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  1. Waz up! I already don't play few years)) there now new generation of the Russian players, come and show them elite game)))
  2. haha yeah! cant start tunngle - error Externe Exception 80000003
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BMlMgYgrc8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73Ee_-0_G8 20-5 is showing you not ready for battle, keep training, keep watching best practice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2M13y8z1Vw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6Spi-0t32w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oheq6YyJt_s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcxeOJojxlA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM4AgLwzpD0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5z7m0uiemc
  4. continue to train, you are still too weak... maybe in months you will have a chance :D
  5. King, not tactfully post your chat here Russian hackers just wanted to transfer to you a secret before leaving game :D Anyway game died and this cheating are interesting to nobody :) free radar... free radar... main thing is micro and brains 8)
  6. yoooo!I + 10 players from Russia - we support your idea!
  7. Attention! The special version for network game - the minimum size 99,4 MB, one map for 8 players, new view for camera EmpFed2k: https://mega.co.nz/#!yB1nAJKb!bpfTDu1JTFwDiR8qF8qbiIE4YdGu00KK2onQqUJrux0 Tunngle room for players: https://www.tunngle.net/ru/download
  8. Yeah! :) Come play ppl! :D
  9. http://forum.dune2k.com/topic/14663-getting-online-guide-playing-online-how-to-get-most-patches-extra-info/
  10. If you about RA players - only Newlords and Miles.
  11. you should choose time because russians play game with 18 to 23 Moscow time http://time.yandex.ru/?ncrnd=4177
  12. Happy news! Emperor is died. Some people play in tunngle. We don't need a server.
  13. omg... u cant use u eyes?
  14. Centner vs Ckurat
  15. Centner vs Ckurat
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