that are out there. 2x the Damage When you cast bloodlust on any unit in the game, it will double that units basic damage and their piercing damage. This makes it sound like the unit will be 4 times as strong now, but this isn't the case. Many people believe bloodlust makes a unit 3 times as strong. So what the heck does it really do? Note: Make sure you've read the page on Combat Equations before moving on here. Bloodlust Equations The following is a bunch of equations demonstrating how much damage an ogre can dish out. Level 1 ogre attacks a level 5 knight: ((8 - 8 ) + 4 = 4. The ogre will do 2-4 damage per hit. Level 1 ogre with bloodlust attacks a level 5 knight: ((16 - 8 ) + 8 = 16. The ogre will do 8-16 damage per hit. That's 4.0 times as strong as the ogre without bloodlust! Don't be fooled. It's only 4 times as strong because the damage done with no bloodlust is so small. Level 5 ogre attacks a level 5 knight: ((12 -8 )+ 4 = 8. The ogre will do 4-8 damage per hit. Level 5 ogre with bloodlust attacks a level 5 knight: ((24 -8 ) + 8 = 24. The ogre will do 12-24 damage per hit. That's 3.0 times as strong as the ogre without bloodlust. The 2 previous examples demonstrate how important the weapon upgrades are to a unit with bloodlust. Because the basic damage gets doubled, each weapon upgrade becomes 2 times as strong when bloodlust is cast on that unit. A death knight attacks anything : ((0 - armor rating) + 9 = 9. The death knight will do 5-10 damage every attack to ANY unit or building. A death knight with bloodlust attacks anything : ((0 - armor rating) + 18 = 18. The death will do 9-18 damage every attack to ANY unit or building. This isn't even 2 times as much as the death knight without bloodlust. So... You can see how strange bloodlust actually is. There are so many factors that different units attacking different things, causes damages to be very strange. We've seen a unit with bloodlust that does 3.5 times the amount of damage, and a unit that doesn't even double it's attack power. Generally, it depends alot on the basic damage and the defenders armor rating. Any unit that only attacks with piercing damage (dragons, griffons, mages, death knights) will never do any better than doubling their attack power with bloodlust. While other situations will cause a unit to do 4 times as much damage. I can tell you that bloodlust will ALWAYS be within the range of 1.8 - 4.0 times as strong per attack. Why doesn't my Lusted Ogre take out 3x as many Knights? A lusted ogre would actually take out 3x as many knights if he could fight them individually. But think about it this way. If 3 knights attack a bloodlusted ogre, they are hitting 3x as much as the ogre can. That means the 3 knights are doing the same amount of damage as the ogre is, but they only have the 1 unit to kill. The ogre has to work his way through all 3 knights (270hp). The ogre might kill off 1 of the knights before he dies because his lusted attack is concentrated (whereas the 3 knights have will have to move an extra step or 2 to get into position), but the constant attack of 3 knights will easily take down one ogre before it is even close to killing all 3 knights. Remember Bloodlust doubles your basic and piercing damage ratings. This means that sword upgrades are more important to units that have bloodlust cast on them. Try to have both of your sword upgrades complete by the time you get lust. On the other side, the only thing that will cause lusted units to do less damage are your shield upgrades. Increasing your armor rating will bring down the total amount of damage bloodlust will do. Unit with no armor (archers for example) will always take 3.5 - 4.0 as much damage! Here you can read more about warcraft 2, its very old web https://occult.war2.ru/strategy.shtml.htm P.S on this Tastless video is my gameplay
  3. Yes i got gruntmods 1.6?, i copied and pasted your all missions (OAH works fine)
  4. I got error for Sardaukar "no map 53" also diffrent titlest are not working
  5. i think u can make if player will make construction yard will be lose, also you should add artiedes units near turret so player will see where he should go
  6. it works thanks ok played mission 6, ixian was inactive half game till i moved all hark army to his base and he went hostie, it should work diffrent? lol mission 8 after when u are in atriedes base, enemy got reinforcement between ordos and artedes base, and i spent 15 min to micro to win vs them XD i was sure i need make base in ordos base
  7. Ok, i have got still moded dune2000 so i got crash mission 6, in few sec after start
  8. finally new campaign !
  9. cm_blast I am allways checking this forum and waiting for your new campaign ofc if someelse do, i am playing it also
  10. Yes i stream old games like warcraft 2 dune2000 😜 yeah, to many versions u made and now i dont know which version of your campaign i got
  11. and full speed https://www.twitch.tv/videos/312940357 u can rewatch it 😜
  12. i need to ask in mission 8 i should be able to train engineers? or only troops? anyway i won it with only troops XD
  13. ok, after when i change to play in window mode 2 times dune2000 frozen, needed use alt+ctrl+del to shut down dune :< https://www.twitch.tv/videos/216329070 last 15 sec
  14. i dont know where to answer so i will make here, i was playing full screen windows mode 1366x768 and i got black line at right side https://www.twitch.tv/videos/215927851
  15. yeah its problem, they scout with troops, my troops attack them and all his army going to my base and just do nothing if they kill everything xd
  16. The hardest mission was 11, i played 2 times, 12 was fine i played harder version, i think emperor should attack more, cause he was passive or he attacked only blue
  17. its easy... i just played it on normal: DO NOT UPG FACTROY/YARD make fast as possible 2 ref + 2 har(so u got 4) then start produce combat tank then make wind,ref,wind,ref ( u got 6 har) and still make all the time combat dont use concrete(only winds need it, one per wind) after 4 ref make barrack and start make troopers make another 2 ref and if u need winds also make outpust, starport order carryall, if u need more harv also do it make light factory if u got bank u can make second heavy factroy/light factroy/startport since u DIDNT USE CONCRETE and its easy to destroy produce all the time combat tanks/quads/few raiders/troopers res order in starport start hunt their harv easy
  18. u need find where reinforcements came from and put a few unit in there.. it was easy ;o stop using concerete(only wind need it), why u even got high tech factory, u can order in starport and WHERE ARE TROOPS? since siege tanks are slow they own rest..
  19. very nice idea with tanks, now i need make first time light troopers and siege tanks, since best combo were(ordos player) quad+combat tank i like it
  20. so u should make bigger map :P, and u could easy counter it by new delivery for artredies if merc got to many delivers
  21. and it work after reinstall, nice camp, i think in mission 4 when i am sending moeny merc should also attack if they got too big army
  22. yes i was right i copied that file to folder, maybe if i reinstall again dune it will be work since i am not doing backup orginal dune
  23. hello its me again :] played 2 mission allready, there where few messages in spanish? lanugage. and we got error ^^ in few mission. SIDE.CPP "myversionofbulding didnt find a bulid side 0 at_high_tech_factory
  24. i got a question. is it possible make random reinforcements ? i mean random place and random units( f.e. u pick some units f.e. trike quad tropper a pc choose random 2 of them f.e trike+ quad, double trike, quad+trike etc)
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