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  1. Paul? LOL :D *smacks forhead* so many years............
  2. damn.....i wish i was as cool as you
  3. The water of life was a posion. People that drank it became real doped up like you would have been if you were to drink liquid LSD. It was only revered mothers or other uhhhh "blessed" people that could drink it and take knowlegde from it. Other from that its just a posion.
  4. The water of life was a posion. People that drank it became real doper up like you would have been if you were to drink liquid LSD. It was only revered mothers or other uhhhh "blessed" people that could drink it and take knowlegde from it. Other from that its just a posion.
  5. Dude i ment in the old movie :D That guy from twin peaks :D He looks so puny, i had always pictured Leto to be more of a muscular man. Yea Das Boot is great the best sub movie ever, Red october on 2nd place.
  6. Glosau Rabban : Uncle, our long range sensors have detected a group of planets, they are hailing us and calling themselves for "the empire", theres a guy with a black funny helmet that breaths really heavy that tells us to surrender our ship. Vladmir Harkonnen : Hmmmmm, do we have our
  7. i thought the shields were deacent enough, but that guy that played Leto had an awfull hair cut. ;D
  8. can i be mod can i be mod? Im good at moderating , i know the rules.......i break them all the time ;D
  9. "General Discussion of topics not found in the other boards, within the discretion of the moderators." I dont get it?
  10. I really really really really relly really hope so ;D
  11. I took some joy in wathing Dune many years ago even though i thought perhaps it was abit too ummmmm "70`s retro". I also thought that guy from Twin peaks was an awfull Leto. Vlad Harkonnen were pretty allright, but the guild navigators and the worms both shitty. Ive seen some "Dune" movies on dvd but by the looks of its/their cover (cant remember) it looks really B movie so i havent bothered to buy it. Does anyome know if there are plans to make a new Dune movie......perhaps a remake ? I was just figuring....a story like Dune deserves it.
  12. mmmmmm Dune Encyclopedia , nice idea though.
  13. hmmmm......not written by Herbert,does it count then? Is this "Ency" availble on download?
  14. wht ty :) since i got you here now let me ask you something. where the hell did the ordos came from? Are they just a product of Westwood? Why did they replace the Harkonnen Griffin with the zodiac in the games? And why did they switch colors? Atraides has black as uniform color and not blue. Maybe im missing something here?
  15. Hi......Im Vernius, named after the ol Duke Vernius of IX. I once slapped a friend of mine in the eye because we were arguing about dune was a crappy movie or not. (arguing over a few beers)
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