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Everything posted by EchnaDarr

  1. If the Palace is shielded, why hasn't there been a Lunatic with a lasgun to sacrifice himself and become a martyr, by blowing up the harkonnen palace. He'd be dead, the Palace would be gone, as well as a large part of Arrakeen. But at least they would be rid of the harkonnens.
  2. There is no mouse aiming, only mouse-looking. Aiming goed automatically, when you center on a target. Some wise advise, try it, before you buy it.
  3. Holzman shield? Isn't there a possibility to fire a laser while you're not near? And the controls suck until you get used to them.
  4. Well, I'm new here, but i'll try to be the exception! ;)
  5. Controls suck initially but i got used to it. And indeed, malfunctions are solved after a reboot ;) I got the game the 5th of december, tried it, didn't like it, had some spare time this weekend so tried it again, and now, yikes, i'm FH Dune addicted.
  6. ;D However, that kind of tactic isn't a bad one. Most times i use such a kind of tactic. Creating a "fake" base, closer to the opponend than your main base works well too. A hvy const yrd and a couple of tanks and turrets with a refinery works very well too. Quite expensive when destroyed, but if you prevend that from happening, your main base can expand and made more secure. You can even build a large assault force to attack the oppenend when he's enroute to attack your fake base. Either he'll weaken himself on your main base, or he return to a shattered base, and is finished then.
  7. Foy those who are accustomed to the Quake-like controls (like myself) it takes some time to get used to. The major point is that controls can't be set, neither keyboard, nor mouse. It helps if you shut mouse-looking of, which limiteds your view. But looking ain't the same as directing in FH's Dune. The tutorial is a should-do, cause it trains in the use of these controls. BTW, i use WinXP, and i experienced some malfuntions. Currently i have no problems, but the question is for how long.
  8. Correct. For the statistics, Return to castle Wolfenstein would get a 4.5 and Emperor would be a 5
  9. Back to the Sex-part. The Mini-serie, on DVD, contains a fairly high level of sex. Many Paul-Chani scenes, but also "feyd combined with mistresses" scenes. Is there any information whether this use of Sex will continue in the Children miniseries?
  10. I have played it, and i can say the game is pretty cool. The controls take some time to get used to, but after that, the game goes smoothly. To bad one can't save a game while midway a mission. The Planetologists facility level took me some time, because i had no ammo left for my maula and lasgun, but finally i succeded. Anyway i'd give it a 4. Because of the inability to save.
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